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1.Should we celebrate foreign festivals?An increasing number of Chinese people, particularly the young, are more willing to celebrate Western festivals. Why are Western festivals popular in China?Guests are all cosplay-dressed in a Halloween party at Kempinski Hotel in Xiamen, Fujian province on Oct 31Cherish your own festivals. It would be a pity if the Chinese accepted these Western days first, because they have absolutely nothing to do with traditional Chinese culture. Second, they are a big con trick by the big stores to get more money out of you. If they can convince you to buy Christmas trees and presents, and Valentines Day gifts and Easter eggs and . then they will make a lot more money. Stick to your own festivals-they actually mean something to you- rather than slavishly following western customs for no good reason.I enjoy the happy atmosphere of both Chinese and Western festivals. As long as it is meaningful for me, I will celebrate it with my boyfriend, and my parents! I like Western festivals and often celebrate them without even knowing the origins of them. Why? Because what I really appreciate is just the happy atmosphere.2.Should parents pay for college tuition?Chinese parents will sacrifice almost everything they have for their childrens education. Most parents are willing to pay all of their college costs. So the question is, are parents obligated to pay college tuition for their kids to attend college?I was born in China to two highly-educated parents. When we came to America when I was 9, my parents told me that all they wanted me to do was do well in school and life. I was expected to get good grades and participate and excel in extra-curricular activities as well.They also made it clear to me that they did not want me to take out loans for college. They encouraged me to get part-time jobs for the sake of gaining experience, but they didnt want me to be stressed about finance. Not only did they want to pay for college, they also wanted to pay for law school. I am so grateful to them.In Chinese culture, parents are dedicated to their children for their entire lifetime. Duty doesnt end when a child becomes an adult. Its incomprehensible why parents would kick out a child after high school and throw them into a world without support.I believe that a parent does not owe the child a college education. My parents told me from a young age that I would have to pay for my own college, not because they couldnt, but because they wanted me to value my education and take it seriously. Im currently in my second semester of college, and Ive managed to stay debt free thus far, but I do take my schooling much more seriously then if my parents had just shelled out money whenever I needed it.Zhang Yejia, a model at the 11th Chinajoy, an expo for digital products, takes a selfie in Shanghai, July 27, 2013. Zhang, a student at Shanghai Maritime University, works part time as a show model.If you decide to have a child, it is your responsibility to take care of that child. They didnt ASK to be brought into the world. So the idea that a parent owes their child nothing isnt exactly true (you owe them food, shelter, love, etc). That being said, I think that if your child decides to do something (join a sports team, get a car, go to college) that is something that the parent DOES NOT owe the child. But then comes the question of whether or not you owe your kid a good life, which is virtually impossible these days without a college education. Maybe a parent just owes the child the knowledge and resources to make good decisions about paying for college or offering an alternative option?3. Does poverty draw family and friends closer?Some people claim poor people tend to know each other in more intimate ways than folks in high-income brackets, but some argue that in many cases poverty tears families apart. Does poverty draw family and friends closer to each other?It depends upon the people involved and their beliefs, society and customs. Wealth is desired in just about every culture on earth. As to it bringing happiness, thats debatable and again it depends on the people involved, there are no hard and fast rules or guidelines.I do not believe poverty draws family and friends closer to each other. I think anyone who assumes that is looking at a few cases of happy families that by chance are not as concerned with money as others around them. I think poverty is more likely to rip family and friends apart.4.Do reality TV shows do more good than harm?Reality TV shows have become hugely popular among Chinese audiences over the past few years. Some people think reality TV shows do more good than harm, but some dont buy this idea.Most of the reality shows play with feelings of the people invited and the viewers. Some are real, many are inspired or just played. I hate shows that play on emotions, especially ones that expose the participants emotions th
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