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On Chinas Current Obstacles in the Development Process of Green BuildingsWanghu Sun1,a 1School of Architecture, XianUniversity of Architecture and Technology, Xian, 710055, Chinaa 811725992qq.comKeywords: Green Building, Energy-Saving, High and New Technology, People Oriented. Abstract. This article proposes the major issues of our countrys current green building development, that is lacking the social basis, weak policy implementation, the dependence on high technology, complex system structure, shifting of the responsibility of resources crisis, or being unworthy of the name; high economic cost, lacking of market acceptance; ignoring the people-oriented, the lack of characteristic content. Only properly having solved these issues, can we eliminate obstacles to the development of green building.IntroductionGreen building is a building “in its entire life cycle of buildings, to maximize conservation of resources (energy, land, water and materials), protect the environment, reduce pollution, provide people with healthy, appropriate and efficient use of space, and in harmony with nature”1. From the perspective of global sustainable development, green building represents the development direction of the 21st century. Today, 50 years after the concept of green building was proposed, although there is experts appeal and governments initiative, it is still difficult to see it in reality, only some conceptual and exemplary green buildings or just a concept of commercial speculation came to birth. This is really a thought-provoking phenomenon. And I think there are problems as follows:Lacking the Social Basis and Weak Policy ImplementationIf the promotion of domestic green building being not good is due to the economic reason, then the green buildings in other advanced countries are also very few. It does not prevail widely as the modernism, post-modernism and the structuralism architecture in their times. This indicated that the green building obviously lacks the social identity. Whether in developed or developing countries, to develop green building should first solve the problem of awareness, enlarge the extent of ecological environment education and establish a set of new values and code of conducts on the basis of sustainable development. Empty Talking and Lack of Effective Action. Objectively speaking, green building is mostly talked in the academic papers. At present, a variety of journals, magazines and collection of essays are flooded with lots of articles on green building. Leaving alone the existence of many papers referring to each other, extracting, or even the possibility of plagiarism, studies which are really creative and feasible are also rare. This shows that even in academia there is also a lack of deep understanding of green building and theory which can be put into practice.If the Upper Beam is not Straight, the Lower Ones will Go Aslant. Solely from the perspective of the implementation of building energy efficiency, government offices and public buildings are the worst aspects of energy savings. Statistical data shows that the total area of large public buildings is less than 4% of the total area of urban construction, but their total energy consumption accounted for 22% of the total power consumption in cities and towns. The power consumption per unit area of large public buildings is around 70 300 degrees, 10 to 20 times of that of residential buildings. Changjiang Commercial Daily reported on June 14, 2008: “Hubei Province published the audit results of 20 government office buildings energy consumption, including the Provincial Department of Construction, Department of Communications, Development of Reform Commission. The average power consumption per square meter per year is 80 degrees, 3 to 4 times of residential buildings”, “The energy consumption of the office buildings of Hubei Provincial Communications Department, the Provincial Department of Agriculture, Trade and Industry Bureau and the Provincial Development and Reform Commission is the highest and is at 100 Degrees per Square Meters every year”. “But the average power consumption of the residences in Hubei province is about 20-30 degrees per square meter 2. Even more serious is that many government buildings waste and extravagant and the per capita floor area is very high. Thus the energy waste caused by these buildings is more horrifying. Examples like above are too numerous to mention. The Upper classes of society have the function of guidance and demonstration to the lower. If the upper classes do not treat the problem with proper attitude, how can they play the role of demonstration?Non-compliance with Regulations. Although governments are aware of the importance of sustainable development, many countries have issued policy guidance, and even mandatory codes and standards, but in view of various factors, the implementation of policies related is not in place totally.From the1980s, Chin
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