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/ -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C+; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-#define THISFIRMWARE ArduCopter V3.0.1/* * ArduCopter Version 3.0 * Creator: Jason Short * Lead Developer: Randy Mackay * Based on code and ideas from the Arducopter team: Pat Hickey, Jose Julio, Jani Hirvinen, Andrew Tridgell, Justin Beech, Adam Rivera, Jean-Louis Naudin, Roberto Navoni * Thanks to:Chris Anderson, Mike Smith, Jordi Munoz, Doug Weibel, James Goppert, Benjamin Pelletier, Robert Lefebvre, Marco Robustini * * This firmware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Special Thanks for Contributors (in alphabetical order by first name): * * Adam M Rivera:Auto Compass Declination * Amilcar Lucas:Camera mount library * Andrew Tridgell:General development, Mavlink Support * Angel Fernandez:Alpha testing * Doug Weibel:Libraries * Christof Schmid:Alpha testing * Dani Saez :V Octo Support * Gregory Fletcher:Camera mount orientation math * Guntars:Arming safety suggestion * HappyKillmore:Mavlink GCS * Hein Hollander :Octo Support * Igor van Airde :Control Law optimization * Leonard Hall :Flight Dynamics, Throttle, Loiter and Navigation Controllers * Jonathan Challinger :Inertial Navigation * Jean-Louis Naudin :Auto Landing * Max Levine:Tri Support, Graphics * Jack Dunkle:Alpha testing * James Goppert:Mavlink Support * Jani Hiriven:Testing feedback * John Arne Birkeland:PPM Encoder * Jose Julio:Stabilization Control laws * Marco Robustini:Lead tester * Michael Oborne:Mission Planner GCS * Mike Smith:Libraries, Coding support * Oliver:Piezo support * Olivier Adler :PPM Encoder * Robert Lefebvre:Heli Support & LEDs * Sandro Benigno :Camera support * * And much more so PLEASE PM me on DIYDRONES to add your contribution to the List * * Requires modified mrelax version of Arduino, which can be found here: * http:/code.google.com/p/ardupilot-mega/downloads/list * */ Header includes/#include #include #include / Common dependencies#include #include #include #include / AP_HAL#include #include #include #include #include #include / Application dependencies#include / MAVLink GCS definitions#include / ArduPilot GPS library#include / ArduPilot Mega Flash Memory Library#include / ArduPilot Mega Analog to Digital Converter Library#include #include #include / ArduPilot Mega Magnetometer Library#include / ArduPilot Mega Vector/Matrix math Library#include / Curve used to linearlise throttle pwm to thrust#include / ArduPilot Mega Inertial Sensor (accel & gyro) Library#include #include / PI library#include / PID library#include / RC Channel Library#include / AP Motors library#include / Range finder library#include / Optical Flow library#include / Filter library#include / APM FIFO Buffer#include / APM relay#include / Photo or video camera#include / Camera/Antenna mount#include / needed for AHRS build#include / ArduPilot Mega inertial navigation library#include / ArduCopter waypoint navigation library#include / ArduPilot Mega Declination Helper Library#include / Arducopter Fence library#include / memory limit checker#include / software in the loop support#include / main loop scheduler#include / RC input mapping library/ AP_HAL to Arduino compatibility layer#include compat.h/ Configuration#include defines.h#include config.h#include config_channels.h/ Local modules#include Parameters.h#include GCS.h/
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