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新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语 选修(模块)8-4.3,Language Points,Unit4 Pygmalion,重点词组,1. pass off.as.冒充 The girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassadors party. 那个女孩能够在三个月后由一位大使举办的舞会上冒充一位女公爵。 She pass herself off as an American. 她冒充是美国人。,1. pass off.as.冒充,He passed his secretary off as his wife. 他把秘书冒充他的妻子。 Has your toothache passed off yet? 你的牙疼还没消吗? He passed off the difficult question. 他回避了那个难问题。 The party passed off well. 舞会进展顺利。,归纳拓展,pass off :有“逐渐消失,过去;不加理会,回避, 掩饰; 进行(情况如何);把冒充为”之意。作“冒充”之意时, 后跟 as 由 pass 构成的短语有: pass through 通过 pass by 从旁边经过 pass out 昏倒,失去知觉 pass. on to . 把传递给,同义表达,1. The concert was successful. The concert _ well. 2. The headache passed off. The headache _.,passed off,disappeared gradually,单项填空 1. On entering another country, a tourist will have to pass _ the Customs. A. through B. by C. over D. for,2. There was a thick mist, at first, but it soon began to pass_. A. out B. down C. by D. off 3. I was sorry to learn that his mother had passed _. A. out B. away C. over D. on,2. in amazement惊讶地,Looking at the collected money in amazement. 吃惊地看着要来的钱。 The news struck me dumb with amazement. 这个消息使我目瞪口呆。,归纳拓展,in/with amazement “惊讶地”, 同义词为 in amazement, in surprise。in在此结构中表示“处于状态”。 amaze vt. sb./sth. amaze sb.; amazing adj.; amazement n. to ones amazement“使某人惊讶的是”。,特别提示,in amazement指“造成心理上的混乱或恐慌”; in astonishment 指“因为不可解释的事而吃惊”; in surprise指“由于突然或出于意外而吃惊”。,同义表达,1. The sad news amazed him very much. He was _ the news. 2. Amazingly, she killed her husband. _ that she killed her husband. _, she killed her husband.,much amazed at,It is amazing,To our/their amazement,单项填空 1. Most of the foreign businessmen are amazed _ the great results we have achieved during the period of transition from planned economy to market economy. A. with B. to C. at D. for,2. I heard that a burglar broke into my room last night _. I couldnt believe my ears. A. in silence B. in peace C. in amazement D. in excitement,3. in terms of 就来说, 从角度,Correct all these sentences in terms of grammar, spelling, etc. , so that she can use them properly. 从语法、拼读方面改正这些句子, 好让她使用恰当。,In terms of natural resources it is one of the poorest countries in Western Europe. 从自然资源来看, 它是西欧最穷的国家之一。 In terms of money were quite rich, but not in terms of happiness. 金钱, 我富有; 幸福, 我缺乏。,Teachers think in terms of problems. 老师从问题的角度考虑。 What have you done in terms of fixing the house? 就安置房子你做了什么?,归纳拓展,in terms of 其同义词为: with regard to, according to, in the light of, 在一般情况下可以通用。 come to terms 和解; come to terms with 甘心忍受; be on good/bad terms with 与关系很好(坏),同义表达,In the light of what you said, I shall act in different way. _ what you said, I shall act in a different way. _ what you said, I shall take action differently.,According to,With regard to,_ what you had told me, I shall act in a different way. 2. Please analyse it with terms of the principles discussed. Please analyse it _ the principles discussed.,In terms of,according to,单项填空 1. You should deliver the goods as the_ and conditions stipulated in the contract. A. terms B. items C. things D. words,2. The work is not very profitable_ terms of cash, but I am getting valuable experience from it. A. to B. for C. with D. in,4. in need of 需要,Itll be how to teach her grammar, not just pronunciation. Shes in need of both. 是怎样教她语法, 而不仅仅是发音。她两者都需要。,He was hurt, and in need of help. 他受伤了, 需要帮助。 He was not in need of money. 他不需要钱。 He said he was in great need of my assistance. 他说他极需要我的帮助。,归纳拓展,in need of 需要, 为介词短语, 后跟名词或代词。其同义词为in want of, in need穷困。如: Most of the people are in great need. 英语中类似结构有:in charge of 负责; in search of 搜寻; in hope of 希望; in honor of 纪念、尊重; in favor of 有利于; in spite of 尽管; in case of 以防万一; in place of 代替。,同义表达,1. The machine needed repairing. The machine is _ repair. 2. What you need is exercise and faith. You are _ exercise and faith. You are _ exercise and faith.,in need of,in need of,in want of,单项填空 1. You should deliver the goods as the_ and conditions stipulated in the contract. A. terms B. items C. things D. words,2. The work is not very profitable_ terms of cash, but I am getting valuable experience from it. A. to B. for C. with D. in,5. take away 带走, 取走,She is no use at all. Take her away. 她没什么用处。把她带走。 The child was taken away from school. 那孩子辍学了。 The bad news took away all her pleasure. 这条坏消息将她的快乐一扫而光。 If you take away three from seven, how much will you get? 7
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