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代词,考点一 人称代词 人称代词即指对人的称呼的词(你、我、他等),分为主格和宾格两种形式。,【巧学妙记】人称代词的主格和宾格 人称代词分两格,分为主格和宾格。 主格句中作主语,宾语用的是宾格。 句首、动前用主格,动后介后用宾格。,【温馨提示】 人称代词语序 单数人称代词并列作主语时用“二、三、一(you, he/she and I)”;复数人称代词并列作主语时用“一、二、三(we, you and they)”。例如: You, he and I are all good friends. 你、他和我都是好朋友。 We, you and they like the same sport. 我们、你们和他们都喜欢同一项运动。 注意:在承认错误、担当责任时,把说话人I放在首位。,【巧学妙记】人称代词的排列顺序 人称代词并列现,排列顺序记心间。 单数形式二、三、一,复数形式一、二、三。 若把错误责任担,第一人称最当先。,考点二 物主代词 物主代词即指事物的主人(我的,你的,他的),分为形容词性物主代词(名词前)和名词性物主代词(后无名词)。,【温馨提示】 形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词的区别:,【巧学妙记】形物代词能力差,自己不能来当家。 句子当中作定语,后面要把名词加。 名物代词能力强,自己独来又独往。 句子成分主表宾,后面名词不能跟。,考点三 反身代词 1. 反身代词的单复数形式 反身代词就是指某人自己,单数以-self结尾,复数以 -selves 结尾。第一、二人称反身代词由形容词性物主代词+self/selves构成,第三人称反身代词由宾格人称代词 + self/selves构成。,Tom enjoyed himself in the Water Park. 汤姆在水上公园玩得很开心。 “Ill teach myself. Im sure I can do it by myself. ” Linda said to herself. 琳达心里想:“我要自学,我确定我能独立做它。”,2. 反身代词的语法功能 (1)作宾语 当主语与宾语是同一人时,宾语要用反身代词,人称和数要与主语一致 We teach ourselves English. 我们自学英语。 (2)作同位语 用来加强语气,作主语的同位语时,有时为了使句子平衡而把同位语放在句子末尾 I can do it myself. 我自己能做它。,(3)作表语 常与系动词be,look, feel,seem连用,表示或描述一种感觉、情绪或状态 I dont feel myself today. 我今天感到不舒服。,【巧学妙记】反身代词表自身,“宾、表、同位”三成分。 动、介词后作宾语,表示动作回自身。 表示强调同位语,强调动作“亲自”任。 系动词后作表语,各种用法记心中。,考点四 不定代词 不明确指代某个(些)人、某个(些)事物的代词叫不定代词。,不定代词的特殊用法 (1)当形容词或else修饰不定代词时,不定代词总是位于修饰词的前面。例如: There is nothing new in his speech. 在他的演讲中没有新内容。 Did she tell you anything else? 她告诉你别的事情了吗?,(2)当句子的主语是指人的复合不定代词时,其反意疑问句的主语通常用代词they 来代替;当句子的主语是指物的复合不定代词时,其反意疑问句的主语通常用代词it来代替。例如: Everyone is here, arent they? 大家都在这儿,难道不是吗? Everything begins to grow in spring, doesnt it? 春天万物开始生长,不是吗?,常见不定代词的用法 1. some/any的用法比较 Would you like some coffee? 你要来点咖啡吗? You can ask me any question. 你可以问我任何一个问题。,2. few,a few和little,a little的用法比较 The problem is too difficult, few students can work it out. 这道题太难了,没几个学生能做出来。 She says little but does much. 她说得少,做得多。,3. each/either/both/all/neither/none,All of the boys in our class like Yao Ming. 我们班所有的男生都喜欢姚明。 None can speak Japanese in our class. 我们班里无一人会说日语。,4. other/others/the other/the others/another,There are many foreigners here. Some are Americans, the others are Australians. 这里有许多外国人,一些是美国人,其余的全是澳大利亚人。 I have two photos. One is black and white, the other is colourful. 我这里有两张照片。一张是黑白的,另一张是彩色的。 I dont like this one. Have you got any others? 我不喜欢这个,你还有别的吗? I dont like the pen. Please show me another one. 我不喜欢这支钢笔。请给我看另一支。,5. one/it的用法比较 Joe has a pet dog. Its very lovely. I want to have one like it, too. 乔有只宠物狗,它很可爱。我也想拥有一只像它一样的(小狗)。,【温馨提示】 it的其他用法,考点五 指示代词、疑问代词 1. 指示代词,【温馨提示】 (1)打电话时用this介绍自己,用that询问对方。例如: This is Sally speaking. Is that Linda? 我是萨莉。你是琳达吗? (2)that 常用于比较结构中,代替前面提到的单数名词或不可数名词;若前面提到的是复数名词,则用those代替。例如:,The weather in Guangzhou is much warmer than that in Beijing in winter. 冬天广州的天气比北京的暖和得多。 The apples on this tree are bigger than those on that one. 这棵树上的苹果比那棵树上的大。,2. 疑问代词 常见疑问代词及其用法,. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. (2011盐城中考)Simon and Linda didnt tell us the news. They wanted to keep the secret to _ (they). 2. (2011南京中考)The story _ (it) is interesting, but its a little difficult for children. 答案:1. themselves 2. itself,3. (2011贵阳中考)Our teachers encourage us to join the volunteer project to help _ (other). 4. (2011肇庆中考) Their teachers are as friendly to students as _ (we). 5. (2011上海中考)Dont worry about your son. He is old enough to be independent and live by _ (he). 答案:3. others 4. ours 5. himself,. 单项选择 1. (2012荆州中考) Is your father or mother a teacher? _. My father is a doctor and my mother is an office worker. A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. None 【解析】选C。由答语可知其爸爸和妈妈都不是教师,两者都不,应用neither, 故选C。,2. (2012遵义中考) Which of the two T-shirts will you take? Ill take _. One is for my brother and the other is for myself. A. either B. both C. all 【解析】选B。由答语“一个给我弟弟,另一个给我自己。”可知将买这两件T恤衫。故用both。,3. (2012铜仁中考)Where is my pen? Oh, sorry, I have taken _ by mistake. A. yours B. mine C. hers D. his 【解析】选A。由上一句可知答语应为:哦,对不起,我错误地拿走了你的。yours在此作宾语,故选A。,4. (2012六盘水中考)Jack, who helped _ make the model ship? Nobody! I made it all by _. A. your; my B. your, mine C. you; myself D. you; mine 【解析】选C。help后跟人称代词宾格作宾语;by oneself意为“某人自己”,故选C。,5. (2011江西中考)Where did you go for your winter vacation? My family went to Paris. _ had a great time. A. He B. She C. We D. They 【解析】选C。考查人称代词的用法。句意:寒假你们去哪里了?我们一家去了巴黎。我们玩得很开心。my family应该用we代替。故选C。,6. (2011成都中考)Theres _ wrong with the camera. Look! It works well. A. something B. nothing C. everything 【解析】选B。考查不定代词的用法。由“它运行得非常好。”可知这架相机没有问题。,7. (2011齐齐哈尔中考)Welcome to my new house, Ann and John! Help _ to some fruit. A. myself B. yourself C. yourselves 【解析】选C。考查反身代词的用法。由于称呼的对象是两者(Ann and John), 因此用yourselves。故选C。,8. (2011济宁中考)Is this your key, Jenny? No. _ is in my handbag. A. His
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