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English for doctors:Authentic consulting room activities for doctors, dentists, students and nurses FromDXY.CN 1 1 1 1 1 PASTPASTPASTPAST MEDICALMEDICALMEDICALMEDICAL HISTORYHISTORYHISTORYHISTORY i d like to ask you about your past medical history.can you me whether you have had any childhood diseases?for example chickenpox ,measles,mumps or rubella when i was small ,i had measles,chickenpox and whooping cough .but i dont think i ever had rubella have you ever been in hospitalized for anything?or have you ever had an operation well,i had my tonsils taken out when i was a child have you had any major health problems since then yes,i have diabetes when were you first diagnosed with diabetes?what were your simptoms i was diagnosed when i turned 14.i was always thirsty ,tired and depreassed are you receiving any treatment for this i have been getting insulin shots ever sinth have you had your vaccinations yes good did your referring physician give you a letter for me yes ,here it is 2 2 2 2 FAMILYFAMILYFAMILYFAMILY HISTORYHISTORYHISTORYHISTORY as far as you know,are there any illnesses that run in your family? none that i know of, doctor nothing like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease ,stroke,cancer,mental illness or anything like that? oh i see! my father had a heart condition, and i have two my aunts who have diabetes and is your father still alive no, he isnt how old was your father when he died he was 68 what did he die off he had a heart attack did he suffer for a long time with this heard cindition before he died oh no, it was very sudden and your aunts? do you know what kind of diabetes they have? do they have to take insulin or tablets or are they just on a diet they just take some pills, i think you are married, i see,have you any children yes, a boy and a girl are they healthy yes, they are 3 3 3 3 SOCIALSOCIALSOCIALSOCIAL HISTORYHISTORYHISTORYHISTORY are you working right now no , i have just been laid off oh , i am sorry .what was your job i was a manager for an import and export company i see . was it an office job or were you on your feet all day i worked behind a desk was it managerial,did you have a lot of responsibility yes ,i was in charge of a large department i see,quite stressful.now,tell me ,do you smoke yes,i do. unfortunately, quite a lot oh ,really? how much all about 2 packs a day how long have you been smoking since i was about fourteen have you ever try to quit smoking yes , i have tried several times .but without success what about driking?do you drink yes ,sometimes with my friends how much alcohol do you drink a day let see.a couple of glasses of beer at lunch time.a wisky in the evening.and about half a bottle of wine with my dinner thats quite a bit.how old were you when you start drinking oh,about 17 ir 18, i suppose what about your living conditions? where do you live we living in a small apartment.we own it .but of course we are still paying the morgage on it 4 4 4 4 PRESENTPRESENTPRESENTPRESENT COMPLAINTSCOMPLAINTSCOMPLAINTSCOMPLAINTS 4 present complaints 1-4-1 whats the problem today can you tell me what your symptoms are have hou ever had these complains before whats seems to bring this condition on 2 when did you start feeling poorly 1-4-dialogue a (1-4-dialogue b ) what seems to be the problem at the moment(today) well,i have been feeling so poorly recently(ill lately) i see . feeling poorly(ill).(now)what do you mean by that i have been getting very short of breath hm.how long has this been going on for about 18 months ,i think and were there any other symptoms before then or did it(this condition) start quite suddenly i hadnt notice anything before then so you havent (didnt have any of)experence this symptom before no , not that i can remember , doctor i see.was there anything that seems to cause this(have caused these symptoms) well,nothing(no,not) really.except maybe it gets really bad when i go up to london(new york) to see my sisiter lets take a look(to begin with).ill listen to your heart and lungs to begin with 1-4-5 a .what can i do for you today how can i help you mr. jones b .what do you mean by that can you describe that in more detail c .what are your symptoms can you describe the changes that have occurred d .did it start suddenly did your condition change without any warning e .what brings it on what do you think causes your condition 5 5 5 5 PAINPAINPAINPAIN 5 pain 1-5-1 head do you have a splitting headache/throbbing/band-like/dull/aching/burning/sh arp/stabbing/colicky/migraine/blinding/stress- induced/tension tooth do you have a sharp toothache is your toothache dull/throbbing/stabbing/pulsating is your tooth sensitive/aching/tender lower back is the pain in your back slow in onsetlong in duration/dull/diffused/aching/steady/constant/severe/ progressing poorly/localised/crushing/deep/mild chest is the pain in your chest burning do you have a constricting pain in your chest bursting/choking/squeezing/griping/pressing/cruschin g/st
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