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Unit 1 My classroom,Lesson 1,唱歌谣,复习单词,看图回答,新词学习,听听做做,小 结,听音找词,听力练习,国外的教室,Lets sing,唱一唱,说一说,你有哪些文具,eraser,pen,pencil,crayon,ruler,Whats in the classroom?,Lets do,Put up the picture. Clean the blackboard,light door window picture classroom blackboard ruler pencil eraser crayon pen,听音找词,Hello! Im Zoom. Welcome to my classroom. In my classroom you can see_ , _ ,_ , _ , _ , _ and _ .,Listen and write,a,two,six,ten,twenty,four,eight,小,句型: Whats in the classroom? One blackboard, one TV, many desks and chairs . 单词: window door picture board light,结,看一看外国学校的教室,说一说国外的教室里有些什么? 和我们的教室有哪些不同?,Homework: 1.Copy the four-skill words: window door picture board light five times. 2.Tell your friends about your classroom.,Lesson 2,Unit 1 My classroom,说一说,介绍人物,情景学习,对话练习,说歌谣,小结,找朋友,听力练习,礼貌用语,猜一猜,点击看答案,Six.,Yes, it is.,Its near the door.,Lets talk,Who are they?,classmate,Lets talk,练对话,Lets chant,找朋友,猜一猜,Do you have ?,听声音,标序号,1,2,3,4,句型: We have a new classroom. We have 6 new lights. Lets go and have a look. Its near the door. 单词: our near,小,结,礼貌语,Unit 1 My classroom,Lesson 3,唱一唱,比较字母,认读单词,写一写,小结,找一找,练一练,苹果趣话,配对子,ABC song,说出相同字母,字母Aa,Bb,Cc,Dd,Ee,字母Bb,Aa,Cc,Dd,Ee,字母Cc,Bb,Dd,Ee,Aa,字母Dd,Aa,Cc,Ee,Bb,字母Ee,Cc,Dd,Aa,Bb,c,e,a,d,b,Write and say,找一找,配对子,A,B,C,D,E,a,b,c,d,e,Listen, write and match,c,d,b,e,a,_pple,_gg,_ook,_at,_oor,Aa ant apple hand Bb beef boy ball Cc cat cake car Dd doctor duck desk Ee elephant egg bed,小,结,Apple,You are wrong again. Well, you are an apple head.,Mary is the apple of her mothers eyes.,I like to play apple.,He is a bad apple.,你又错了。唉,你真是个笨蛋。,玛丽是她妈妈的掌上明珠。,我喜欢打棒球。,他是个坏蛋。,Lesson 4,Unit 1 My classroom,颜色游戏,看图回答,新词学习,Bingo游戏,小结,读词指物,听力练习,计算机英语,新设计,看故事,说一说,你看到哪些颜色,说一说,图中有什么?,Lets learn,Bingo游戏,读词指物,wall,floor,teachers desk,computer,fan,desk,board,door,window,教室新设计,Listen, match and colour the flowers,答案,Listen, match and colour the flowers,Listen again and tick or cross,My classroom is small. ( ) The teachers desk is orange. ( ) The picture is on the small. ( ) We have a computer in our classroom. ( ),Story time,句型: This is my classroom. The wall is white. The floor is green. 单词: computer teachers desk fan wall floor,小,结,计算机英语,laptop 笔记本电脑 display 显示器,hard disk 硬盘 Keyboard 键盘,mouse鼠标,Lesson 5,Unit 1 My classroom,说标题,说名字,读一读,情境学习,猜一猜,小结,最佳拍档,听力练习,让我来做,练一练,看书,说一说标题,看图说名字,This is .,读一读,clean the window,clean the classroom,clean the desks and chairs,clean the board,Lets talk,Who says?,Lets clean the classroom. Lets clean the desks and chairs. Let me clean the window. Let me clean the board.,Zhang Peng Wu yifan Chen jie Mike,Lets talk,猜一猜,Clean the window!,Yes!,图片,最 佳 拍 档,Sweep the floor!,Listen and choose,Lets check, Lets clean the classroom. Lets clean the desks and chairs. Let me clean the window. Let me clean the board. Good idea. All right. Its nice. Its nice and clean. Good job!,小,结,让我来做,在西方国家,父母认为叫孩子帮忙做家务是理所当然的,再怎么用功的小孩也得抽出时间,乖乖地帮爸爸妈妈收拾东西、叠衣服或是打扫房间,即使很富裕的家庭也不例外。 同学们,对比一下国外的孩子,你觉得自己做得怎么样呢?如果你做得不够好的话,没关系,就让我们从现在开始,主动和妈妈说一声:“妈妈,让我来做吧!”,Lesson 6,Unit 1 My classroom,唱一唱,说一说,学一学,写写画画,小结,Bingo游戏,听音连线,涂教室,复习字母,找字母,Lets sing,复习字母,E,c,A,b,e,B,D,C,a,d,说一说每列单词中的相同首字母,单击字母看动画,Ff,Gg,Hh,Ii,Read and write,Write and draw,i,f,g,h,字母Bingo,找字母,Big letters_ Small letters_,A B C D E G H,a d e f g,听声音,连线,Color your classroom,Ff fish French fries farmer Gg girl goose good Hh hot dog hamburger hat Ii ice-cream ice water idea,小,结,
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