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Unit 8 The Immune System,2,Word Formation,macro- 巨大,( macrophage ),proto- 原始,第一, 初,( protozoa ),-gen 原, 发生物,( antigen ),nitro- 硝基,( nitrogen, nitrogenous, nitric ),cerebr/o- 脑,( cerebral, cerebritis),a-/an- 无, 缺,非,( asexual, anuria ),iso- 均等; 同种, 同族,( isotype, isotope ),3,pro- 原, 前,immun/o- 免疫,( immunopathology, immunity),( pro-inflammatory, prodrome ),inter- 间, 中间,( interleukin, interneuron ),-osis 病态,( necrosis ),-cyte 细胞,( cytokine ),4,Group Discussion,1.What do you know about malaria ? 2. Do you know World Malaria Day ? 3. Can you say something about: immune system / immune response/ immunity / immunization ?,5,Malaria 疟疾 -paludism, tropical disease caused by a parasite Plasmodium(疟原虫) which enters the body after a bite from the female anopheles(按蚊属) mosquito. Malaria is a recurrent disease which produces regular periods of shivering, vomiting, sweating and headaches as the parasites develop in the body; the patient also develops anaemia(贫血).,6,Anopheles albimanus mosquito feeding on a human arm. This mosquito is a vector(媒介) of malaria and mosquito control is a very effective way of reducing the incidence of malaria.,7,Areas of the world where malaria is endemic in the 21st Century (coloured blue).,8,World Malaria Day a day to make the world care,25 April is a day of unified commemoration of the global effort to provide effective control of malaria around the world. World Malaria Day is not a day for gloom and fear. It is a day of determination and optimism as the global community now has enough evidence that this fight can be won if partners collaborate efficiently on community, local, national, regional and international levels.,9,Immune system -the organs responsible for immunity. The primary lymphoid organs are the thymus and the bone marrow; the secondary lymphoid organs are the lymph nodes and lymphoid aggregates(聚集 物)(spleen, tonsils, gastrointestinal lymph tissue, and Peyers patches).,10,The immune system is the bodys defense against externally generated diseases, such as bacterial and viral infections, as well as internally generated diseases, such as cancer. It consists of a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs and has a sensitive process of checks and balances that together generate an appropriate immune response that is prompt, accurate, effective and self-limiting. It has many different types of cells acting together to attack unwanted infections and altered cells.,11,12,Organs of the Immune System,13,Organs of the Immune System,14,15,16,17,The lymph node contains numerous specialized structures. T cells concentrate in the paracortex, B cells in and around the germinal centers, and plasma cells in the medulla. Immune cells and foreign particles enter the lymph nodes via incoming lymphatic vessels or the lymph nodes tiny blood vessels.,Lymph Node and Lymphatic Vessel,18,Immune response 免疫应答 -the response of the immune system to antigens. There are two types of immune response produced by two populations of lymphocytes. B-lymphocytes are responsible for humoral immunity(体液免疫), producing free antibodies that circulate in the bloodstream; and T-lymphocytes are responsible for cell-mediated immunity(细胞免疫).,19,Immunity 免疫性 -the bodys ability to resist infection, afforded by the presence of circulating antibodies and white blood cells. Antibodies are manufactured specifically to deal with the antigens associated with different diseases as they are encountered.,20,Immunization 免疫 -the production of immunity by artificial means. Passive immunity, which is temporary, may be conferred by the injection of an antiserum, but the production of active immunity calls for the use of treated antigens(处理过的抗原), to stimulate the body to produce its own antibodies: this is the procedure of vaccination (also called inoculation).,21,23,About the author,Eleanor Riley graduated from Bristol University with degrees in Cellular Pathology and Veterinary Science. After an internship in Veterinary Pathology at Cornell University (USA). She studied for a PhD in immunology and parasitology in the Department of Veterinary Pathology at the University of Liverpool.,24,She began working on the immunology of malaria in 1985, as a member of the senior scientific staff at the Medical Research Council Laboratories in Gambia, West Africa. Eleanor moved to the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in October 1998 where she is Professor of Infectious Disease and Immunology and Head of the Immunology Unit.,25,Understanding the Text,Para. 1 Question: What are the advantages and disadvantages of the immune system ? Para. 2 endemic/epidemic / pandemic,26,epidemic-adj./ n. (infectious disease) which spreads quickly through a large part of the population 流行的;流行病 e.g. 1) The disease rapidly reached epidemic proportions. 疾病迅速达到流行程度。 2) The health authorities are taking steps to prevent an epidemic of cholera (a cholera epidemic). 卫生部门正采取措施预防霍乱的流行。,27,endemic-adj. (any disease) which is ve
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