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Recycle2,Lets read,I Can Help,I can set the table. I can sweep the floor. I can wash my clothes and count to forty-four. I can wash dishes and clean my bedroom. There is so much I can do. Now I ask you.,Lets sing,sweep the floor wash the clothes cook the meals set the table clean the bedroom make the bed water the flowers do the dishes empty the trash put away the clothes,What can he/she do at home He/She can ,clean the bedroom,empty the trash,water the flowers,make the bed,wash the clothes,sing and dance,play the violin,cook the meals,sweep the floor,What can Sarah do ?,She can .,Guess!,Sorry,I cant.,Sorry,I cant.,Sorry,I cant.,Is Monkey helpful at home?,No,he isnt.,1.Mother monkey is at home.( ) 2.The little monkey can cook the meals.( ) 3.The little monkey cant wash the clothes.( ) 4.The little monkey can empty the trash.( ) 5.The little monkey can help his dad.( ),判断句子正误。,Lets read,Lets read p. 80 There are yellow leaves on the tree. What season is it now? There is a big house in the tree. Guess whose house it is.,Father monkey Little monkey,Monkey: Mom isnt at home. I can help you, Dad. Dad:Sure. Youre a big boy now. Monkey: Of course. Dad: Can you cook the meals? Monkey: Sorry, I cant. Dad: Can you wash the clothes? Monkey: No, I cant. Dad: What can you do, then? Monkey: Mmm. I can clean the bedroom. Dad: OK. Empty the trash, please. Monkey: Look! Dad, I can empty the trash! Oops!,Lets read,Lets read,猴子:妈妈不在家。爸爸,我可以帮你。 爸爸:好的。你现在是个大孩子了。 猴子:那当然! 爸爸:你会做饭吗? 猴子:对不起,我不会。 爸爸:你会洗衣服吗? 猴子:不,我不会。 爸爸:那么你会做什么? 猴子:嗯。我会打扫卧室。 爸爸:好的。请倒下垃圾。 猴子:看!爸爸,我会到垃圾了!糟糕!,Monkey: Mom isnt at home. I can help you, Dad. Dad:Sure. Youre a big boy now. Monkey: Of course. Dad: Can you cook the meals? Monkey: Sorry, I cant. Dad: Can you wash the clothes? Monkey: No, I cant. Dad: What can you do, then? Monkey: Mmm. I can clean the bedroom. Dad: OK. Empty the trash, please. Monkey: Look! Dad, I can empty the trash! Oops!,Lets read,1.Mother monkey is at home. (No ) 2.The little monkey can cook the meals.( No) 3.The little monkey cant wash the clothes.( Yes) 4.The little monkey can empty the trash.( No ) 5.The little monkey can help his dad.( No ),判断句子正误。,小组合作,阅读对话,在文中划出与后面问题相关的句子,把问题答案写出来。,Answer the questions,1.Is Mother Monkey at home? No, she isnt. 2.Can the monkey cook the meals? No , he cant. 3.Can the monkey wash the clothes? No , he cant. 4.What can he do? He can clean the bedroom. 5.Can the monkey help his dad? No, he cant.,看一看,画一画!,Listen & match,My names Ann. I have a happy family. We share the housework. My father can cook the meals. My mother can wash the clothes. I can put away the clothes. My sister can do the dishes. My brother can make the bed.,Read and answer,Answer the questions. 1) What can Ann do? 2) Can her father cook the meals? 3) What can her mother do? 4) What can her brother do? 5) What can her sister do?,Answer the questions. 1) What can Ann do? 2) Can her father cook the meals? 3) What can her mother do? 4) What can her brother do? 5) What can her sister do?,My names Ann. I have a happy family. We share the housework. My father can cook the meals. My mother can wash the clothes. I can put away the clothes. My sister can do the dishes. My brother can make the bed.,Read and answer,She can put away the clothes.,Yes, he can.,She can wash the clothes.,He can make the bed.,She can do the dishes.,Always ready to help others, the world must be better. (互相帮助,世界一定会变得更加美好!),Lesson 2,Recycle 2,Lets chant p. 82,January, February, New Years Day. March invites to play. April showers bring May flowers. June and July have sunny hours. August and September, back to school. October makes the weather cool. November and December, winter is here. Twelve months make a year!,Read quickly,sky,cloud,flower,grass,mountain,lake,path,forest,river,bridge,house,road,city,building,tree,village,Look and say,grass,mountain,house,tree,path,Read and write,Read and write,我的名字叫邓明。这是我的乡村。它在山里面。这里有许多的矮房子和一个河流。在河流的上面有一个桥。在河里有许多鱼。在山的后面有一条路。在路的附近有许多花。这里是一片草地和许多树。我们可以在草地上跑。在我乡村的附近有一个湖泊。水是清澈的。这是个美丽的乡村。,1.Look at the picture, read the passage and finish the sentences.,1)There isnt a _ over the river. 2)There are no _ in the river. 3)There are on _near the road. 4)There arent many _in the village.,bridge,trees,many fish,many flowers,除夕这一天对华人来说是极为重要的。 这一天人们准备除旧迎新,吃团圆饭。 真正过年的前一夜叫团圆夜,离家在外的游子 都要不远千里万里赶回家来,全家人要围坐在一 起包饺子过年,因为和面的“和”字就是“合”的意思; 饺子的“饺”和“交”谐音,“合”和“交”又有相聚之意, 所以用饺子象征团聚合欢;又取更岁 交子之意,非常吉利;此外,饺子因为形似元宝, 过年时吃饺子,也带有“招财进宝”的吉祥含义。 一家大小聚在一起包饺子,话新春,其乐融融。,Spring festival,12月25日,是基督教徒纪念耶稣诞生的日子, 称为圣诞节。圣诞节本来是基督教徒的节日, 由于人们格外重视,它便成为一个全民性的节日, 是西方国家一年中最盛大的节日,可以和新年相 提并论,类似我国过春节。,1.订正试卷,家长签字。 2.抄写P80Lets read的对话,中英文一遍。 3.把对话改写成短文。如:Today mother isnt at home .I want to help dad to do housework. 4.抄写P81read and write 短文,中英文一遍。,Homework,A: Are you helpful? A: What can you do? A: Can you .,“周末到福利院照顾孤寡老人”志愿报名现场会。 组长做调查“What can you do?”并统计,组员到组长处报名。,B: Sure. B:
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