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英语必修3(人教版),第五学时 Writing,介绍节日的文章大致包括三部分内容:交代节日的时间及所属国家或民族、介绍节日的由来和演变过程、描述节日里人们举行的活动。 在写作介绍节目的文章时,文字应力求客观简洁,对于活动的介绍可繁可简,但不宜写具体某次的活动。,写 作 指 导,如何用英语介绍节日,写 作 指 导,介绍节日的常用句型: (1)介绍节日时间及所属国家或民族的常用句型。 *.Festival falls on the.day of the.lunar month. *.Festival is celebrated on.every year. *. is a holiday celebrated in. *The celebration for.Festival takes place on.,写 作 指 导,(2)介绍节日的由来及演变过程的常用句型。 *There are some stories about how the festival started.One says that. *The most common view of its origin is that. * This festival dates back to. * People remembered him on this day every year, and it gradually became a national festival.,(3)介绍节日的庆祝活动的常用句型。 *.Festival is traditionally celebrated with a great dinner shared among friends and family. *All kinds of activities are held during the sevenday festival, including. * It is an occasion for people to. * People go to. on this day.,写 作 指 导,
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