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Unit 5 Canada”The True North”,Maple Country - Canada,What else do you know about Canada?,position,the Arctic Ocean,The Atlantic Ocean,The Pacific Ocean,Alaska,the United States,the national flag of Canada,the national anthem of Canada nm赞歌,颂歌,啊,加拿大! 啊加拿大! 我们的家园与故土! 你的儿女,忠诚爱国。 雄心万丈,国势昌盛, 强大、自由的北方之邦! 万众一心,啊加拿大! 我们挺立护防! 上苍祝幸,国泰民安。 啊加拿大,我们挺立护防! 啊加拿大,我们挺立护防!,1. What language (s) do Canadians speak? A. English B. English and German C. English and French D. English and Spanish,the French-speaking province -Quebec,languages,Official languages:,English and French,the TV and radio in French; French restaurants; teaching in schools be done in French.,2. What is the capital of Canada? A. Vancouver B. Toronto C. Calgary D. Ottawa 3. What is the national animal of Canada? A. Beaver B. Grizzly bear C. polar bear D. Penguin,Capital city-Ottawa,National animal,Beaver,4. What is the leader of the country called? A. President B. Prime Minister C. Queen 5. How many “Great Lakes” are there in Canada? A. 4 B. 3 C. 5 D. 6,A Trip On “The True North”,When it comes to the trip, there is a travelling route. Please draw the travelling route while we are learning this passage. We will check it at the end of this class.,Read para. 1 together and answer some questions.,1. What is “the Ture North” in the passage? 2. Who are the travellers? To where were they on a trip?,The name of the cross-Canada train.,Li Daiyu and Liu Qian. Canada in Montreal.,3. How did they get to Canada? 4. Why are they not flying directly to the Atlantic coast? 5. Which continent are they crossing?,Take the aeroplane.,Because they want to take the train from west to east across Canada.,North America.,Look throuth the para. 2-4, tell me what they are about? Just using one word.,scenery,Read para. 2 together, find it is the scenery of which city in Canada.,Vancouver,measuring,surrounded,ski,harbour,Read para. 3 together, find it is the scenery of where.,The Rocky Mountains,Calgary,have a gift for,catch sight of,the Calgary Stampede,Stampede (美国西部或加拿大) 一年一次的庆祝会 The cowboys have a gift for working with animals and they can win thousands of dollars in prizes,Read para. 4 together, find it is the scenery of where.,A wheat-growing Province,Thunder Bay,the Great Lakes,acres,urban,Thunder Bay Great Lakes,Try to find out what these numbers refer to in the text.,5500: Thirty million: One third:,It is 5500 kilometers from the east to the west of the country.,The population of Canada is slightly over thirty million.,Canada has one third of the worlds fresh water.,_ 1. They will take the train across Canada westward. _ 2. You can cross Canada in less than five days. _ 3. Vancouver is the coldest part in Canada.,F,F,F,True or False,_ 4. It is so wet in Vancouver that the trees are tall. _ 5. Canada is a large country with a small population. _ 6. The ocean ships cannot go to Thunder Bay. _ 7. Toronto is to the south of Thunder Bay.,T,T,F,T,_8. Their trip across the whole continent was exciting because of some great scenery. _9. Their cousins took them and their baggage to catch “The True North”. _10. Canada has more fresh water than any other country in the world.,T,T,F,Draw the traveling route of the two girls.,从中国到加拿大,Summary,Homework,Read the text again and again. Recite the useful words and phrases in this unit on page 98.,
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