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Step1 Warming up,1.Greeting 2.Enjoy two songs: (1)Apple Tree (2)The Toy Train,Step2 Review,1.Talking with somebody 2.Words Review: (1)根据图片说食物单词(个人): tomato/bread/vegetable/potato/milk/beef/. (2)根据食物图片说出复数 (3)出示图片全班说出单词;展示单词,全班拼读,Game:找朋友(连连看),规则:老师读一个食物单词,持有相应图片和单词卡片的学生要立即起立,读出该单词。如果正确,小组加分。 例如:当老师读到“potatoes”这个单词时,持有土豆(复数)卡片和单词的同学都要立即起立,并分别读出该单词。,Unit5,Shopping,shopping:动名词,译为“购物”, 例如 go shopping:去购物,Look at this picture,Who is this lady? This is Sallys mother. She wants to go shopping. Shes making a shopping list.,Unit 5 Shopping PartA,1.shop:可以作动词和名词 作动词时,翻译为“购物”;作名词时翻译为“商店”。 例如:a fruit shop:一个水果店 go to the shop:去商店 go shopping:去购物 2.购物清单:shopping list 一张购物清单:a shopping list,购物清单,Turn to P36,Sallys mother is making a shopping list. What does she need? need: 需要 发音英ni:d 她需要什么? Now please listen and watch the video.,New words learning,chicken:鸡(可数);鸡肉(不可数) 单词发音:英tkn 美tkn 字母组合发音:cht ckk 形象记忆: chicken肯德基,chi=吃,c=像鸡腿,ken=肯,吃鸡腿,就到肯德基。,我会翻译:a chicken_ some chicken_,一只鸡,一些鸡肉,1.fruit:水果 发音:英fru:t 美frut Do you like fruits?Which kind do you like? 2.juice:果汁 发音:英du:s 美dus 字母组合发音:ce在单词末尾,发s 例如:dance 跳舞 science 科学 place 地方 你知道哪些果汁的英文表达? 3.tea:茶 (green tea/China tea) 注意:红茶的表达是 black tea,一种说法是因为在红茶加工过程中,茶叶的颜色越来越深,逐渐变成黑色,因此得名Black(黑)茶.另一种说法,则是因为在17世纪英国从福建进口茶叶时,在厦门收购的武夷红茶茶色浓深,故被称为Black(黑)茶.还有一种说法是因为西方人相对注重茶叶的颜色,因此称之为“Black(黑)”,而中国人相对注重茶汤的颜色,因此称之为“红”.,Game:快速反应,规则:教师利用单词卡片操练单词,当教师出示的是可数名词时,同学们起立读单词;当教师出示的是不可数名词时,同学们则要坐着读出单词。,Look at P36 picture,I need some chicken, some fruits, tea and orange juice. 翻译: 我需要一些鸡肉,水果,茶(叶)和橙汁。 朗读指导: 当有两个或两个以上的单词或词组并列时,前面的都要升读,最后一个用降读。,Look at P37,Look and say. 1.请同学们快速认识一下图框中的17种食物。 从全班找2-3名学生抽读单词。 2.完成“I need _”,从17种食物中任取至少3种填入横线。然后找同学读出来。 强调: I need some tomatoes,potatoes,bread and milk.,Look, so many nice food!,Do you know where we can buy them?,supermarket:超市,1.supermarket: 是由super(超级)和market(市场)两个单词合成的。类似的单词还有superman(超人) 2.Hi,kids.Im going to the supermarket. 孩子们,我要去超市。 知识点: be going to:表示“将要去.“,用Im going to造句,Do you want to come with me?,翻译:你们想要和我一起去吗? 详解: 1.want:想要 come:来 2.with:“和一起”,介词 3.me:译为“我”,是 I 的宾格。 英语中,动词或者介词后面的人称要用宾格形式。,Look at picture,Can we buy some toys? 我们能买一些玩具吗? Yes, you can. 可以。 注意:toy和boy中的oy读作/。,Listen to the video again,Answer the following questions: 1.Where is Sallys mother? She is in the kitchen. kitchen:厨房 in the kitchen:在厨房里 发音:英ktn 美ktn tcht 2.Whats Sallys mother doing? She is making a shopping list. is making:表示“正在做” 3.What do the kids need? They need some toys.,巩固环节,1.Listen and follow 2.Turn to P40:Learn to write,你会正确表达需要吗?,提示:用 “I need.”表达,Sounds Learning,1.引导学生认读book/grape/desk/bike 2.请同学上台写出以上4个单词的复数形式。 3.Listen the sounds and summarize(总结) 总结:发音/s/ 4.再展示以下几个单词,请学生读一读: ships、looks、desks.,Step1:Warming up,1.Greeting 2.Enjoy songs: The Toy Train Teddy Bear,Do you know what is this?,Its a bear.,Do you know what is this?,Its winnie bear.,它是小熊维尼。,Do you know what is this?,Teddy Bear,关于Teddy Bear的故事,1902年,当时的美国总统罗斯福参加一次狩猎活动。由于一路下来毫无所获,同行的人为了安抚和讨好总统,就把事先捕获的小黑熊绑在树上,好让总统射杀。罗斯福看到已经受伤的小熊无辜可爱的模样,不忍下手。他放下枪发誓从此不再猎杀黑熊。此事后来被一个政治漫画家贝丽曼作为蓝本画了一幅漫画。在纽约经营杂货的俄国人夫妇依照此漫画中的形象制作了一只小绒毛熊,并把它放在自己的店铺里装饰。很快,小熊就被买走了。在得到罗斯福总统的允许后,这只小熊被正式以总统的小名Teddy来命名。 常常被用来安慰孩子们的难过情绪的。,Do you like Teddy Bears?,Ben likes Teddy Bears, too. He wants to buy a Teddy Bear. Now he is at the supermarket.He is shopping.,Unit 5 Shopping PartB,Step2:Review,During the last class, Sallys mother made a shopping list. Now they are in the supermarket.,Look at this picture,supermarket,There are so many things in the supermarket.,foods,toy plane,toy ship,toy train,robot,Teddy Bear,toy car,Which one do you like?,1.引导学生用“I like.”回答 2.教师出示单词卡片,学生快速说出。 (先个人后全班) 3.复习数字159。 找4个人回忆,每人说出15个数字,Game,Game1:找邻居(Find the neighbors),twenty-one,twenty,twenty-two,eighteen,seventeen,nineteen,forty,thirty-nine,forty-one,thirteen,twelve,fourteen,Game,Game2:找规律(Find the rule) (1)ten, twenty, thirty, _, . (2)twelve, fourteen, sixteen,_, twenty. (3)seven, nine, eleven, thirteen, _,Game,Game3:快速抢答,ten,eleven,twenty,Words Learning,twotwelvetwenty threethirteenthirty fourfourteenforty fivefifteenfifty sixsixteen sevenseventeen eighteighteen ninenineteen,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety,sixty,6-six,16-sixteen,60-sixty,7-seven 17-seventeen,seventy,8-eight,18-eighteen,eighty,ninety,9-nine 19-nineteen,a hundred,也可以说:one hundred,two hundred,three hundred,700 seven hundred,200,300,Sentences Learning,Look at P38: 1.Where are they? 2.How many people are there in the supermarket? 3.What does Sallys mother need? 请同学回答以上3个问题。 4.What does Sally/Kate/Ben need? Watch the video and answer question4,根据课文内容连线,Sally,Ben,Kate,Teddy Bear,toy train,tomatoes,What does Sally/Kate/Ben need?,Watch the video again,Answer the following questions: 1.How much is the Teddy Bear? 2.How much is the toy train? 3.How much are all the things they buy?,How much is it?,Its seventy yuan.,70,H
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