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初中英语句型翻译练习(汉译英)1当一名英语教师很值得。 2无论赵鹏说什么,我认为想学好数学很容易。 3旅客们直到下了飞机才能使用手机(mobile phone) 4据说你给王芳买作生日礼物的手提电脑(laptop computer)被偷了。 5吴老师鼓励我不要放弃,要坚持学习。6瘦西湖是如此美丽以至于它非常值得再次参观。(Slender West Lake)_7. 她随时准备接受新的挑战。_8. 我不知道那时父母为什么对我如此严格。_ _9. 如果你身体上或思想上需要力量,红色可能对你有一些帮助。_10. 在进入电影业之前,赫本梦想成为一名成功的芭蕾舞演员。(Hepburn) _11.我们正盼着过周末呢。12.她让我一连说了45分钟。13.你要是见到他,就把这个便条给他。14.小孩最终被找到了,安然无恙。15.对她来说,像以前那样经常与她父母亲见面就难了。16. 如果你尽力了,你的梦想会成真。17. 直到我亲耳听到我才会相信你。18. 离开教室前,你最好记得关灯。19. 我不知道她是否已经解决了这个问题。20. 患难之交才是真朋友。21.感谢你给我提供这么多有价值的建议。_22她歌唱得如此之好,她被认为是一位好歌手。_23.他习惯晚上睡觉之前喝一杯牛奶。_24我们应该采取行动保护野生动物。_25.扬州城是一座拥有2500年历史的古城。_26.她宁可尽力而为,也不轻易放弃。27.请展示给我看如何做这个实验。28.你给我提了这么多宝贵的建议,真是太好了。29.如果你不告诉老师真相,你会受到责备的。30.我有时怀疑这部电影是否值得一看。31. 从上个月起,那个新博物馆已经投入使用。 31. 鸟瞰一个现代化的城市真的很有趣。32. 你介意告诉我怎样使用这个电脑吗?33. 保护环境是我们的职责。34. 他们从来没有去过国外.35. 扬州是如此美丽的一座城市以至于很多游客来此观光。 36. 要是把她和他的家庭作业比较一下,你就会发现她的要好得多。37. 除非你亲眼看见,不然你想象不出地震有多可怕。38. 他说他们还没有决定该去哪里度暑假。39. 用你的微笑去改变世界,不要让世界改变你的微笑。40.这些细节值得注意。_41.他自从来到中国就一直投身于帮助残疾人。_42.上周五晚上直播足球赛了吗?_43.我们别无选择只能向警方求助了。_44.你能告诉我他是否有足够的勇气说出真相?_45. 这是我见过的最好的模型。_ 46. 那个火车站自从5年前就已经投入使用了。_ _.47. 政府已经意识到减少污染很重要。_ _.48. 从某些方面来说,扬州的天气跟上海的不一样。_ _.49. 表演者们列队穿过公园,一路上载歌载舞。_ _.50. 一名好的老师应该有幽默感。51. 这大厅大得足以容纳两千人。52. 一开始我奶奶不适应城市里的生活。53. 据说这些碗是木制的。54. 如果你运气好的话,你会免费获得一张音乐会的门票。参考答案1to be an english teacher is very rewarding2no matter what zhao peng says, i think it easy to study math well.3passengers musnt use their mobile phones until they got off the plane.4it is said the laptop computer which you bought wang fang for her birthday has been stolen.5miss wu encouraged me not to give up and keep on studying.7. The Slender West Lake is so beautiful that it is well worth visiting again.7. She is ready to take on new challenges any time.9. I dont know why my parents were so strict with me at that time / then.10. If you need / require strength in either body or mind, red may be of some help to you.11.Hepburn dreamed of becoming a successful ballet dancer before entering the film industry. 12We are looking forward to the weekend13She kept me talking for forty-five minutes14If you see him,give him this note15The child was finally found safe and well16Its difficult for her to see her parents as often as before 17、 If you try your best, your dream will come true.18、I wont believe you until I hear it with my own ears.19、You”d better remember to turn off the light(s) before you leave the classroom.20、I dont know if she has solved the probiem.21、A friend in need is a friend indeed.22Thank you for offering me so many valuable suggestions./so much valuable advice./providing me with so many valuable suggestions/providing so many valuable suggestions for me25Yangzhou is an old /ancient city with a history of 2500 years.30. The new museum has been in use/service since last month. 31. It/s very interesting to have a bird/s-eye view of a modern city.32. Do you mind telling me how to use this computer?33 It/s our duty to protect the environment.34. They have never been abroad.35. Yangzhou is such a beautiful city that many tourists come here to visit.36.If you compare her homework with his, youll find hers is much better.37. You cant imagine how terrible an earthquake is unless you see it yourself/with your own eyes.38. He says/said
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