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竞聘英语演讲稿篇一:英文竞聘演讲Dear Leaders and colleagues:I am glad to be here for this interview,and firstly thank all the hotel leaders for gaving me a chance to show myself. My name is iao iao, college degree, and major in business administration. Currently I am working at settlement center, and today I pete the supervisor of our settlement center.In my opinion, I think I have some advantages to pete this position. Firstly, I have honest character, good manners and strong working capability, it could make me easy to finish all the task successfully. Secondly, with the more prehensive organization, coordination capacity, I could bee more detailed and clever in dealing with the daily affairs, this could make our work easily and harmony. And then, I am good at learning from others, and have a stronger ability to accept new thing and knowledge, and it is usefull in every aspect of daily life.If I could have the opportunity to achieve this position, I will further enhance the overall concept, norm the daily work, strengthen the internal financing management of our hotel, and improving myself uninterruptly both in work and life. I will try my best to make our hotel more prosperous.At last, I make a solemn promise to all the leaders and colleagues: if I could get the trust by all of you to be appointed as the supervisor of settlement center, I will cherish this opportunity, and try my best to make every jobs better, and never live up the confidence and trust by our leaders. “Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth”, I hope to get all of yours affirmation in future work with my hard working and let us together to make our hotel more prosperous and thriving.That is all, thank you for your attentions, and best wishes for you.篇二:dear leaders and colleagues:if i could have the opportunity to achieve this position, i will further enhancethe overall concept, norm the daily work, strengthen the internal financingmanagement of our hotel, and improving myself uninterruptly both in work and life.i will try my best to make our hotel more last, i make a solemn promise to all the leaders and colleagues: if i couldget the trust by all of you to be appointed as the supervisor of settlement center,i will cherish this opportunity, and try my best to make every jobs better, and neverlive up the confidence and trust by our leaders. “practice is the sole criterionfor testing truth”, i hope to get all of yours affirmation in future work with myhard working and let us together to make our hotel more prosperous and is all, thank you for your attentions, and best wishes for you.篇二:英语竞选演讲稿distinguished school leaders, teachers, dear students: good!e to deal with everything; to further enhance the sense of responsibility, inthe work of bold innovation, and strive for progress, with an open mind to learn fromother people; to further take-hyun made, so that there is on the wrong change, thereare good ideas to accept, at the same time adhere to its principles.竞聘英语老师的演讲稿 尊敬的各位领导、老师:上午好!我叫*,现任二年级英语教师及英语教研组组长。我今天来竞聘英语教师的岗位。非常感谢学校领导给了我向大家介绍自己,接受检验和挑战的机会。我将客观地说明我自己所具备的应聘能力,全面地论述我对于做好英语教学工作的总体思路和具体措施,并且。将心悦诚服地接受各位领导和老师的评判。我是1997年参加工作的,“弹指一挥间”,蓦然回首走过的足迹,有太多值得回味的东西一直在心头涌动,七年来一直从事小学英语教学工作。我的工作得到了在座的许多领导、老师的亲切关怀和悉心帮助。我不敢辜负领导们的殷切期望,勤勤恳恳,不断进取,在思想上和工作能力上都有了不少的进步。因此我今天充满信心走上这竞聘讲台。站在大家面前有点单瘦的我,稳重而不死板,激进而不张扬,温和而不懦弱, 愚钝而不懒惰, 正直而不固执。我觉得,我竞聘英语教师有如下几个优势和条件:1. 有良好的师德 (于:) 我为人处事的原则是:老老实实做人,认认真真工作,开开心心生活。自己一贯注重个人品德素质的培养,努力做到尊重领导,团结同志,工作负责,办事公道,不计较个人得失。对工作对同志有公心,爱心,平常心和宽容心。自从参加工作以来,我首先在师德上严格要求自己,要做一个合格的人民教师!认真学习和领会党的大精神和“”重要思想,与时俱进,爱岗敬业,为人师表,热爱学生,尊重学生,争取让每个学生都能享受到最好的教育,都能有不同程度的发展。2. 有较高的专业水平我从昌潍师专英语系毕业后曾到山东师范大学进修取得本科学历,系统而又牢固地掌握了英语教学的专业知识。多年来始终在教学第一线致力于小学英语教学及研究,使自己的专业知识得到进一步充实、更新和扩展。被聘为教育部小学英语教学评价实验教师,系山东省双语教育研究会会员,参编了学习与创新,阳光英语等,有多篇论文发表和获奖。3. 有较强的教学能力从选择教师这门职业的第一天起,我最大的心愿就是做一名受学生欢迎的好老师,为了这个心愿,我一直在不懈努力着。要求自己做到牢固掌握本学科的基本理论知识,熟悉相关学科的文化知识,不断更新知识结构,精通业务,精心施教,把握好教学的难点重点,认真探索教学规律,钻研教学艺术,努力形成自己的教学特色。我的教学风格和教学效果普遍受到学生的认可和欢迎。我提出的教学模式在市区研讨会上做了交流并发表在课改通讯上。4. 有突出的工作业绩我从年8月学校成立后被选取调到学校担任英语教师及教研组长。在这段时间里,我工作的很幸福,生活的很愉快。任职期间我被评为山东省英语教学能手,奎文区英语学科带头人,奎文区教育教学先进个人,奎文区现代技术教学能手,奎文区优秀团员等荣誉称号。所教学生成绩优异,在5月份的全国小学生英语竞赛中,奎文区二年级被选入决赛的19名学生中其中16名来自于我和张琳老师辅导的我校学生,最后一举取得了决赛第一名的好成绩。以上所述情况,是我竞聘英语教师的优势条件,假如我有幸竞聘上岗,这些优势条件将有助于我更好的开展英语教学工作。英语组是双语学校的重要科室,它的工作关系着双语学校的未来及发展,处于核心地位。我深知,英语教学的工作不是轻而易举能做好的,必须全力以赴,理清思路,找准工作的切入点和着力点。如果我有幸竞聘成功,继续担任英语教师的话,我将从以下方面开展工作。一是认真贯彻执行党的教育路线、方针、政策和学校的各项决定,加强学习,积极进取。求真务实,开拓创新,不断提高自己的综合素质、创新能力和驾驭双语学校英语教学工作的能力,用自己的勤奋加智慧,完成好教学任务。使我校的英语教学始终走在全区乃至全国的前列。二是做一个科研型的教师。教师的从教之日,正是重新学习之时。新时代要求教师具备的不只是操作技巧,还要有直面新情况、分析新问题、解决新矛盾的本领。进行目标明确、有针对性的教研活动,强化教研科研意识,带动教研室科研和教研工作的开展。 财务竞聘报告 办公室主任竞聘报告 教师竞聘报告 核算员竞聘报告三、做一个理念新的教师目前,新一轮的基础教育改革早已在我市全面推开,做为新课改的实践者,要在认真学习新课程理念的基础上,结合自己所教的学科,积极探索有效的教学方法。大力改革教学。积极探索实施创新教学模式。把英语知识与学生的
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