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Module7 Unit2 There are twelve boys on the bike. 教案一、教学内容Module7 Unit2 There are twelve boys on the bike.1. Listen, point and say.2. Listen and say.3. Point and say.二、教学目标1. 能够正确听、说、朗读There are twelve boys on the bike. 等描述图片或场景的句子。2. 能够正确听、说、认读词汇there is, there are, fruit, chicken, pig, bear。3. 能听懂、会说会表演对话内容,并在真实语言中运用所学语言内容进行真实交流和应用。4. 在对话交流中养成用英语交流的习惯,养成良好的语音、语调和语感。三、重点难点重点:能运用词汇there are, chicken, pig。难点:能运用There are twelve boys on the bike.四、教学准备多媒体课件、音频、照片、图片等 五、教学设计Step 1 Warming up1. Enjoy the English song “Three Green Parrots”.2. Listen and chant.Look at the photo.There is a horse.And there is a girl.She is riding the horse.设计意图:师生共同欣赏英语歌曲,为后面的学习起和铺垫的作用。吟唱chant调动了学生学习的积极性,活跃课堂气氛。Step 2 Revision1. Free talk.播放课件,展示图片。做问答练习:Whats in the picture?There is .There are .What is she/he/it doing?She/He/It is .What are they doing?They are .2. Play a game.Guess the pictures.活动规则:用There is . There are .猜测图片内容。每猜对一个,奖励一个sticker。设计意图:教师通过与学生间的互动做游戏,使学生在游戏的支撑下感悟There is . There are . 的区别与运用,为后面There are . 的学习与掌握做好铺垫,同时小贴画的奖励作用也能调动学生参与英语活动的积极性。Step 3 Presentation1. 学习:Listen, point and say.(1) 教师利用多媒体播放一段马戏团表演的视频,询问学生: T: Whats the video about?学生可用中文作答:马戏团表演。(2) 教师由此导入情景.出示课文part 1的图片。T: Who are they?S: They are Lingling, Sam and Amy!T: Yes! They are our friends! What are they doing?他们正兴髙采烈地观看表演呢。Would you like to have a look?S: Yes!T: OK, lets go!(3) 播放part1同步视频,学生认真观着并思考。(4) T: Now lets watch again, and answer my questions.Questions: What are they doing?How many boys are there in the first picture?How many boys are there in the second picture?How many boys are there in the third picture?设计意图:带着问题看视频,给学生以任务,集中学生注意力,培养学生自己解决问题的能力。 (5) 答完问题,让学生认真观看并跟读。(学着说,并提醒学生注意模仿语音语调,感知今天要学的内容: There are ., 为新课学习做铺垫)选取学生表演part1,并讲解其中文意思,使学生掌握There is .There are . 的读法、用法及其韵律。设计意图:通过釆取灵活的方式呈现课本内容,让学生在轻松有趣的情境下完成听、说活动,进一步加强巩固对如何描述事物的学习,同时感知并理解新授课中涉及的词汇和句型。2. 学习:Listen and say.(1) T: Is the show interesting?(马戏团的表演有趣吗?) S: Yes!T: Yes, Lingling, Amy and Sam are watching the interesting performance. But where is Darning? Do you see him?(大明却没有在看表演,同学们看到大明没有?)S: No .T: Lets look for Daming together, OK?(一起寻找大明)S: OK!(2) 教师利用多媒体出示大明介绍不同小动物照片(part 2图片)的图片。T: Yes, Darning is here. What is he doing? Do you know?He is introducing animals. Lets have a look, OK?S: OK!(3) Teach new words.播放熊猫吃水果的视频。T: What is the panda eating?教授单词fruit。自编chant训练巩固:Fruit, fruit, pandas like fruit.(带领学生模仿熊猫吃水果的动作)设计意图:通过有节奏的念读,操练单词,使枯燥的机械操练变得不再单调和乏味。教师带上小鸡头饰。T: How many chickens are there in our class?S: There is one chicken(引导出chicken,教授新单词) T: Yes.带学生拼读chicken,给学生每人发一个小鸡头饰。T: What animals are we?S: We are chickens!T: How many chickens are there in our classroom?S: There are .(班级人数)chickens in our classroom.教师拿出米粒,扮演小鸡吃米。T: What am I eating?S: You are eating rice.T: Lets eat rice.Chant: Rice, rice, rice,We like rice.We like rice.We like rice.(模仿小鸡吃米的动作)设计意图:有趣的头饰,生动的肢体动作和有节奏的chant能鼓励学生大声说,并能在充满趣味的氛围下习得单词。 出示bear吃糖果的视频。T: What is in the video?S: There is a bear in the video.T: What is the bear doing?S: Its eating sweets.带领学生不停地念:Bear, bear, bear, eating sweets, eating sweets.设计意图:通过有趣的课件设计、生动的动画效果来增加学生操练单词的趣味性。出示一头pig图片。T: How many pigs are there in the photo?S: There is a pig in the photo.带学生拼读单词Pig。课件增加一头pig。T: How many pigs are there in the photo?S: There are two pigs in the photo.再增加一头pig。T: How many pigs are there in the photo?S: There are three pigs in the photo.不停增加,不停问答,直至:T: How many pigs are there in the photo?S: There are twelve pigs in the photo.A guessing game.遮挡图片部分内容:T: What are the pigs eating?S: The pigs are eating .学生猜对后显fruit和vegetables。设计意图:通过真实的语言情景让学生理解单词的意思和句型用法;在操练句型的同时学习单词和短语,让学生在学中用,用中学(4) Listen to the tape,and read after it播放录音,学生跟读。设计意图:通过英文原声,让学生模仿语音语调。(5) 角色表演。教师把图片交给学生,让他们根据图片进行角色表演。设计意图:小学生想象力丰富,善于模仿,具有强烈的表现欲;教师让学生进行角色表演,可以调动学生的学习积极性,使学生主动参与教学活动,大胆地说和夸张地演。Step 4 Consolidation1. 完成:Point and say.出示Part 3图片,让学生为其归纳主题。例如,不同的周末活动,六一儿童节不同的计划或活动,爱好等。告诉学生这就是为不同主题的手抄报准备的图片素材。小组活动,根据自己小组不同主题,分别介绍图片:here are in the photo. They are .设计意图:激发学生的学习主动性,运用所学知识完成任务。2. 拓展新知。小组活动,根据自己小组的活动分配任务,描述要搜集的图片或内容。通过分配不同的任务,练习there be句型。 设计意图:通过真实情境的创设来提高学生的描述能力,在激发学生学习英语兴趣的同时,又较好地创设了学生练说英语的机会,体现了在玩中学、学中玩的思想,在活动中使学生的语言技能得以提高。Step 5 Summing up & Homework Summing up:1. Words.there is, there are, fruit, bear, pig, sweet, rice2. Sentences.There is .There are . Its Theyre 这节课我的收获是:_这节课我的不足是:_Homework:1. Listen and recite the dialogue. 听录音并背诵对话。2. Finish the relevant workbook exercises. 完成课堂检测中的相关习题。3. Make a new dialogue according to this lesson and act it out. 结合本课学习内容创编一个新对话并将其表演出来。4. Collect pictures. 搜集手抄报图片。六、板书设计
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