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Module 5,www.xkb1.com,Module 5 Cartoons,Unit 1 Its time to watch a cartoon.,cartoon n. 漫画;动画片,handsome adj. 英俊的,smart adj. 聪明的,sky n. 天空,New words,fight v.与.战斗,humorous adj. 幽默的,laugh v. 笑,lesson n. 经验;教训,hero n. 英雄;男主角,cool adj. 酷的,Whats this cartoon about?,Its about a panda.,Warming up,www.xkb1.com,Do you know this cartoon?,Whats the name of the cartoon?,What do you think of the cartoon?,1. Answer the questions.,What kind of cartoons do you like?,www.xkb1.com,Spiderman,Superman,2. Do cartoons always end in a happy way?,3. What cartoons do you think are funny?,2. Listen and find out Bettys and Tonys answers to the questions in Activity 1.,brave, cartoon, cute, funny, handsome, smart,www.xkb1.com,Betty likes exciting cartoons; Tony likes funny cartoons.,Read the dialogue and mark T or F.,1. Daming and Tony have finished their homework. ( ) 2. Spiderman can fly, but he cant climb up buildings with his hands and feet. ( ) 3. At last Daming and Tony watch Tom and Jerry together. ( ),T,F,T,3. Now answer the questions.,1. What does Tony think about Spiderman? Spiderman cant fly, but he climbs up buildings with his hands and feet. Thats cool. 2. Why does Daming think Superman is better? Because hes stronger than Spiderman. He can fly though the sky and fight bad people.,3. Why do they both like Tom and Jerry? Because Tom and Jerry are very funny. 4. What lesson can Tony learn from Tom and Jerry? They fight a lot, but they really love each other.,Everyday English,Its time to do Thats cool. I dont think we agree.,www.xkb1.com,1. Do cartoons always end in a happy way? 卡通片常以快乐的方式结束吗? in a way 表示“以一种的方式”。 e.g. He talked about it in a similar way. 他对此事有相似的说法。,Language points,2. Its time to watch a cartoon. 是时候看卡通片了。 Its time to do sth. 表示“该做某事的 时候了”。 Its time for sth./doing sth.表示“该做 某事的时候了”。 e.g. Its time to have breakfast. =Its time for breakfast/ having breakfast. 该吃早饭了。,3. He can fly through the sky and fight bad people. 他能在空中飞并且打败坏人。 fight v. (fought, fought) 与战斗 n. 战斗;斗争 fight sb. “和某人打仗” fight for sth. “为打仗” e.g. Lets fight poverty and disease together. 让我们一起克服贫困和疾病。,4. He keeps fighting bad people. 他坚持和坏人作斗争。 keep doing sth. “坚持做某事”。 e.g. We must keep learning English every day. 我们必须坚持每天学英语。,5. I cant help laughing when I watch them. 我看这些总禁不住大笑。 cant help doing sth. “禁不住做某事”。 e.g. The boy cant help crying when he knows what is happening. 当男孩知道发生了什么的时候禁不住 地哭了。,6. I think theres a lesson there! 我认为这里面蕴含着道理。 lesson n. “经验,教训” e.g. This is a lesson for you of all! 这就是给你们所有人的教训!,www.xkb1.com,Children and adults all over the world love (1) _. Some, like Tom and Jerry, are (2) _, and people enjoy (3) _ at the funny stories in them.,4. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.,cartoon, fight, hero, humorous laugh, lesson,humorous,cartoons,laughing,Others, like Superman and Spiderman, are about (4) _. They (5) _ bad people to protect the world. These cartoons are not just stories they also teach (6) _ about good and bad.,heroes,fight,lessons,www.xkb1.com, I think Nezha is brave. Yes, I think so too./ No, I think he is ,5. Work in pairs. Describe your favourite cartoon character or the characters below. Use the words in the box in Activity 2 to help you.,Nezha Mickey Mouse Pleasant Goat Snow White,brave, cartoon, cute, funny, handsome, smart,1. Thats a real hero! 2. I dont think we agree. 3. They fight a lot, but they really love each other. 4. I think theres a lesson there!,6. Listen and underline the words the speaker stresses.,Pronunciation and speaking,www.xkb1.com,Now listen again and repeat.,Thats a real hero! I dont think we agree. They fight a lot, but they really love each other. I think theres a lesson there!,7. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.,1. What cartoons do you like reading or watching on TV? 2. When do you read or watch them? 3. Which one do you like best? Why? -What cartoons do you like reading? -I like reading ,时态区分 一般现在时、一般过去时和现在完成时。 观察下列句子。 1. I often watch cartoons films. 我经常看卡通片。 2. I watched Spiderman last week. 我上周看了蜘蛛侠。 3. I have already watched Spiderman. I do not want to watch it again. 我已看过蜘蛛侠了,不想再看了。,可以看出: 1. 经常性、习惯性的动作,所以用一般过去时。 2. 在过去某个时间发生的行为,用一般过去时。 3. 动作也是在过去,但是没有明确的表示过去的时间,并且强调的是结果,即现在不想看了,所以用现在完成时。,www.xkb1.com,Choose the best answers. 1. Its time _ after school. Lets go now. A. go home B. going home C. to go home 2. Look! The plane is flying _ the sky. A. on B. at C. through D. for,C,C,Exercises,3. The boy kept _ until twelve oclock yesterday. A. studying B. to study C. studied 4. The woman couldnt help _ when she saw the beautiful clothes in the shopping window. A. stop walk B. stop to walk C. stopping to walk,C,A,www.xkb1.com,1. Why are you worried? Im expecting a call from my daughter. She _ New York for three days. A. has g
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