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Unit 1I have some photos that I took in Australia last year.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1In hot weather, I hate the _(苍蝇) and ants here and there.2He writes down all his important things in his _(日记)3Betty bought several shoe _ (刷子)4I left behind my _ (帽子) on the chair.5We have cows, _(羊,绵羊), pigs and chickens on the farm. .根据句意填入恰当的词或用所给词的适当形式完成句子1My teacher asks us _ (finish) homework as quickly as possible.2I have some photos that I _ (take) last year.3My hair soon grew back to its _ (nature) colour.4They wear special clothes that _ (look) very different from others.5This is a rock _ (call) Ayers Rock.6Thats _ I believe in him all the time.7Unlike China, Australia is _ English speaking country.8He brushed the snow _ his clothes and went inside.9The British Isles are a group of islands that lie _ the west coast of Europe.10Are you ready? _ we go.完形填空Last year I went to Australia to study and travel. I stayed in Sydney _1_ two months. I visited places of _2_ in the morning and took English lessons in the afternoon. A friend and I stayed with a family from Sydney. The homestay(寄宿家庭) parents and brothers were very _3_ to us. We talked about a lot of things with each _4_ in English.My spoken English improved _5_ in Australia. I used to speak very little English in _6_. But in Australia, I had to use it very often. I was soon able to _7_ my teachers and homestay family freely.To me, the best place in Australia is the Sydney Opera House. You can look at it from different sides. I think it is one of the most wonderful _8_ in the world.I cannot sing very well, _9_ when I was inside, I really wanted to sing.Time _10_ fast when I was in Sydney. Soon came Christmas, then the New Year. I had never spent the New Year _11_ my family. But this year, I was so far away from them. I felt _12_ sad.I missed them so much, and I knew they missed me so much _13_. In the evening, I phoned my family. When I heard their _14_, I began to cry. My homestay mother held me in her arms and comforted me. _15_ kind foreign mother I had!()1.A.since BforCbefore Dafter()2.A.fun BhelpCinterest Duse()3.A.friendly BnervousChappy Dserious()4.A.others BanotherCother Dthe other()5.A.strongly BgreatlyChardly Dwidely()6.A.Australia BAmericaCEngland DChina()7.A.quarrel with Bfight againstCtalk with Dcomplain about()8.A.building BbuildingsCbuilt Dbuild()9.A.unless BbutCso Dthough()10.A.ran BjumpedCflew Dwalked()11.A.with BwithoutCto Dfor()12.A.few Ba fewClittle Da little()13.A.either BalsoCas well Dnor()14.A.faces BpicturesCvoices Dsmiles()15.A.What BWhat aCHow a DHow.阅读理解A city without cars would be very strange, right? But Venice is such a city. Venice is in the northeast of Italy. It wasnt built on land, like Beijing or Shanghai, but on more than 110 islands. Seawater is everywhere around the city. Even so, travel isnt that difficult. The waterways have always been the best way to get around. There are 117 waterways and more than 400 bridges that can guide you where you want to go. People in Venice move from place to place by boat. Water makes the city special, but it is also a big problem. Sometimes tourists will have such strange experiences. One moment they walk across the Rialto Bridge, and theres nothing special. But when they come back to the bridge an hour later, its underwater and everyone is wearing rain shoes. Once, people used too much underground water. This made the city get lower little by little. Now the city has gone down by 23 centimetres. Another problem is the rising seawater. The temperature has risen over the years. This has made ice of the Arctic Ocean(北冰洋) melt(融化). Every year, high waters hit the city in autumn and winter. When a lot of water comes, more than half of the city is underwater.Scientists are trying different ways to stop the city from getting even lower. The Italy government has asked some of Italys biggest companies to build the MOST project, which was planned to be built under the seawater to stop the rising water. Anyway, this project solved the problem. ()1.Which is the best way to travel in Venice? AThe waterways. BTaxis and cars.C400 bridges. DBoats and rain shoes.()2.What doesnt cause Venice to get lower and lower?AThe ice of the Arctic Ocean melt. BSeawater is everywhere around the city. CPeople used too much underground water.DThe temperature has become higher over the years.()3.What can we infer from the last paragraph?AVenice is sure to stop getting lower.
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