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庆云五中 八 年级 英语 学科导学案班级: 小组: 姓名: 课题 M3U2主备人Hu审核人课型Reading and writing使用人使用时间学习目标1.掌握 building等16个单词及in front of 等6个短语。2.能和小组成员一起就本课时所出现的介词正确的表达方位。3.学会用there be句型写出简短的介绍学校的句子,并能正确运用缩写形式。学习重难点学会用there be句型写出简短的介绍学校的句子,并能正确运用缩写形式。学习过程Step1 Leading- in. Step 2 Learning aims. Step 3 Learning steps.自主学习一 Look at the Part1 and Label the pictures with the words and expressions from the box.自主学习二 Read Bettys words of Part2 and write her classmates names on their desks.自主学习三 Fast reading.Read Part3 and Label the map of the school. 自主学习四 Careful reading Read Para3 carefully and answer the questions.1.How many buildings are there in the school? 2. Whats on the right of the library? 3. Whats in the library? 4. How many classrooms are there in the classroom building? 5. Where are the computer rooms and science labs? 自主学习五 Read the passage again and find out the phrases. 1. 一栋办公楼 2. 一座体育馆 3. 在中间 4.在的左面 5. 两者之间 6.在的右面 合作探究 Language points1. Between the building and the dining hall is the classroom building with twenty-four classrooms. between是一个介词,常和and连用。构成短语betweenand,表示“在和之间”。 eg:I sit between Tom and Lucy .2. Whats +地点?表示“在某地有什么?” eg:Whats in the library? There are many books in the library.3. on ones left/right 表示“在某人的左侧/右侧”。 on the left/right of . 表示“在的左侧/右侧”。 例如:on his left on the left of Jim 课文回顾Retelling. 小组合作Group work, read and act课后反思学法指导与个人修订 七_年级_英语_学科达标测试班级: 小组: 姓名: 得分:课题 总分15命题人 审核人 Writing 请用本模块所学的知识写一篇短文,介绍一下我们学校的建筑物及它们的位置。Playground dining hallsports boys dormitoryhall girls dormitoryoffice building classroom building gateThis is a map of our school. _ _第 6 页
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