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Unit 2 Is your food and drink healthy?第三课时一、学习目标1、To get information from the reading material about healthy food.2、To write about healthy food with but and and.3、Key vocabulary: healthy, delicious, bread, fish, hamburger, ice cream, noodle, rice, sugar, eat, child (pl. children), sweet, right, egg, eye, cheese, tooth (pl. teeth), bit, tired, soup, important, remember, well, stay, fat, or, breakfast, every, lunch, home, dinner Key phrase: be good for, be bad for, a bit, Key structures: and are healthy food but and are my favourite food.2、 学习重点1、 掌握以上重点单词2、 提高阅读能力3、 学习难点1、 区分哪些食品是健康的那些是不健康的2、提高阅读能力课前预习一、使用说明与学法指导1、课前认真拼读单词,同桌相互听写2、15分钟完成二、教材助读1、诵读下列句子1) Meat and fish are healthy food.2) Too much meat isnt healthy.3) Meat and fish are healthy food but too much meat isnt healthy.4) Is your food and drink healthy?5) Whats your favourite food and drink?2、参照教材22页看看这些食物并分类Healthy food:_Unhealthy food:_3、 预习自测1、 在同桌的协作下相互随机听写本单元新单词_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2、 翻译下列短语我最喜爱的食物_健康的饮料_许多冰激凌_太多的肉_对.有害处_对.有好处_你的牙齿_有一点累_美味的鸡汤_干.很重要_保持健康_变胖_四、我的疑问_课内探究一、质疑探究1、讨论1)Whats your favourite food and drinks? Are they healthy?_ and _are my _food. And they are _food._ and _are my _ food. But they are _ food._and _are my _drinks. And they are _ drinks._and _are my _drinks. But they are_drinks.2)What should we eat and drink if we want to be healthy?If we want to be healthy we should eat_and drink_3) work in pairsPart 1A: Whats your favourite food / drink ? B: My favourite food / drink is A: Is it healthy? B: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. My favourite food / drink is and / but it is / isnt healthy.Part 2A: Whats your favourite food / fruit? B: My favourite food / fruit is A: Are they healthy? B: Yes, they are. / No, they arent. My favourite food/fruit is and / but they are / arent healthy.总结:(1)My favourite food / drink is and it is healthy. (2)My favourite food / drink is but it isnt healthy. (3)My favourite food / fruit is and they are healthy. (4)My favourite food / fruit is but they arent healthy.2、 Read the passage and check the sentences true or false1)Ice cream, hamburgers and meat are not healthy food.( )2) Candy is not healthy food.( )3) Carrots, eggs and cheese are good for your eyes.( )4)Fish, milk and sweet potatoes are good for your teeth.( )5)Having a good breakfast every morning is good for your health.( )6) Noodles and rice are healthy food.( )7) Drinking juice, water, tea milk and cola are good for your health.( )8)Eating lots of fruit and vegetables are good for your health.( )二、当堂检测单词拼写1、You should eat more _(胡萝卜).2、Its important to _(记得) to eat well and stay healthy.3、Please have lots of _(美味) chicken soup!4、He had some fish and _(面条) for lunch.5、Eating too much meat is not good for _(孩子).6、I often eat some _(面包), an egg and a cup of milk for breakfast.7、If you are a bit _(累) , please have a rest.8、His mother wants to buy some _(香蕉).三、课后反思_课后训练1、 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,完成句子1、Can I eat some _ (bread) in the morning?2、How _ (many) rice do you want?3、Its important _ (have) breakfast every day. 4、Too much chocolate is bad for your _ (tooth). 5、Tony plays basketball very _ (good). 6、Do you like _ (eat) ice cream?7、I want to have some chicken _ (noodle) for dinner. 8、Is _ (fish) healthy food? 9、Those students _ (be) tired after school. 10、I want to buy three _ (hamburger). 二、完成句子1、你最喜欢的食物和饮料是什么?What _ food and drink?2、多喝水是非常重要的。Its very _ more water.3、牛奶、奶酪和鱼对你的牙齿有益。Milk, c
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