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Unit 12 What did you do last weekend? Section A (Grammar Focus3c),考点 shout v. 呼叫; 喊叫 *Father Mouse shouted at the cat, “Woof, woof!” 鼠爸爸冲着猫大声吼叫:“汪汪, 汪汪!”(教材P69) *She shouted to the driver to tell him to open the door. 她冲着司机喊叫, 叫他打开门。,【自主归纳】 句中shout用作动词, 意为“呼叫;喊叫”。常用短语:(1)shout at多指因为生气等而非善意地对某人吼叫; (2)shout to多指因距离远等而不得不大声叫喊(否则对方无法听见), 不带生气等感情因素。,【图解助记】,【即学活用】 The mother shouted _the boy because he didnt get home on time. 世纪金榜导学号38504093 A. to B. at C. about D. out,【解析】选B。考查固定短语。根据“那个男孩没有按时到家”可知妈妈应该是生气了, 故选B。,不要朝你的孩子大叫, 给他足够的时间。 Dont _ _ your child; give him enough time. She shouted _ (to/ at) her to let her hear.,shout,at,to,【备选要点】 考点 mouse n. 老鼠; 耗子 *A family of mice were in the kitchen on Saturday morning when they saw a big cat. 星期六早晨, 老鼠一家正在厨房里, 突然它们看见一只大猫。(教材P69),*Why dont you buy some new mouses/ mice for your computers? 你们为何不给你们的电脑买新鼠标呢?,【自主归纳】 mouse的复数形式 (1)mouse当“老鼠;耗子”讲时, 其复数形式为mice; (2)mouse当“鼠标”讲时, 其复数形式为mouses或mice。,【图解助记】,【拓展延伸】名词变复数不规则变化 (1)内部元音字母发生变化。例如: footfeet足 manmen 男人 mousemice鼠 (2)词尾发生变化。例如: childchildren孩子,(3)有个别名词单复数形式一样。例如: deerdeer 鹿 sheepsheep 羊 (4)表示“某国人”的单、复数变化可以记住如下顺口溜:中日不变, 英法变, 其余s加后面。,(5)复合名词的复数变化: 分开写者, 通常把第二部分变成复数。例如: a boy studentboy students男学生 但第一部分为man/woman时, 两部分皆变复数。例如: a man teachermen teachers男教师,【即学活用】 这些鼠标看上去像真老鼠。 These _ look like real _. There are 22_in our school. A. woman teachers B. women teacher C. women teacher D. women teachers,mouses/mice,mice,【解析】选D。考查名词修饰名词。man/woman 修饰名词变复数时两部分都要变复数, 故选D。,一般过去时(二) 一般过去时的特殊疑问句 【新知导引】 根据句意补全下列句子, 体会句子结构及特殊疑问词的用法。,1. _did you do last weekend? I did my homework. /We went boating. 2. _ visited her grandma? Becky did.,What,Who,3. _ did she go last weekend? She went to a farm. 4. _did she go with? She went with her classmates.,Where,Who,5. _ was your weekend? It was great! 6. _ did he lose his keys? I heard it was yesterday.,How,When,【知识详解】 1. 定义:特殊疑问句是由特殊疑问代词(who, what, which)和疑问副词(where, when, why, how)引导的疑问句。 2. 一般过去时的特殊疑问句的类型,(1)含be动词的特殊疑问句。 特殊疑问词+was/were+主语+其他? 例如: How was your school trip? 你们学校旅行过得怎么样? Why was your mom so angry last night? 昨天晚上你妈妈为什么那么生气?,特殊疑问词(主语)+ was/were +其他? 例如: Who was the girl you met last weekend? 上周末你遇到的女孩是谁? Whose bike was broken yesterday? 昨天谁的自行车坏了?,(2)含行为动词的特殊疑问句。 特殊疑问词+助动词did+主语+动词原形+其他? 例如: Where did you go last summer? 去年夏天你去哪儿了? When did the meeting start? 会议什么时候开始的? Why did you clean your house just now? 你刚才为什么打扫你的房间?,特殊疑问词(主语)+行为动词的过去式+其他? Who didnt do homework? 谁没做作业?,【即学活用】 句型转换 Gina played the guitar last weekend. (对画线部分提问) _ _ Gina _ last weekend?,What,did,do,My father found the answer at last. (对画线部分提问) 世纪金榜导学号38504094 _ _ the answer at last? He became an actor at the age of 18. (对画线部分提问) _ _ he become an actor?,Who,found,When,did,My parents went to the countryside yesterday. (对画线部分提问) _ _ _ parents go yesterday? I played with my friends over there. (对画线部分提问) _ _ you _ _ over there?,Where,did,your,Who,did,play,with,
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