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Unit 1 Asia Reading (I),Play a guessing game the south of China.,lie in.,It is a morden city with many famous attractions.,underground caves,watchtower,the raising of the sun,hire bikes to ride,take photos of beautiful landscapes,lie in famous attraction underground cave watchtower the raising of the sun hire beautiful landscape,words review,坐落于 著名的景点 地下的洞穴 瞭望塔 太阳的升起 租用,雇佣 美丽的风景,Two cities in China,Title,What are the articles about?,Guilin,Beijing,Attraction Location,the Palace Museum Tiananmen Square the Summer Palace the Great Wall,next to the Palace Museum,in the middle of Beijing,across northern China,in the north-west of Beijing,Where are they?,Scanning: Read the passage quickly to find answers to the questions,Why is the Palace museum in the middle of the ancient Beijing? There are many squares in the world, is Tiananmen Square the biggest? Does the Summer Palace have anything to do with season summer? Why? How long is the Great Wall?,Read, think and try to answer,Why is the Palace museum in the middle of the ancient Beijing? The emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties used to live there. There are many squares in the world, is Tiananmen Square the biggest? Yes, it is. Does the Summer Palace have anything to do with season summer?Why? Yes, it is. It is a place for the emperors to spend the summer. How long is the Great Wall? Over 6000 kilometres.,art treasures,national flag,the forbidden city,1925,museum,gather,Read Para 4-5,the Summer Palace,a Chinese _ set in a _,A nice place where the emperors spent summer,garden,natural landscape,the Great Wall,One of _ of the world,_ Kilometres,_ every few hundred metres,over_years ago,6,000,watchtowers,2,000,wonders,Thinking: Were they used for keeping a watch for enemies or watching the sights in the past?,Thinking: They were used for keeping a watch for enemies in the past.,He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.,East or west, Guilin landscape is best.,Where is Guilin?,Its in southern China, lies on the two sides of the Lijiang River.,skimming,Art Palace of Nature.,fantastic landscape,It lies on two sides of the Lijiang River.,Mountains stand in different shapes.,The Reed Flute Cave is amazing.,Rocks are in unusual shapes,?,?,?,Why?,What is the cave praised as?,the beauty of Guilin,some hang down some point up,How,1. Guilin is in eastern China. _ 2. Guilin is famous for its beautiful landscape. _ 3. The Reed Flute Cave is in the south-east of Guilin . _ 4. You can find amazing rocks inside the Reed Flute Cave. _ 5. You can take a boat trip along the Lijiang River. _ 6. You need to buy a bicycle to ride around the countryside. _,F,T,F,T,T,F,details of Guilin,southern,north-west,hire,Guilin,On P9,Notes of Guilin,the Lijiang River,mountains,rocks,underground,boat trip,countryside,Guilin,hire,“Art Palace of Nature”,On P9,Location,do,Notes of Guilin,泰州地处江苏中部,已有2100多年的历史。 有许多名人诞生于此,如梅兰芳,施耐庵,郑板桥等。 泰州有许多著名景点:光孝寺,梅兰芳公园,老街,溱湖风景区等。人们可以在光孝寺祈福,去梅兰芳公园了解京剧大师当年的风采,或是欣赏溱湖的自然风光。 每年有许多游客来泰州欣赏美景和品尝美食。 tips:Jiangsu province Guangxiao Temple the Old Street Qinhu Lake Scenic Area,It is in/ It lies in Its landscape is amazing/fantastic/ is set in a natural landscape./ You can see You can do/is a good place to visit. /is well worth a visit. I hope you can visit/ Come and visit,PK If you have a chance to go to one of them, which city do you prefer? Tell me you reason(one or two sentences),the Reed Flute Cave 芦笛岩,Some rocks_. 向下悬挂,Some rocks_. 向上伸展,hang down,point upwards,1. Read the two articles aloud. 2. Finish the notes of Suzhou,
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