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Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? Section B(1a1d),考点1 along prep. 沿着 *Just go along Bridge Street and turn left when you see the library. 沿着大桥街一直向前走, 当你看到图书馆时向左转。(教材P46),*The supermarket is along Center Street on the left. 超市就在中央大街的左边。 【自主归纳】 along 作为_(形容词/介词), 意为“沿着”, 相当于 down。,介词,【即学活用】 沿着格林大街向前走, 然后向右转。 Walk _ Green Street and turn right. 那家超市就在大桥路的左边。 The supermarket is _ Bridge Road on the left.,along/down,along,考点2 turn v. 转向;翻 *Turn right at the first crossing. 在第一个路口向右转。(教材P46) *Just go down North Road and turn left. 沿着北路向前走, 然后向左拐。 *Please turn to Page 11. 请翻到第十一页。,*Its my turn to play computer games. 现在轮到我去玩电脑游戏了。 【自主归纳】 (1)turn 作动词, 意为“转向;翻”, turn right/ left 意为“向右/左拐”。 (2)turn 作名词, 意为“次序”, Its ones turn to do sth. 意为“轮到某人做某事了”。,【易错警示】 turn 还可以用作系动词, 意为“变得”。 *Trees turn green when spring comes. 春天到来了, 树变绿了。,【图解助记】,【即学活用】 (2016铜仁中考)_ right, and youll find it on your left. His face _ _ (变成红色) at the words. 老师要求我们翻到第10页。 世纪金榜导学号38504061 The teacher asks us to _ _ Page 10.,Turn,turns,red,turn,to,【备选要点】 Excuse me. Is there a hotel around here? 劳驾。这附近有旅馆吗? 这是用来“问路”的句型。在英语中, 表示问路的日常用语如下:,表示指路的日常用语如下:,【即学活用】 劳驾。这附近有书店吗? _ _. Is there a bookstore near here? 一直向前走, 在第一个路口向右转。 Go straight and _ _ at the first turning.,Excuse,me,turn,right,在学校和医院之间有一个超市。 There is a supermarket _ the school _ the hospital.,between,and,
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