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M2 U1 Tales of the unexplainedPeriod Learning notes for Welcome to the unit & Reading【Learning goals】1. Learning some new words : search; witness; since; assume; occur; while; dismiss;2. Learning some new expressions: run into; step into; due to; make up; look into; 3. learning some special sentence patterns: 同位语(句);倒装句【Learning focus】1. (Page 1) You might run into a Yeti in the Himalayas, or just see a few tracks, if you are lucky! run into (1) _ Guess who I ran into today. (2) _ If you travel alone in that forest, you may run into danger. (3) _ The bus went out of control and ran into a line of people. 【练一练】 Ive _ the habit of calling in on my grandparents on my way home from school.A. come into B. gone into C. got into D. run into2. (Page 2 Lines 1-4) Police in America have stepped up their search for a fifteen-year-old boy who went missing three days ago, in Dover, New Hampshire. step up _The health department is stepping up efforts to reduce teenage smoking. _ search n. 搜查,搜寻 in search of in ones/the search for 所有的村民都出去寻找那个失踪的男孩。All the villagers went out _v. 搜查,搜寻 search sb./sth.(for sb./sth.) search for sb./sth.超市无权对顾客搜身,查找丢失的东西。A supermarket doesnt _她翻找自己的护照,但没找着。 She _ in vain (徒劳) _ her passport. 【练一练】 A group of soldiers went into the woods _ the missing pilot. A. search for B. in search of C. searched for D. searched of3. (Page 2 Lines 4-8) This incident has received great interest due to reports of strange lights in the sky and of alien visits around the time the boy disappeared. due to (1) 由于,因为(常在句中作状语、表语或定语)由于天气恶劣,机场被关闭了。The airport was closed _(2) 预期的,预定的 (be due to do sth.)The train is due to arrive at six. 翻译:_【拓展】due to 的近义短语还有 because of, owing to, as a result of, thanks to(更多地表示正面原因,意为“多亏,由于”)等【练一练】 _ your help, I passed the examination without any difficulty.A. Because of B. Owing to C. Due to D. Thanks to4. (Page 2 Lines 9-11) Justin Foster, a high school student, went missing last Friday night. (Page 3 Lines 72-73) There is no hard evidence that aliens took him. (Page 3 Lines 67-71) When asked about the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens, Detective Sam Peterson, who has taken charge of the case, told journalists, Sometimes people make up such amazing stories . 句中划线部分与前面的名词同位,构成同位语(从句)。possibility n. 可能性There is a / no / little possibility of (doing) sth.There is a / no possibility that-clause.【练一练】一个孩子能在互联网上创办一家玩具公司,这有可能吗?_that a child can set up a toy company on the Internet?5. (Page 2 Lines 18-19) Witnesses also say they saw Justin walking towards his home at 10:45 p.m. witness n. 目击者,见证人 be (a) witness to (现场目击) 我是他们争吵的目击者。I was (a) witness to their quarrel. 谁目击了这场车祸? Who witnessed the accident? see + sb. / sth. + do / doing / donewatch, look at, hear, listen to, notice, feel, observe等动词与see有这种相同用法。(1) 我拉开窗帘,看见一艘巨大的宇宙飞船在外面飞行。I pulled back the curtains and _(2) 有人看见他一小时前离开了。_(3) 看到儿子在托儿所受到很好的照顾, 我很高兴。_ in the nursery.6. (Page 2 Lines 36-38) Standing inside were lots of strange creatures with white skin and large black eyes. 此句为倒装句,结构为“表语 + be + 主语”。相当于: Lots of white-skinned, strange-looking creatures with white skin and large black eyes were standing inside.类似句型:Growing all over the hills and around the lake are trees of different kinds.【练一练】(1) 坐在房间后面的是一个有着一对大眼睛的害羞女孩。_ at the back of the room _ with two big eyes.(2) 出席会议的还有一位来自北大的教授。Also _ a professor from Peking University.7. (Page 2 Lines 44) I havent seen Justin since. since adv. 他三周前离开家,从此杳无音信。_ since conj. 既然我们来到了这个地方就该去看看他。_, lets go and visit him.8. (Page 3 Lines 47-51) However, since Mrs. Foster thought that Justin was spending the night with a friend, she assumed that Kelly was having a bad dream, and sent her back to bed. assume 假定,认为虽然玛丽什么也没说,但约翰认为这件事肯定和她有关。Although Mary did not say anything, _人们普遍认为 (It is generally assumed that ) 许多疾病是由于工作压力所致。_ many diseases are caused by _9. Page
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