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九年级上册Unit6 能力训练-II. 完形填空(1 0分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共10小题,每小题1分)What are healthy eating habits? Maybe you dont know them, but by _21_ small changes with every meal, you can _22_ having healthy eating habits. Here are three pieces of advice.Begin with the _23_ you choose to buy. Usually, youll eat what you buy. If chips are in the house, you will _24_ to eat them instead of fruit. Start by changing the food in the house. You can have more_25_ around you, such as apples oranges, and pears instead of chips. When you shop at the supermarket, _26_ more of your time in the outside aisles (通道), where youll _27_ the healthier food, like fresh fruit, fish and vegetables. They are _28_ lower in fat. Begin _29_ the labels of the food that you eat. Food labeled low in fat is not always the healthiest. If the food is lower in fat, it may have more salt. Its _30_ to read the label of the food while youre shopping. If you always do so, you can avoid buying expired (过期的) food and make a better choice next time.( ) 21. A. meeting B. persuading C. making D. hiring( ) 22. A. start B. mind C. select D. suggest( ) 23. A. grain B. food C. vegetable D. candy( ) 24. A. seem B. hate C. refuse D. prefer( ) 25. A. fruits B. meat C. vegetables D. grains( ) 26. A. cost B. take C. spend D. pay( ) 27. A. deliver B. recognize C. lose D. find( ) 28. A. traditionally B. quickly C. firstly D. easily( ) 29. A. reading B. writing C. listening D. speaking( ) 30. A. bad B. necessary C. unhelpful D. difficult阅读理解(35分)i阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳选项。(共25小题,每小题1分)AGetting a job is not always as easy as you might think. In fact, some people may find that no matter how hard they try, they just cant succeed. In this situation, it is important for them to learn from their mistakes. They can improve their job interview skills by the following steps. First, once you have finished a job interview, you should take time to make a list of the things that you think you did right and wrong.Next, once you have a list of your interviewing achievements and mistakes, try to rank them according to their importance to the job interview. This will help you decide which special area you should pay more attention to in your next job interview. For example, if your hands were shaking throughout the interview and your tie was not perfectly straight, it may be a good idea for you to pay more attention to your body language rather than the tie. Finally, once you have written a list of skills after a job interview, try to do more. This will help you gradually (渐渐地) make your performance perfect in a job interview. In this way, you can impress your interviewer and get a good job.( ) 31. Which is the most important thing for those who often fail in their interviews? A. To make friends with the interviewers. B. To attend more interviews. C. To learn from their mistakes. D. To ask their friends for advice.( ) 32. Which of the following should you put on the list after an interview? A. Things you think you did right and wrong. B. People you met during the interview. C. The questions the interviewer asked you. D. Things you said during the interview.( ) 33. What can we infer from the passage? A. There arent enough jobs for people to get. B. We shouldnt laugh at those who cant get a job. C. Body language is more important than the tie during the interview. D. You dont need to wear a tie during an interview.( ) 34. The underlined word “rank” means “_” in Chinese. A. 忽略 B. 排序 C. 分开 D. 打乱( ) 35. The best title for the passage is “_”. A. How to Be a Job Interviewer B. How to Make a List C. How to Improve Job Interview Skills D. How to Wear Your TieBDonna, 42 years old, was in perfect health. She was fit, tidy and only ate healthy food. She ran several miles every day and took part in local road races. Forty is the new twenty! her friends would talk about Donnas seeming agelessness (表面上的永不衰老). Donna heard this so often that she gradually believed that aging was just for other people. But that all changed when Donna took a Monday trip to the Department of Motor Vehicles to renew her drivers license (执照). “Name?” the clerk (办事员) asked, without looking up. Donna replied. Address? Donna gave it. Look through there, please, the clerk pointed an eye testing machine at the edge of the desk. Read the first four lines, she said.
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