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Unit 9Have you ever been to a museum?第1课时分层训练Section A1 1a2d .根据句意及汉语提示写出所缺的单词1I remember putting my bag _ (在某处) in my bedroom. 2A _(照相机) is a piece of equipment used for taking photos.3Could you please tell us about the Four Great _(发明) of China?4There are plenty of _ (娱乐活动) in the club. .根据汉语意思完成句子1你爸爸曾经去过美术博物馆吗? _ your father ever _ _ an art museum?2那位老人想住在安静的地方。The old man wants to live _ _3上周末他们在森林里搭起了一个帐篷。They _ _ _ _ in the forest last weekend.4“我从来没有去过美国。”“我也没去过。”I_ _ _ to America._ _.按要求完成下列各题1Hes never been to Hangzhou and Ive never been there either.(改为同义句)Hes never been to Hangzhou. _ _ _2You will enjoy yourself at the party.(改为同义句) You will _ _ _ _ at the party. 3We have traveled to another province of China.(改为否定句)We _ _ to another province of China.4He has ever visited the space museum.(改为反意疑问句)He has ever visited the space museum, _ _? .单项填空()1.I hear your teacher _ to Japan once.Yes, he _ there last year.Agoes; went Bhas been; has beenCwent; has been Dhas been; went()2.Tina, we are going to take a holiday in Europe._AThats OK BHave a good timeCIts wonderful DWith pleasure()3.Have you ever seen the film The Fate of the Furious 8?Yes. I _ it last Sunday.Ahave seen Bsee Csaw Dsees()4.Cindys never been to Beijing, _?Ais she Bisnt she Chas she Dhasnt she()5.I have never heard of the news._ASo has Tom BSo Tom hasCNeither Tom has DNeither has Tom.补全对话A: Hi, Tony. What are you busy with?B: Hi, Daming. 1._A: Sounds interesting! I am very interested in spaceships.B: Do you know scientists have sent a spaceship to Mars(火星)?A: No. 2._B: Yes, it has arrived there already.A: 3._B: No, they havent yet.A: Are there any astronauts in the spaceship?B: No, there arent.A: Why not? 4._B: Yes, but no one has been to Mars yet, because Mars is much farther than the moon. 5._A: Thats interesting!AHas it arrived yet?BBut scientists are working hard in order to send astronauts to Mars one day.CAstronauts have already been to the moon.DHave they discovered life on Mars?EIve just read a book about spaceships.完形填空Im a 14yearold middle school student from Shandong. I enjoy traveling and I have been to many places. But Kunyu Mountain was the most unforgettable place Ive _1_ been to.Kunyu Mountain is a place of _2_ near my hometown. My dad and I went to _3_ it in the early summer five years ago. At first I thought the top was so _4_ that I could never reach it. When I _5_, I always saw the top surrounded by many white clouds. _6_ the view was beautiful, I was not interested in looking at it. I _7_ very tired because of the 3hour walk and I had a _8_ in my legs. However, I said to _9_ that I couldnt give up climbing because it was my dream to climb to the top. It was cold and the wind was brushing my face strongly. I succeeded in _10_ the top without the help of my dad. Seeing the mountains with large rocks around me, I smiled. I enjoyed my _11_ in reaching the top after falling over the stones several times. And I have fallen in love _12_ the beauty of nature since then.In our lives, the top is our _13_. The climbing is difficult but worth(值得) your hard work. Just prepare more so that you can _14_ get to the top. Whatever the result is, at least I have tried my best. I believe I can _15_ my dream.()1.A.ever Bnever Calways Dalready()2.A.scene Btravel Cinterest Dattraction()3.A.climb Brun Cride Drush()4.A.smooth Bhuge Cmagic Dhigh()5.A.looked down Blooked up Clooked out Dlooked back()6.A.If BThough CSince DUnless()7.A.stayed Bkept Cfelt Dturned()8.A.pain Bhurt Crest Dshake()9.A.yourself Bherself Chimself Dmyself()10.A.arriving Bgetting Creaching Dgoing()11.A.result Bsuccess Cgift Dluck()12.A.for Bby Cwith Dto()13.A.wish Bdream Cidea Dplan()14.A.completely Bslowly Cfinally Dcarefully()15.A.promise Bunderstand Cmake Drealize.2018泸州任务型阅读 It was a sunny Saturday in Okjahoma City. A proud
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