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晨读晚背经典材料(基础写作11)11. 项目介绍必背词语:1. originate as. 以出现/起源2. a means of survival 一种生存手段3. develop into 发展成为4. be allowed to 被允许5. grow steadily 稳定增长6. twice in history 历史上两次7. participate in 参加;参与8. is considered to be(as) 被认为是9. what is more 此外10. offer sb. help 给某人提供帮助11. be similar to 与相似12. choose two subjects out of. 从中选择两个科目13. earn its status as a sport 作为一项运动取得它的地位14. related reading materials 相关的阅读材料15. broaden ones horizons 开阔视野16. provide sb. with a platform 给某人提供一个平台17. with more powerful battery 电池功能强大18has 200 hours standby time and 8 hours talk time on 3G 支持200小时的待机时间及 8小时的3G通话时间必背句式:1. Shooting, originated as a means of survival, developed into a sport only in the late 19th century. 射击, 原先是一种生存手段, 只是到了十九世纪晚期才发展成一种运动项目。2. Women were first allowed to compete in the Olympic shooting only in 1968. 到了1968年才允许女子参加奥运射击项目。3. The iPhone 4, a touch-screen smart phone, is the fifth generation of the iPhone.苹果4, 即触屏智能手机, 是苹果的第五代产品。4. What is most amazing is that you can order it to do things like sending messages with your voice.最令人称奇的是, 你可以利用声音命令它发出信息。5. Students are encouraged to do a lot of related reading, which provides us with a platform for development.鼓励学生阅读相关的读物, 提供他们一个发展的平台。6. Every student can choose two subjects out of 20 according to their own interests.根据自己的兴趣, 每个学生可以从20名课程中选两门。7. The iPhone 4, a touch-screen smart phone, which is the fifth generation of the iPhone, is considered ground-breaking and the best smart phone in the world.iphone 4,触摸屏智能机,是第五代iphone,被认为是独创的且是世界上最好的8What is most amazing is that not only can you order it to do things like sending messages with your voice but also it can understand what you say and offer you help. 最令人惊奇的是你可以命令它做用声音指示手机发短信这样的事情而且它还能理解你说的话,并给你帮助。技巧点拨1. 项目描写一般是对某个事物、某项活动、某种风俗习惯等的描写, 考生平时应多阅读英语报刊杂志, 了解最新的技术发展, 掌握一些相关的地道英语, 如“畅销书”可以翻译为best sellers,“卖断货”可以翻译为 “sell out of stock”。2. 考生在项目描写的作文中需要特别注意词性, 比如说“这个产品是高质量的”, 考生容易错翻译为 “This product is high quality”, 这就是考生直接按照字面翻译, 没有注意到quality是个名词而不是形容词, 所以考生应该翻译为 “This product is of high quality”。典型例题分析你很荣幸地成为2008北京奥运会的一名志愿者, 负责编写奥运比赛项目的英语介绍。写作内容请根据以下中文提纲,编写射击项目的英语介绍:背景:射击最初只是生存工具, 19世纪末才发展成为一项体育运动1896:第一次成为奥运项目1904:中断1928:中断1932:重回奥运会1968:第一次允许妇女参加奥运射击比赛现状:稳步发展,1896奥运会只有三项射击项目, 现今有17项例题导写1. 首先, 认真审题, 归纳信息。对于事物的描写和说明, 考生可以根据事物的性质、特点划分信息。本题目里对奥运射击的项目的陈述, 是按照时间顺序排列, 因此在信息点的划分这步相对容易。射击的背景和现状分别是第一句和第五句, 射击的发展中1896-1932年的变化可以用两句话表述, 1968年妇女第一次获得参加奥运会的权利可以放在第四句描述。2. 接着, 词汇整理,草拟提纲。项目描写的文章考生要注意使用正确、地道的语言把句子组织在一起。 3合并句子1)射击最初只是生存工具。 Shooting originated as a means of survival.2)19世纪末才发展成为一项体育运动。Shooting developed into a sport only in the late 19th century.A. Shooting, (which was) originated as a means of survival, didnt develop into a sport only until the late 19th century. B. It was not until the late 19th century that shooting, which was originated as a means of survival, developed into a sport.参考范文Shooting, originated as a means of survival, developed into a sport only in the late 19th century. The sport first appeared in 1896, but none were contested during the 1904 and 1928 Games. The sport returned to the Olympics in 1932. Women were first allowed to compete in the Olympic shooting in 1968. The sport has grown steadily from just three shooting events at the 1896 Olympic Games to 17 today.模拟试题假设你想说服你爸爸给你购买最新的一款手机iphone 4, 请你根据以下写作内容给他描述iphone 4的情况。写作内容介绍1. 触摸屏, 第五代iphone2. 独创的, 被认为世界上最好的智能机外型与iphone 3相似, 黑白两种颜色功能1. 电池功能强大, 支持200小时待机时间(standly time), 8小时3G通话时间2. 照相系统提高 3. 用声音指示手机发短信等4. 它能理解你说的话, 给你帮助 参考范文 The iPhone 4, a touch-screen smart phone, which is the fifth generation of the iPhone, is considered ground-breaking and the best smart phone in the world. Made in two colors, black and white, it is almost of the same design as the iPhone 3. However, with more powerful battery, it has 200 hours standby time and 8 hours talk time on 3G. What is more, the camera inside it is greatly developed / improved. What is most amazing is that not only can you order it to do things like sending messages with your voice but also it can understand what you say and offer you help.精华点评 这是对一个新的电子产品的描述, 考生可以使用生动的语言描述, 避免文章枯燥无味。如表示“突破性的”, 考生可以使用形容词ground-breaking, 或者名词breakthrough; 表示外形与iphone 3相似的时候, 很多考生可以考虑到be similar to iphone 3 in appearance, 但范文中使用了retain almost all of the same design features as这个短语,使文章的语言更加高级和生动。 最后两句是表现iphone 4改善了的和新的功能, 因此范文中补充了两个细节with more powerful battery(第四句)和What is most amazing is that.(第五句), 使整个描述更有吸引力。
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