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M,1. mad adj. 疯狂的,非常愚蠢的 同crazy 疯的,精神错乱的 同crazy 生气的,愤怒的,恼火的同angry 痴迷,迷恋,特别喜欢,【练习】完成句子 你买这么破的车子准是疯了。 You _ so broken a car. 别生我的气,我这样做完全是为了你好。 _ me. I did it all for your own good. 他因为没赶上飞机而大怒。 He was mad _ the plane.,楼外的噪音几乎使我发疯。 The noise outside the building nearly _. 他们飞奔赶上公共汽车。 They ran _ to catch the bus. 爸爸看到我考试不及格大发脾气。 Dad _ when he saw that I had failed in the exam.,【答案】 must be mad to buy Dont get/be mad at/with about/for/at missing drove me mad like mad went mad,2. majority nU 大多数,大部分反minority,【练习】 完成句子/单项选择 大多数人赞成这个建议。 The majority _ in favour of the proposal. 大多数孩子被迫学习英语。 _ made to learn English. (Most children are made to learn English.),这些学生中的大多数都想出国留学。 _ to study abroad. (Most of the students want to study abroad.) _ passengers survived the traffic accident except a woman and two children. A. The most B. Majority of the C. Most of D. The majority of the,【解析】 were/was A majority of children are The majority of the students want D 句意:这次交通事故大部分乘客幸免于难,除了一名妇女和两名儿童外。most置于名词前不用the等限定词;most of所接的名词前须有限定词;选项B的正确表述应为A majority of (the)。,3. make v.,【练习】用介、副词填空(一空一词) She took over 30 minutes to make herself _. Peasants make _ the majority of the population of our country. A Greek merchant ship is making _ the Panama Canal. We could hardly make _ anything in the thick fog. It is not easy to make _ his ideas.,We must redouble our efforts to make _ the lost time. Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and making _ jokes. 我们班由50人组成。 Fifty students _ our class. Our class _ fifty students. Our class _ fifty students.,【答案】 up up for out out up for up make up/is made up of/consists of,4. marry v. T嫁,娶,与结婚 I结婚,【练习】完成句子/单项选择 她和一个医生结婚了。 She _. She _. 他们去年10月结婚,如今结婚已一年了。 They _ last October; they _., How long has Tom _ Mary? I dont know and I even didnt know they had _. A. been married to; got married B. been married with; married C. married with; married D. married to; got married,【解析】 married a doctor; was married to a doctor got married; have been married for a year A how long是表示一段时间的状语,因此第一空要用be married to,注意不能用with替换to,选项B的错误就在于此。,5. manage v. I/T设法完成(困难的事);设法应付 T管理,经营同run,【练习】英译汉/完成句子 Dont worry. Well manage somehow. _ 我们设法及时赶到了机场。 We _ in time.,没有帮助,我们将无法应付这项工作。 We shant be able _. 为了管理好公司,他可真是煞费苦心。 He took great pains _.,【答案】 别着急,我们总会有办法的。 managed to get to the airport to manage the job without help to manage the company,【练习】 用manage, try的适当形式填空 He _ to get the car started, but in vain. She _ to pass her driving test after months of practice.,【答案】 tried managed,6. mercy n. U仁慈,怜悯,宽恕 C, 用单数幸运,恩惠,【练习】完成句子 她怜悯无家可归的人们。 She _ those homeless people. 恐怖分子对人质残酷无情。 The terrorists _ the hostages. 去不去野餐要由天气决定。 The picnic is _ the weather.,【答案】 has mercy on/upon showed no mercy to at the mercy of,7. mistake vT弄错,误解,误认 nC错误,误会 同error,【练习】完成句子 你一定是把她误认为是她的姊妹了。 You must have _ her _ her sister. 也许我们买这辆车是个错误。 Maybe we _ in buying the car.,对不起,我错拿了你的手提包。 Im sorry I took your bag _. 对不起,我把地址搞错了。 Sorry, I was mistaken _ the address.,【解析】 mistaken; for made a mistake by mistake /in error about,【练习】 用mistake, error, fault适当形式填空/单项选择 He is such a man who is always finding _ with other people. His _ of judgement led to the accident. It was a _ buying that house. “I dont think its my _ that the TV blew up. I just turned it on, thats all,” said the boy. A. error B. mistake C. fault D. duty,【解析】 fault error mistake C error, mistake侧重于“错误”,即做得不对、不妥;而fault侧重于造成错误的个人责任;duty则是指义务、该做的事。这个男孩说:“我认为电视机爆炸不是我的责任。我只是把它打开,仅此而已。”说明不是“我”的责任,故选C。,8. mix v. I/T混合,搅拌,【练习】完成句子 我把牛奶和果汁混在一起。 I _. I _. 油和水不能混合。 Oil doesnt _ water. 我把你们的名字弄混了。 I _ your names.,【答案】 mixed milk with fruit juice; mixed milk and fruit juice together mix with mixed up,
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