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编号: 桂林电子科技大学信息科技学院毕业设计(论文)外文翻译(原文)系 (部): 信息工程系 专 业: 软件工程 学生姓名: 李丙炜 学 号: 1251300326 指导教师单位: 计算机科学与工程学院 姓 名: 李民政 职 称: 教授 2016年 5月 26日外文原文How Android conquered the mobile world in just three yearsNetwork World (Online), 2010The advent of the Droid seen by many as turning point for Google in mobile marketIts easy to forget that not so long ago, no one was sure if Android would ever be relevant.After all, the Android explosion has really only erupted over the past year, roughly two years after Android made its debut in the fall of 2007. Since January alone, Android has doubled its total market share in the mobile operating system market, and devices based on Android accounted for a whopping 44% of smartphones purchased in the third quarter of 2010, according to research firm ChangeWave. Research firm Gartner has projected that by the end of the year sales of Android devices will exceed those based on the BlackBerry OS and the iPhone OS, meaning that Android will trail only Symbian as the worlds most-used mobile operating system.But for the first two years of its existence, Android had a tough time making major waves. The first device to be based on Android, T-Mobiles HTC G1, made its debut in the fall of 2008 and was mostly overshadowed by more high-profile smartphones such as the Apple iPhone and the BlackBerry Storm. Morgan Slain, the CEO of mobile applications developer SplashData, says that this lack of initial success led a lot of application developers to hesitate before investing too many resources in developing for the platform, despite the fact that it was free and open source.We started early doing Android development but at first it was all hype and no sales, he says. It was a new platform for us. It seemed to have a lot of potential but it was frustrating that there werent any sales coming in for us.Scott Webster, who has been covering Android for the past three year as one of the founders of the popular Android Guys blog, says he got a similar vibe from developers he talked to during Androids early years.The initial buzz from developers was, We dont know what this is yet, he says. There was a huge wait-and-see approach.Google plugged a large chunk of cash into bringing application developers on board with Android by offering a total of $10 million in prizes as part of its Android Developer Challenge during Androids initial launch. Slain says that while his company and many others entered the challenge, they were still greatly unsure of Androids long-term potential since the operating system wasnt yet available on any marquee devices and there was a sense that Android was all buzz without anything to back it up.Thats not to say that Android as a development platform was not enticing. Since Android is a Linux platform that uses Java as its programming language, most software developers on the market found that writing programs for the operating system was a breeze. Google also went out of its way to make posting a new application on the Android Market a snap, as the company does not screen applications sent to the store and will only remove them if it has received legitimate customer complaints.Google did a lot of things right when it designed Android, says IDC analyst Steve Drake. They made it open, they made it very clean, they tried to keep it simple in terms of its code and offerings and they moved very quickly to make sure each new version of the OS contained real improvements.So the operating system itself was fine. Now all it needed was a device to drive popularity.Enter the DroidAndroid got its big break last November with the release of the Motorola Droid on the Verizon network. The Droids release was important because it marked the first time that an Android-based device was being supported by either of the nations two largest wireless carriers. Verizon decided to aggressively market the Droid as a better alternative to the Apple iPhone by pointing out that the Droid had a physical keyboard and the ability to run simultaneous applications. And while the Droid didnt sell as many units as the iPhone, it did sell well over 1 million, thus putting Android firmly on the mobile operating system map.Slain says that the impact of the Droid on his companys sales was immediate and significant.We noticed a difference literally overnight, he says. And ever since the Droid launch its been a consistently strong platform.Paul Carton, the vice president of research at ChangeWave, notes that interest in Motorola products among corporate users doubled between August 2009 and November 2009, as the number of corporate users surveyed by ChangeWave who planned to
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