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自我复习与检测(七),课内基础盘点,课后能力提升,Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.,课内基础盘点,自我复习与检测(七),.根据句意及汉语提示写出所缺的单词,1If you want to drive a car, you must have a drivers _(证件) 2We should give teenagers some _(机会) to make their own decisions.,license/licence,secret,自我复习与检测(七),3Parents should tell children the importance of _ (安全) 4The organization _ (教育) parents to take good care of their children. 5Whatever you say in the meeting, I will _ (支持) you.,safety,educates,support,自我复习与检测(七),.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,1Jackie succeeded in _ (pass) the math test. 2We spent an hour _ (finish) the work. 3Why do you want to get your ears _ (pierce)? 4He shouted back _ (angry), “Im not a baby!”,passing,finishing,pierced,angrily,自我复习与检测(七),5It is hard _ (become) a professional football player. 6If it _ (not rain) tomorrow, we will go hiking. 7I am _ (allow) to go to the movies on Saturday night. 8When the bell rings, we should stop _ (talk) and get ready for the classes.,to become,doesnt rain,allowed,talking,自我复习与检测(七),.根据汉语意思完成句子,1太多的游戏会妨碍学生们做作业。 Too many games can _ _ _ _ _ students homework. 2我遗憾地告诉你,你没有通过这次考试。 I _ _ _ you that you havent passed the test.,get in the way of,regret to tell,自我复习与检测(七),3昨天她大声地和她妈妈顶嘴了。 She _ _ to her mother loudly yesterday. 4如果你想保持健康,请远离垃圾食品。 If you want to stay healthy, please _ _ _ junk food. 5我想我们应该自己做决定是否完成这项工作。 I think we should _ _ _ _ whether to finish the work or not.,talked back,keep/stay away from,make our own decisions,课后能力提升,自我复习与检测(七),.完形填空,I finished middle school in the 1970s. I still remember the teen years were the_1_time of my life. At that time, as a girl, I hated it when my parents asked me_2_about my problems that made me uncomfortable. I also remember many times when Mr. Templat, my teacher, would take me aside and talk to me. He had a special way of finding out what the problem was.,自我复习与检测(七),Every time he_3_ with me, I felt better. He was a teacher I will never_4_ He had a way of making his classes enjoyable. We always got the highest_5_ in math in our grade with his teaching. If there was a big world ball game on the radio we would_6_ everything and he would put the game on so we could all enjoy it.,自我复习与检测(七),Teens often learn things on TV or from adults about world_7_ that can make them scared. Now it is terrorism(恐怖主义). Back in my teen years it was the Cold War. It worried me so much that I_8_each day would be my last. Mr. Templat knew how much it troubled his_9_. He opened the subject up to discussion. He gave us a way to express our fears and helped us understand war and politics(政治),自我复习与检测(七),When I think back to those special days, I appreciate(感念) that he helped me go_10_ such a difficult time in my life.,自我复习与检测(七),主旨大意本文讲的是“我”的老师对“我”的帮助。“我”在老师Mr. Templat的帮助下,度过了人生中最艰难的一段时光。,自我复习与检测(七),( )1.A. happiest Bhardest Cbest DBusiest ( )2.A. directly Bpolitely Ckindly Dsoftly ( )3.A. played Bfought Cargued Dtalked ( )4.A. fear Btrust Cforget Dremember ( )5.A. progress Bresults Cmarks Dfever,B,A,D,C,C,【解析】 “我”讨厌父母“直接”问“我”一些关于“我”的烦恼方面的问题,故所缺的词是directly。,自我复习与检测(七),( )6.A. do Bdrop Clearn DRepeat ( )7.A. problems Bmeetings Cweather Dpollution ( )8.A. thought Bdecided Cpromised Dsuggested ( )9.A. relative Bfamily Cteachers Dstudents ( )10.A. against Bacross Cover Dthrough,B,A,A,D,D,【解析】 结合上下文可推断,如果广播上有重大的比赛,“我们”会“放下”一切,在广播上听比赛,故所缺的词是drop。,自我复习与检测(七),.2017宁波阅读理解,I want to rant a little about cell phones. Here are a few things I hate about them. I hate it when people turn cell phones on in the movies to check their messages. When someone turns a cell phone on in the movies, I want to turn on a flashlight and point it at their faces.,自我复习与检测(七),I hate it when people talk loudly on cell phones in libraries, in quiet bookstores, on buses or on trains. Do these people really think we want to hear their conversation? Its not very interesting, to be honest. Theyre usually talking about what they ate for breakfast, and we cant hear the other end of the conversation (although Im pretty sure the other side of the conversation is just as boring),自我复习与检测(七),I hate it when people answer their phone calls while Im talking to them, and then, in front of me, continue a long conversation. I also hate it when people text while Im sitting at dinner with them. This is probably the worst thing people do on cell phones. This sends the message to the person youre eating with that “You are not interesting or important enough. Id rather text my other friend. Obviously, I like this other friend much better than I like you.”,自我复习与检测(七),I saw a girl yesterday standing in front of the Pacific Ocean. The s
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