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三下Unit 3 At the zoo A Lets talk Draw and say教学内容分析:本课是第三单元A部分的第一课。本单元学习的话题是“描述动物”。课本通过教师带学生参观动物园的场景让学生感知核心句型Its (so)句型的语义及语用情景。学情分析:三年级的学生活泼,好动,学习英语的积极性比较高。学生已经学过句子Look at ,接触过fat,tall. 本节课我运用情景教学法,尽量在英语课堂上创设真实自然的情景,使学生自然习得语言。采用活动教学法, 通过教师创设的课堂活动激发学生的学习积极性。教学目标:知识目标:能够在语境中理解Its tall/ short/ fat.的语用功能,并在图片或动作等帮助下,使用Its + adj.描述动物的外形特征。能力目标:1. 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。2. 能够朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。3. 能够自己简笔画出常见小动物,并运用学到的语言结构描述自己的作品。情感目标:培养学生热爱动物、保护动物的意识,提醒学生在动物园要遵守一定的行为规范,如不乱逗玩动物或不乱投喂动物等。教学重点:能够在语境中理解Its tall/ short/ fat.的语用功能,并在图片或动作等帮助下,使用Its + adj.描述动物的外形特征。教学难点:Look at that 的连读及giraffe的发音。教学准备:1、 动物卡片,单词卡片 2、课件。教学过程: 课前活动: ChantLook at the cat. It is fat.Look at the pig. It is big.Look at the dog. Its on the log.Look at the duck. Its in the truck.Look at the bear. Its on the pear. Oops! (目的:通过chant渗透句型:Look at及形容词fat,big ,funny.) 一、Preparation 1. Greeting:T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Zhang.T: Look! What place? Ss: Its a zoo. T: Right. What animals in the zoo?Ss: Monkey, panda, elephant any more?T: Yes. (生若说出bear,师加以强调,若没有说bear,师提示:May be some bears in the zoo.为下一步做铺垫。)2布置任务T:Do you want to go to the zoo?But,you should get tour guide ID card.If you can describe the animals correctly, you will get it. Come on!(学会描述小动物- 拿到小导游证-去动物园介绍动物)T: Animals are good friends. They are in the zoo. Then what animals?Listen carefully and answer.二、Presentation1.(听完录音)T: What animals?(师提示可用汉语回答。)(1) Ss:bear,长颈鹿。 T:Yes. Giraffe. 分音节教学gi-ra-ffe (板书) S1S6(2) tall,shortT:Great!Look at that giraffe. Its (师加动作) Ss:高T:Its so tall. (加动作让学生明白so的意思,板书Its so)T:Look at this giraffe. Its (师加动作) Ss:矮T:Its so short. (How many sounds can you hear?)sh-or-t S1-S3T:(出示tall卡片)Is it short? Ss:No.T:Is it short? Ss:YesT:So many houses. Which house is for tall? Is it for tall?T:Which house is for short? Who can find?T:Clever!Show me your hands. Lets do. Be tall, be tall, be tall, tall, tall! Be short, be short, be short, short, short!(3)fatT:Well. Look at that monkey. Its (师加动作)T:(出示cat图片)Whats that? Ss:Its a cat.T:Catfat Look at that cat. Ss:Its fat. T:Which house is for fat? Who can find?T:Super!(出示giraffe图片)Look at that giraffe. Ss:Its so tall. T:Look at that cat. Ss:Its short. T:So, its short and fat.S1S3(4)T:Good job. Look at this monkey. Its (师加动作) Ss:Thin. Group1-group2 T:Which house is for thin?T:Wonderful!Show me your hands. Lets do.Be fat, be fat, be fat, fat, fat!Be thin, be thin, be thin, thin, thin!(5)Chant with music2在情境中区分this和that T:You chant so well.T:Look at this giraffe. Ss:Its (so)T:Look at that giraffe. Ss:Its (so) T:Look at this monkey. Ss:Its (so) T:Look at that monkey. Ss:Its (so) T:Look at this Ss:Its . T:Look at that . Ss:Its .(在这里板书Look at学生运用句型Look at进行描述。)3. T:What about the bear?Listen and circle :What is the bear like?(熊长得什么样?)4. Listen and imitate the whole dialogue. T:This time , Listen and imitate the whole dialogue.(Payattentiontoyourpronunciationandintonation .)Work in groups. Now, Lets chant together:Look at the giraffe. Its so tall.Look at the bear. Its short and fat.三、Practice1Choose and sayT:You are all good imitators. Wow, so many animals and so many words. Which one is for bear?Ss:shortT:Look at that bear. Its short. .2. T:Oh, they are missing. Where are they? Whats that? Ss:Its. Ss:Look at . Its .四、Production1. T:Oh, great. They are back home now. Lets go to the zoo. Are you ready?Ss:Ready.T:Today is “Zoo Open Day”. Lets be a guide.(跟师读句子)Welcome ! Follow me, please. Eg: G: Look at the(that) Vs: Its so / Its and提示:tall,short,fat,thin, big,small, funny.T:OK, choose one member to be guide, the others are visitors.Ss: 学生小组准备中T: Lets see which group is the best! We will judge you with 3G. First Ggood English Second Ggood imagination Third Ggood cooperation五、Progress1T: Wonderful, you all did a great job. Are you happy today? Where are you today? Ss: At the zoo. T: Yes. Today we make a trip to the zoo. Lets go to the zoo. Look atIts2. 情感教育:Dont feed the animals. T: Animals are our friend. So, dont feed the animals in the zoo. I hope we can have another trip to the zoo again. 3. Home work.1、Follow the tape.2、Draw your favourite animals and talk about them.
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