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2012名师备课高考英语构词法(课件):(13)构成名词的常见后缀2,在英语构词法中某些名词、动词,或形容词后加后缀构成具有抽象含义的名词。 1.-age 表示“状态、行为、身份及其结果、总称”。如: courage 勇气 marriage 婚姻,2. -ance, -ence 表示“性质;状况;行为;过程;总量;程度”。如: importance重要性 diligence勤勉,勤奋 difference不同之处 independence独立性,3. -dom 表示“等级,领域,状态”。如: freedom自由 kingdom王国 4. -hood 表示“资格;身份;年纪;状态”。如: childhood 少儿时期 adulthood 成年时期 fatherhood 父亲的身份,5. ice表示 “行为;性质;状态”。如: justice 正义 service 服务 6. -ing 表示“动作的过程或结果”。如: building建筑物 writing写作 learning学习 understanding理解,7. -ion, - sion, -tion, -ition, - ation 表示“行为的过程、结果、状况”。如: action行动 conclusion结论 destruction破坏 recognition 认出 8. -ity 表示“性质;状态,程度”。如: reality现实 ability能力 gravity重力 possibility可能性,9. -ment 表示“状态、过程、手段及其结果”。如: movement运动 judgment判断 10. -ness 表示“性质;状态;程度”。如: goodness善良,美德 kindness仁慈 friendliness友好,和睦,11. -or, -our 表示“动作;性质;状态”。如: favor恩惠,好事 error错误 12. -ship 表示“情况;性质;技巧、技能及身份,职业”。如: hardship艰难,困苦 friendship友谊 13. -th 表示“动作;性质;过程;状态”。如: depth深度 wealth财富 truth真相,即时练习 一、按要求完成表格。,darkness,consideration,development,persuasion,smoking,leadership,possibility,marriage,confidence,strength,二、用下列句中所给词的正确形式填空。 1. All facts are the source of _ (conclude). 2. The committee has a little or no _ (understand) of the problem.,conclusions,understanding,3. Chinese are of _ (good). 4. However, most _ (science) agree that EQ has a lot to do with _ (educate).,goodness,scientists,education,5. The _ (govern) should have put more money towards science. 6. My wife often wishes that I had a _(choose) of changing another job with less stress but I love what I do.,government,choice,7. Team work skills include your _ (able) to work well as part of a group. 8. Excellent oral and written _ (communicate) skills in Chinese and English are of _ (important).,ability,communication,importance,9. A conference to promote international _ (friend) will be held next week in Japan.,friendship,
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