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单元基础知识过关四,基础知识清单,基础知识迁移,Unit 4 Stories and Poems,基础知识清单,单元基础知识过关四,重点单词,1比较 _ 2章节;段落 _ 3虽然,尽管;不过,然而 _ 4胖的;厚的;脂肪;肥肉 _ 5出声地;大声地 _ 6 (诗)行;路线 _,compare,passage,although,fat,aloud,line,7正文;文字材料 _ 8单一的;单独的 _ 9屏幕;荧光屏 _ 10陈述;说明 _ 11表达 _ 12板;木板 _ 13也许;可能 _ 14敲;敲打;碰撞 _,text,single,screen,state,express,board,perhaps,knock,单元基础知识过关四,15张开;扩展 _ 16颈;脖子 _ 17大声的;喧哗的(adj.) _(adv.) _ 18醒着的(adj.) _(v.) _ 19音乐家;乐师(n.) _音乐(n.) _ 20幽默的;诙谐的(adj.) _(n.) _,loud,loudly,awake,musician,spread,neck,单元基础知识过关四,wake,music,humorous,humour,重点短语,1和相比较 _ 2想出;提出 _ 3醒来 _ 4一定数量的 _ 5取回 _ 6谋生 _ 7同情 _,compared with,come up with,wake up,a set number of,get back,make ones living,feel sorry for,单元基础知识过关四,8 admit to sb. _ 9 dive into _ 10 once upon a time _ 11 run away _ 12pass by _ 13 make a decision _ 14 reach up _ 15 put up _,向某人承认,跳入中; 潜入,从前,逃跑,走过; 经过,做决定,向上伸,举起,单元基础知识过关四,16 at once _ 17 stretch out _ 18 knock down _,立刻,伸出; 伸开,拆除; 击倒; 撞倒,单元基础知识过关四,重点句型,1我还没有决定写哪一个。 I havent decided _ _ _ _ _ 2每个故事一定有开头、中间和结尾。 Every story _ _ a beginning, a middle and an end. 3尽管一首诗用词较少,但它并不总是比较容易写。 _ a poem has fewer words, its not always easier to write.,which,one,to,write,yet,must,单元基础知识过关四,have,Although,4有时写得少比写得多花费的精力更多。 Sometimes writing less _ _ _ _ writing more. 5这种(写作)方式是在十九世纪由一位美国诗人创造的。 This style _ _ _ _ _ _ by an American poet. 6这是你如何写自己的五行诗的方法。 Here is _ _ _ write your own _ poem.,was,more,effort,than,created,in,the,nineteenth,takes,单元基础知识过关四,century,how,you,can,five-line,7他向精灵承认那不是他的斧子。 He _ _ the spirit that it wasnt his axe. 8精灵对伐木工的诚实是如此满意,以至于她将另外两把 斧子作为礼物给了他。 The spirit was _ _ _ the woodcutters honesty _ she gave him the other two axes _ _,admitted,to,so,happy,with,as,that,presents,单元基础知识过关四,9一天,孩子们正在花园里玩耍,这时一个巨人出现了。 One day the children _ _ in the garden _ a giant appeared. 10绿草被雪覆盖着,寒风使鸟儿们远离(花园)。 The green grass _ _ _ snow, and the cold winds _ the birds _ .,were,playing,when,was,kept,covered,with,单元基础知识过关四,away,11他想一定是国王的乐师们正在经过。 He thought it _ _ the kings musicians _ _ 12然后巨人看到了更多的孩子正通过墙上的一个洞爬进来。 Then the giant saw that more children _ _ _ a hole in the wall.,must,be,passing,by,crawling,were,单元基础知识过关四,through,单词回顾,根据句意及所给提示完成句子 1Is the little girl asleep or a_ now? Im not sure. 2He wants to be a _ (music) when he grows up. 3Their history teacher is a very _ (humour) man. They all like him.,基础知识迁移,wake,musician,humorous,单元基础知识过关四,4How many _ (passage) can you finish reading in 20 minutes? 5He tapped me on the shoulder _ (soft) 6Who _ (knock) on the door? Lucy, go and see. OK, Mum. 7His opinion _ (state) at the meeting yesterday.,passages,softly,is knocking,was stated,单元基础知识过关四,8_ (比较) my plan with hers. Which do you like better? 9Can the boy _ (表达) himself clearly? I believe so. 10If you keep eating so much but doing little exercise, youll be the _ (胖) in our class.,express,fattest,单元基础知识过关四,Compare,短语运用,. 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空,1_ Jimmy, David looks much stronger. 2Hes _ a little boy. He can make a decision by himself.,Compared with,no longer,单元基础知识过关四,3They were talking happily together when I _ the room just now. 4I _ by delivering newspapers when I was young. 5He has made much progress in his study _ then.,passed by,made my living,ever since,单元基础知识过关四,. 根据汉语意思完成句子 1从前,在河边住着一个贫穷的老人。 _ _ _ _, there lived a poor old man by the river. 2这篇作文有固定的字数。 The composition has _ _ _ _ words.,Once,upon,a,time,a,set,单元基础知识过关四,number,of,3一看到我们,孩子们就快速跑走了。 The children _ _ quickly as soon as they saw us. 4我得走了, 我真的必须马上走。 I have to go. I really must go _ _ 5做操时,伸开你们的胳膊。 _ _ your arms when doing exercises.,ran,away,at,once,Stretch,out,单元基础知识过关四,句型突破,I. 按要求完成下列各题,1Were you doing sports at that time?(作否定回答) No, _ _ 2They are translating the passage now. (用when I saw them just now改写句子) They _ _ the passage when I saw them just now.,I,wasnt/We werent,were,translating,单元基础知识过关四,3She was walking her pet dog at this time last night. (改为否定句) She _ _ her pet dog at this time last night. 4The ma
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