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main,Unit 8 PEI Energy Framework,2012,Part A Section A Pre-listening-Background Information1.1,Pre-listening,New Words and Expressions,Background Information,Part A,Part B,Listening,Three Mile Island Accident,The Three Mile Island accident was the most significant accident in the history of the American commercial nuclear power generating industry. It happened on March 28, 1979, as a result of,technical malfunctions and human error. Radiation was released, a part of the nuclear core was damaged, and thousands of residents were evacuated from the area.,LISTENING,Section A Pre-listening-Background Information1.2,Pre-listening,New Words and Expressions,Background Information,Part A,Part B,Listening,LISTENING,Section A Pre-listening-Background Information1.3,Pre-listening,New Words and Expressions,Background Information,Part A,Part B,Listening,Though it caused no known deaths or diseases to plant workers or members of the nearby community, it brought about sweeping changes in nuclear power industry. The disaster inflamed public opposition to nuclear power. After that, dozens of planned reactors were canceled.,LISTENING,Section A. New Words and Expressions,Pre-listening,New Words and Expressions,Background Information,Part A,Part B,Listening,nuclear power 核电 bring online 使运行;把投入使用 be opposed to 反对 waste disposal 废物废料处理,address 应对,解决 not in my backyard 事不关己 reinvigorate 给以新的活力 studio 演播室,LISTENING,Section A Listen Task 1.1,Listen to the program and try to get its main ideas by taking notes. Fill in the blanks according to your notes.,Pre-listening,Task 1 Listen and Take Notes,Task 2 Listen for Details,Part A,Part B,Listening,In the radio program, the anchorman is .,LISTENING,3. Peoples attitudes towards nuclear power are now . President Bush: . Other politicians: . Environmentalists in the past: ; now: .,Section A Listen Task 1.2,Pre-listening,Task 1 Listen and Take Notes,Task 2 Listen for Details,Part A,Part B,Listening,2. In terms of the current utilization of nuclear energy, France gets and the US gets .,70% of its electricity from nuclear power,_,less than a third of that of France,_,changing,_,not mentioned,_,LISTENING,4. The participants in the debate are Dave Modeen from and Arjun Makhijani from .,5. The anchorman mentioned some telephone numbers and his purpose is .,Section A Listen Task 1.3,Pre-listening,Task 1 Listen and Take Notes,Task 2 Listen for Details,Part A,Part B,Listening,LISTENING,Task 2.1,Listen to the program again and try to answer the following questions.,How many nuclear power plants were put to use in France in the past 30 years?,58 in the past 30 years.,2. How many nuclear power plants were built in the US during the same period? Why?,None. Because of the Three Mile Island Accident, people worry about the safety.,Pre-listening,Listening,Task 1 Listen and Take Notes,Task 2 Listen for Details,Part A,Part B,LISTENING,Task 2.2,3. Technologically, what are people worried about?,They mainly worry about issues such as safety and waste disposal.,4. Why are some environmentalists less strongly opposed to the construction of nuclear power plants?,Because nuclear power plants pose much less threat compared to global warming.,Pre-listening,Listening,Task 1 Listen and Take Notes,Task 2 Listen for Details,Part A,Part B,LISTENING,Task 2.3,5. Were Dave Modeen and Arjun Makhijani in the same studio?,No, they were on air from two different studios, one in North Carolina and the other in Maryland.,Pre-listening,Listening,Task 1 Listen and Take Notes,Task 2 Listen for Details,Part A,Part B,LISTENING,Script1.1,Part A,Part B,Nuclear Power Plants,Im Clare Flado. Welcome to this special broadcast on Science Friday from ScienceFriday.com. Youre listening to Talk of the Nation on Science Friday. Im Clare Flado. France gets about 70% of its electricity from nuclear power. Here in the US, that number is less than a third of that. France has brought 58 nuclear plants online in the last 30 years. The US hasnt ordered any new plants here since the,Anchorman:,LISTENING,Script1.2,Part A,Part B,the 1970s, following the Three Mile Island Accident. But that may all be changing. President Bush has said he wants to see an increased emphasis on nuclear power here in the US, including starting construction on new plants by the end of the decade. But is the country ready for nuclear power? Has the technology improved to the point where concerns over issues such as safety and waste disposal can be addressed? Will the phrase “Not,LISTENING,Script1.3,Part A,Part B,“Not in my backyard” strike fear in the heart of politicians? Is there a political will to build new plants? On the other hand, ironically, were seeing environmentalists who once were rigidly opposed to nuclear power. Some of them are now saying “As compared to global warming, nuclear energy
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