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Words & Phrases,Language Points,Exercises,Extension Activities,Contents,Active Reading 2,Warming Up,Watch the movie clip and discuss the questions: 1. Whats the name of the organization in the video and whats the main task of it? 2. Would you like to work as a volunteer and teach Chinese all over the world? Why (or why not)? (Open),Script,Warming Up,1. Whats the name of the organization in the video and whats the main task of it? ILP ILP teaches as many schools across the world, including Mexico, Russia, Ukraine and mainland China. 2. Would you like to work as a volunteer and teach Chinese all over the world? Why (or why not)? Open.,Key,Script My name is Kammy Smith, and I just got back from Ukraine with the international language programs this past June, and it was an amazing experience. My favorite part about ILP was getting out and seeing the world and really being able to submerge myself into cultures that werent the same as my own. My name is Kenny. Im 23, and I went with ILP to China, Russia and Ukraine. I am Jesherry Jay. Im 23 years old. Ive been to Ukraine and Mexico. And I love this because its a really good opportunity to get out of the country to experience new cultures, and most of all because I got to teach the kids. And I love it. This is my favorite part .,Warming Up,Becoming a volunteer of ILP will truly change your life. Its you change the life of the children across the world. Because English is such an international language, teaching this language to kids is great lesson in their lives. Also, interaction with ILP participants with high standards and care for these kids influence them in profound ways beyond just learning another language. The method ILP uses is great. You know, Im not an English teacher. Im not ILP education teacher, and first thing I thought, you know, was am I qualified to teach kids? But the method we used is really just playing in the environment. Where you are going, you are teaching the kids English inversion.,Warming Up,Warming Up,So, just the ability that I have to speak English, and the desire to be with kids qualified me. It was awesome to see after just one month, their comprehension, and how well they were able to speak . even, you know the small five-year-old kids were able to communicate with us. They learn English so they can speak with you. They really like you. You are like a role model for them. Just like these volunteers, you can have the experience of lifetime. Not only will you grow when you are teaching children English, but youll broaden your horizon since you travel to places youve never been to, and see things you never thought youll see.,Warming Up,I always knew that I wanted to go and have an international experience. But I must study in college so really didnt think it would be reality, until I found out ILP. Because their non-profitable organization, theyve made it possible for kids like me to go and be able to do it at affordable rate. It was something they go into school fulltime, so Im still able to . do. I was able to see the black sea in Ukraine. It was absolutely gorgeous. I got to go to see Petersburg. I was able to see the Terra-Cotta Warriors in China, which is super famous and really cool. And, as well as the Great Wall in China, which is just . pictures cant capture how amazing the Great Wall was.,Warming Up,ILP teaches as many schools across the world, including Mexico, Russia, Ukraine and mainland China. If living abroad means something that interests you and you wanna learn more about; if teaching children and providing them with an ability thats gonna make such a difference in life, as something that you wanna provide, then, you know, take a break from typical life, and go and experience.,Text,Volunteer for peace,Volunteer for peace There are as many different volunteer experiences as there are places to go. Different jobs, locations and cultures all affect what the volunteer gains, and gives, during their program. Another important factor in volunteering is your length of stay. We decided to interview recent volunteers to get the straight story about their time volunteering, so that you can decide for yourself if its for you. Lisa Ginsburg volunteered often during her time at University of Southern California, which inspired her to spend two weeks working for Volunteers for Peace (vfpvfp.org) in Bangladesh.,Text,What did you do as a volunteer, and where? 1 I went to Bangladesh with Volunteers for Peace. We met in Dhaka, and then took an eight-hour bus ride to the village of Dinajpur. VFP worked side by side with another local agency in Dinajpur. We set up their annual cataract eye camp, with free cataract surgery for the local elderly or anyone that needed an eye check. We helped set up the school, cleaned it out, and turned the classroom into the surgery room. It was called the “operation theater”.,Text,The first two days were dedicated to the eye surgery, and the rest of the week to the eye camp. On
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