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- Wow. - Mmm.- 哇! - 嗯Wow. Yes, Marlin. No, I see it. Its beautiful.够了啦 马林我看到了 真的很美So, Coral, when you said you wanted an ocean view.珊瑚 你说你想看到海景you didnt think youd get the whole ocean, did you?没想到会是整片大海吧?Oh, yeah. A fish can breathe out here.太舒服了 在这儿能呼吸新鲜空气Did your man deliver, or did he deliver?你老公真有一套 对吧?My man delivered.他真是没话说And it wasnt so easy.这可是得来不易呀Because a lot of other clownfish had their eyes on this place.因为好多小丑鱼都在抢这地方You better believe they did. every single one of them.千万别怀疑 每一条都在抢You did good.你真行And the neighborhood is awesome.而且这儿的环境超优So, you do like it, dont you?你到底喜不喜欢嘛?No, no. I do, I do. I really do like it.当然喜欢罗 真的很棒But, Marlin, I know that the drop off is desirable.不过虽然这儿的学区很好with the great schools and the amazing view.景观也一级棒But do we really need so much space?不过非要这么大的地方吗?Coral, honey, these are our kids were talking about.珊瑚 这都是为了孩子们They deserve the best. Look, look, look.要嘛就要给他们最好的 瞧 瞧 瞧Theyll wake up, poke their little heads out and they see a whale!他们一睁开眼就看得到鲸鱼Right by their bedroom window.从窗口游过去Youll wake the kids.你会把孩子们吵醒Oh, right, right.是哦Look.你看Theyre dreaming.他们在做梦We still have to name them.我们还没替他们取名字You want to name all of them right now?你现在就要替他们取名字?All right, well name this half Marlin Junior.好吧 这一半就叫小马林and this half Coral Junior.这一半叫小珊瑚- OK, were done. - I like Nemo.- 好了 搞定了 - 我喜欢尼莫这名字Nemo. Well name one Nemo.尼莫?有一个叫尼莫无所谓but Id like most of them to be Marlin Junior.其他的还是叫小马林吧- Just think, in a couple of days, were going to be parents. - Yeh- 再过两天咱们就要当父母了 - 是啊What if they dont like me?他们不喜欢我怎么办?- Marlin. - No, really.- 马林 - 我是说真的耶Theres over 400 eggs. Odds are, one will like you.这儿有四百多颗鱼卵 总有一个会喜欢你What?你在笑什么?- You remember how we met? - I try not to.- 你记得咱们怎么认识的吗?- 我很想忘掉Well, I remember. Excuse me, miss.我记得很清楚 对不起 小姐can you check and see if I have a hook in my lip?请你帮我看 我嘴巴有没有鱼钩You got a little closer because it was wiggling.马林 你可以靠近一点 再近一点- Get away, get away! - Here he is. Cuties here.- 走开啦 我来了 - 大帅哥来了Where did everybody go?大伙儿都跑哪儿去了?Coral, get inside the house.珊瑚 快进屋子去No, Coral, dont. Theyll be fine.不要去 孩子们不会有事Just get inside. You, right now.快进去 快点 不!Coral!珊瑚! 珊瑚?珊瑚?珊瑚?珊瑚?珊瑚?There, there, there.还有你在这Its OK. Daddys here.好了 没事了 别怕 爸爸在这儿Daddys got you.爸爸会保护你I promise, I will never let anything happen to you.我保证不会让你发生任何事Nemo.尼莫海 底 总 动 员First day of school!第一天上学First day of school! Wake up!第一天上学 起床罗wake up! First day of school.起床罗 今天第一天上学I dont want to go to school. five more minutes.我不想上学让我再睡五分钟Not you, Dad, me. Get up, get up.不是你 是我要上学啦Its time for school, time for school.快起床啦 上学了.上学了.All right, Im up.我起来了 怎么回事?- Nemo! - First day of school!- 棒呆了 尼莫! 第一天上学耶Nemo, dont move.尼莫 别动Youll never get out of there yourself.你自己出不来Ill do it.让我来- You feel a break? - No.你受伤了吗?没有Sometimes you cant tell cause fluid rushes to the area.受一点小伤都不行 有没有?- Are you woozy? - No.没有啦 你有没有头昏眼花?没有- How many stripes do I have? - Im fine.我身上有几条斑纹?我没事啦- Answer the stripe question. - Three.快回答我的问题 三条No! See? Somethings wrong with you.不对 你生病了 我只有一条I have one, two, three. Thats all I have?两条 三条.三条斑纹 你真的没事Youre OK. Hows the lucky fin?你的幸运鳍怎么样?- Lucky. - Lets see.- 很幸运 - 给我看看Are you sure you want to go to school this year?你今年真的想上学吗?Theres no problem if you dont. You can wait 5 or 6 years.你大可以再等个五 六年Come on, Dad, its time for school.爸 我早就该上学了Forgot to brush.你忘了刷身体Do you want this anemone to sting you?你想不想被海葵刺到?- Yes. - Brush.想啊快刷呀- OK, Im done. - You missed a spot.我好了 你没刷到一个地方- Where? - There.- 哪里?- 这里这里Right there. And here and here.这里和All right, were excited.这里第一天上学The first day of school. Here we go.我们都很兴奋Were ready to learn to get some knowledge.我们要学很多新知识Whats the one thing we have to remember about the ocean?你千万要记得大海像什么?- Its not safe. - Thats my boy.大海如虎口 这才是我的乖儿子First, we check to see that the coast is clear.所以出门一定要左右看We go out. and back in.先出去再进来And then we go out. and back in.然后出去再进来And then one more time. out and back in.再来一次 出去进来And sometimes, if you want to do it four times.你想这样来回四次也行Dad. - All right, come on, boy.爸爸 好啦 走吧Maybe while Im at school, Ill see a shark.也许我到了学校会看到鲨鱼- I highly doubt that. - Have you ever met a shark?我看不太可能 你有没有看过鲨鱼?No, and I dont plan to.没有 我也不想- How old are sea turtles? - I dont know.海龟有多老?海龟?我不知道Sandy Plankton from next door.隔壁的阿弟仔说海龟he says that sea turtles live to be about 100 years old.可以活到一百岁耶He says that sea turtles live to be about 100 years old.要是我遇到一只海龟If I ever meet a sea turtle, Ill ask him.我会问他After Im done talking to the shark, OK?在我跟鲨鱼聊天以后 好吗?Hold on
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