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Unit 11 Sightseeing Warming UpA. the Great Wall B. the Forbidden City C. the Ruins of YuanmingyuanD. the Terra Cotta Warriors E. the Stone Forest F. the Oriental Pearl TV Tower G. the Three Gorges H. the West Lake I. the Longmen GrottoesJ. the Jiuzhaigou Valley Dialogue 1Task 1Keys:1. its snow-capped mountains the year-round residence for Giant Pandas 2. scenic spots and historic sitestourist attractions / places of tourist attractions / tourist destinations / scenic spots3. an interpretera guidethe idyllic scenerythe landscape scenery4. What a vast lake! The water extends as far as the eye can reach. I felt as if I had been in a different world. Dialogue 2Task 1Keys:Mary: Excuse me. Can you show me how to fasten my seat belt?Mr. Li: Certainly. Like this. (He shows her.) Is this the first time youve traveled by air?Mary: Yes, it is.Mr. Li: Is it a business trip?Mary: No, Im just going to enjoy myself. Tell me, how long does it take to fly to Japan?Mr. Li: We should land in Tokyo in about three hours.Mary:Oh, what a long journey! I am sure I will begin to feel bored. Mr. Li: Dont worry. The film will begin soon. By the way, is that your passport on the floor?Mary: Yes, it is. It is necessary for me to find a safe place for it.Mr. Li: You must take very good care of your passport when you are traveling. Dialogue 3Task 1Keys:1. feel a sense of pride 2. a symbol of unity 3. belongs to the world 4. Its a typical Chinese garden. 5. Exactly my thought. Translation 译文对话1:您来对地方了。(星期四,迈克尔在考虑如何在上海度过这个周末。他走进了一家旅行社。)接待员:欢迎光临我们的旅行社,先生,我能为您效劳吗?迈克尔:是的。我想游览一下这座城市。这是我第一次来上海。你能给我一些建议吗? 接待员:很乐意,先生。您来对地方了。这儿有一套我们上海的景点信息宣传单,您看看。您想游览些什么地方呢? 迈克尔:让我想想。我想去游览一下豫园和外滩。接待员:太好了,我们正好有一趟观光安排了这些地方的游览。迈克尔:真的吗?太好了!接待员:给您,这是观光安排。上午,我们将游览浦东新区,包括金贸大厦、上海东方明珠电视塔和上海水族馆。迈克尔:这些地方都很值得游览,那下午呢?接待员:豫园和城隍庙是必游之地。在那里,您不仅可以欣赏到中国古代建筑和园林,还可购买到很多有中国传统特色的商品。迈克尔:等一下,那外滩(什么时候去)呢?接待员:别急。晚餐过后,您可以领略到外滩在夕阳下和夜色中的美景。迈克尔:听起来太棒了!那我要订这周六的城市观光。对话2:很高兴碰到你。(那天晚些时候,苏珊在公司碰到了迈克尔。)苏珊: 你好,迈克尔。迈克尔:你好,苏珊。很高兴碰到了你。苏珊: 为什么?迈克尔:能借我一个照相机吗?我订了这周六的上海一日观光游。苏珊: 呃我可以借你我的相机,但是它不是数码的,而是个老式的相机。迈克尔:没关系。谢谢你,苏。苏珊: 不用谢,我明天带给你。(第二天)苏珊: 你好,迈克尔。给你。迈克尔:谢谢你。(迈克尔看了看相机,面露难色。)呃,苏,我想你是否可以给我演示一下它是如何操作的。苏珊:当然可以。这不难。首先,你要先打开胶卷仓,按释放键就可以了。然后你要把胶卷放入胶卷仓,小心关上它。然后你要调节杠杆直到你在计数窗看到数字1。最后你只要通过取景器取景,按下快门就可以了,非常简单。 迈克尔:哦,我明白了。谢谢你,苏。让我来试一试。我来为你拍一张,说“茄子”。苏珊: 哦,我的天!对话3:我从没想到过这里的景色竟是如此的壮丽!(迈克尔的工作很顺利,即将接近尾声,因此苏珊为他安排了一个北京三日游的旅程,去参观长城和其他名胜古迹。)(在长城上)迈克尔:太美了!我从没想到过会有如此壮丽的建筑!苏珊: 是的,这是世界上最伟大的奇观之一。迈克尔:长城是什么时候建的?苏珊:2000多年前。事实上,在战国时期它只是一些零散的城墙,直到秦朝,秦始皇中国的第一个皇帝,将它们连接成一道连续的城墙,这才形成了“长城”。迈克尔:我无法想象在没有任何机器的情况下,它是怎样沿着陡峭的山脉被建成的。苏珊: 据记载,建设长城耗用了大量的士兵,囚犯和当地百姓。它体现了中国人民的智慧。迈克尔:哦,城墙上的塔状建筑有什么用途呢?苏珊: 你观察得真仔细。它们叫做烽火台。过去,当敌军来袭时,就在烽火台上点起狼烟来向边境发送警报。这些信号可以在几个小时内传到京城。迈克尔:哦,真是不可思议!我们到上面去看看吧。苏珊: 好的。中国有句古话,“不到长城非好汉”。迈克尔:我很高兴我现在做了好汉。Unit 11 Learning More 旅行时如何收拾行囊像王族那样带着所有的行李箱旅游,这样的旅游当然很迷人。但是任何一个有经验的旅行者都会告诉你,东西带得越少越好。但是,如何才能使行囊收拾得既轻便,但又带上你需要的所有东西。我们可以帮助你在收拾行囊时略加关心,安排一下即可。l 事先打电话到宾馆了解他们是否提供衣服的洗烫服务。了解他们是否会在你的客房中放置诸如浴袍、洗漱用品之类的物品,如果有,你就不必带了。l 以一个中间色搭配你的所有衣服,这样你就能够混合搭配穿着。l 查看天气,这样你就会带上最合适的东西。l 好好挑选你的全部衣服,这样你就可以一层一层地加衣服,而不用带很多外套。l 带一件和其他衣服都能搭配的纯色毛衣,用于保暖。l 把你要带的东西列一张表,并检查每一件东西是否真的需要带。l 带上小样装的洗漱用品,只要足够用就可以了,不要带大瓶的洗漱用品。l 不要浪费行李箱中的任何一点空间,把内衣和袜子放进鞋子里。l 带上一些你只穿最后一次的旧衣服,之后你可以丢掉这些旧衣服,腾出空间来装你要带回家的纪念品。Practice 1: Group work 1. At the Travel Agency Role Cards: Situation 1:You and your spouse are planning to take the whole family abroad during the coming Spring Festival. Situation 2:You and your fianc/fiance want to take a bridal trip to some special places.Situation 3:You and your classmates are planning a one-day excursion on the coming weekends.Situation 4:You and your roommate are planning to celebrate your graduation from the university in the summer vacation.Situation 5:You and your friend have been back from your trip to Hong Kong, but you are very disappointed. So you go to the travel agency to ask for some compensation.Situation 6:You and your father have reserved a trip to Malaysia, but for some reason you missed the trip yesterday. So you go to the travel agency to ask for your earnest money.2. An Unforgettable Trip Role Cards: You went on a cruise in Qingdao.Tell the TRUTHYou went hiking to the Mount Huangshan.Tell the TRUTHYou went on a canoe trip in the Three Gorges.You went to visit the terra-cotta warriors (兵马俑) in Xian.You had an elephant ride in Yunnan Province.Tell the TRUTHYou went to the Ice Lantern Festival in Heilongjiang Province.You went to the Carnival (嘉年华) in Shanghai.You won a five-day holiday in Hong Kong and Macao.Tell the TRUTHTell the TRUTHYou went to Korea and visited the Teddy Bear Muse
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