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Unit 3 工作态度I. Related Background Information1. The Power of Personal AttitudesEach of us is made up of various physical, vital, and mental parts. There is our physical body and its organs, muscles, etc; the vital being with its sensations, emotions and feelings, and the mental part with its thoughts, memories, reasoning power, beliefs, etc. Somewhere between our emotions and our thought processing lies our attitudesour emotional perceptions about life, about others, even towards our own selves. Attitudes generally express positively and negatively. E.g. when I have good feelings towards my work or towards others, the attitude is positive. When I feel reluctant to do certain things that are necessary, or show hostility towards certain individuals, then my attitude is negative. Interestingly, if we can identify a bad attitude and make the effort to change it, we will find that life will cooperate with our inner efforts, bringing us instances of sudden good fortune. Consider this true-life incident.A salesperson was intimidated about meeting a very large customer. He felt that the effort was a waste of time since the company was too large and would be too hard to penetrate. Needless to say, he did not get that or any other sale with the client. However, a number of months later, he changed his attitude about working with such large accounts. The very next day, he was stunned when that very same large customer, who turned him down earlier, gave him a huge order!As we can see, if we change our attitudes, life has a funny way of responding to our efforts. We call this phenomenon “life response.” When we change our attitudes, or otherwise elevate our consciousness, life quickly responds thereafter with miraculous-like instances of good fortune. 2. Attitudes About Ourselves, Others, LifeThough we have many attitudes about all aspects of life, if we look a little closer we can identify three basic typesthose that have to do with ourselves, those we have about others and the objects around us, and those we have towards life itself. An example of a negative attitude about ourselves is having low self-esteem, or low self-confidence. An example of a wanting attitudes about others is a ill feeling towards another person, or being mistrustful of others. An example of a negative attitude towards life is being pessimistic that things will never turn out well. However, if we change any negative attitude to the positive, life tends to quickly respond. Consider this true story, where a person changed her attitude about certain people:A woman was working as a temporary employee for a large medical organization. For months, she complained about certain coworkers at her job. At the time, she had decided to develop a 30-day plan to secure a full-time position. One part of her plan was to change her attitude toward these particular individuals. In the days that followed, she persisted in following her plan, especially focusing on her wanting attitude toward others. She was shocked, however, when a month into her plan, she was suddenly asked to work for the organization full timeher first non-temporary job in nearly a decade!That is the power of changing a negative attitude toward others. Here is another incident, this time narrated by an employer from Asia:“In our unit, there was a supervisor whom I felt was indifferent, insubordinate, and had to be punished. I was looking for an opportunity to pin him down. A time came to do so, and I dismissed him mercilessly. Within two days of his dismissal, there was a major breakdown in one of the machines.The supplier of the machine had sent their engineers. They struggled for 7 days and could do very little to set right the machine. I was thoroughly disgusted. I started examining my attitudes on several fronts during the last 10 days.It struck to me that whenever I am in the position to do so, my attitude is to dominate another person. In this case, I was able to dominate the supervisor and dismiss him mercilessly. But in the case of the machine, I could not afford to throw it away and replace it with a new machine; so I tolerated it. Based on my previous knowledge of the subtle workings of life, I understood at that point that I had to change my attitude. I then called back the supervisor, apologized for my rude action, and requested that he continue in the company. He felt very happy. It was then striking that the machine that had been out of commission until them, now unexpectedly got fixed. In fact, there havent been any serious troubles with any of the machines since then!”As we can see, when we overcome a negative attitude towards others, life tends to respond with instant good fortune. Machines that had broken down suddenly start working, late projects suddenly are completed on time, negative situations dissolve, employment comes our way out of nowhere, cash unexpectedly moves in our direction, and so forth. It is the miracle of life response in
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