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Taking Orders,Unit 12,高职高专 旅游与酒店管理类课程规划教材,实用酒店英语(第二版),www.dutpgz.cn,大连理工大学电子音像出版社,Taking Orders 点菜服务,How to recommend dishes 如何推荐菜肴 How to take orders and serve lunch a la carte 西餐零点服务 How to serve the western style breakfast 如何提供西式早餐服务,Aims of Studying,Content,Dialogues,点菜是顾客餐饮经历的开始,专业的点菜服务能够给顾客留下美好的回忆,也能够促进餐厅的生意,一 基本常识,1. 受理点菜时,首先要向客人问好,然后奉上菜单,“Here is the menu.”(这是菜单) 先递给女士长者或主宾 2. 服务员应该注意给客人留出一定的选择时间,“Please take your time.”(请您慢 慢选择)然后再询问客人是否可以点菜,“Are you ready to order now?”(请问 您可以点菜了吗?) 3. 抓住点菜的时机向顾客推荐菜品,如厨师推荐(chefs recommendation)今 日特价(todays specialty)本店招牌(house specialty)等,二 点菜服务礼仪,Dialogues,4. 不能一味推荐价格高的菜品,而应体贴顾客的需要,询问客人的喜好和禁忌“How would you like your.?”(您喜好怎么样做您点的?)“Is there anything you cant eat?”(请问您有什么饮食禁忌吗?) 5. 需要花费比较长时间准备的菜品,下单前一定要和顾客说明清楚,“I am afraid it will take some time to prepare.”(这个菜恐怕需要较长时间准备)否则会得罪赶时间的 客人 6. 如果没有顾客所点的菜品,应及时向顾客推荐其他的菜肴“How about.?”(怎么 样?) 7. 点好菜后,应该把点菜单上所记录的内容清晰地向客人重复,请顾客确认所点的菜品 无误,以避免不必要的纠纷并再次询问顾客是否还有其他的需要“Would you like anything else?”(您还需要其他的什么吗?) 8. 点菜完毕,需询问客人是分单还是合单结账“One bill, or separate bills?,Dialogues,J: Good afternoon, sir. How are you today? S: Fine, thank you. J: Here is the menu. You may have a look at it. S: Can you recommend something for me? Ive got no idea about Chinese dishes. And I cant read Chinese. J: We have a good variety of Chinese food and wine at your choice. I can recommend our special dishes. Double-cooked Pork, Mapo Beancurd. Todays specialty is Steamed Crabs. They really taste good. Im sure youll like them.,Recommending Chinese Food and Drinks 推荐中国菜与酒水,J=Jane (Waitress ) S=Stephen Nobel (Guest),Dialogues,S: Sounds great, Well take them. What can I drink here? J: Beer. Here is the wine list. Beer, Great Wall red wine and white wine. They are all very famous in China. S: Whats Mao Tai? J: Mao Tai is the best liquor in China. Its very strong but it never goes to the head as most liquors do. S: Really? Id like to try a cup. And I need some tea, green tea. It is said that China is the homeland of tea.,Dialogues,J: Yes, sir. We can serve you very good green tea. Besides, would you like to have some noodles in fish soup? S: Ive never tasted that. It must be very delicious. Ill have it. J: So youd like to have Double-cooked Pork, Mapo Beancurd, Steamed Crabs, noodles in fish soup, green tea and Mao Tai. Anything else, please? S: No, thanks. J: Thank you, sir. Your dishes will be served in a minute.,Recommending Chinese Food and Drinks 推荐中国菜与酒水,Dialogues,J=Jane (Waitress) S=Stephen Nobel (Guest) J: 下午好,先生今天怎么样呢? S: 很好,谢谢你 J: 这是菜单请您先看一下 S: 你可以给我推荐一些吗?我对中国菜不大了解还有,我不认识中国字 J: 我们有很多很好的各式各样的中国菜和酒水供您选择我给您推荐一些特色菜回锅肉麻婆豆 腐今天的特价菜是蒸蟹真的很美味我相信您一定会喜欢的 S: 听起来不错我们就点这些菜我在这里可以喝些什么呢? J: 啤酒这是酒水单啤酒长城牌红葡萄酒和白葡萄酒这些在中国都很出名的 S: 茅台酒怎么样? J: 茅台酒是我们中国最好的酒来的度数很高,但是它和其他酒水不一样,从来都不会上头的 S: 真的嘛?那我要喝一杯我还要一些绿茶据说中国是茶的故乡 J: 是的,先生我们可以给您提供非常好的绿茶还有,您的鱼汤里要加些面条吗? S: 我从没有这样试过这一定很美味的我来试一下 J: 您点了回锅肉麻婆豆腐蒸蟹鱼汤加面条绿茶和茅台酒请问还要点别的吗? S: 没有了,谢谢 J: 先生,谢谢您您的菜很快就会上来的,推荐中国菜与酒水,Dialogues,J: May I take your order, sir? S: Yes, please. I would like to start with a chefs salad. J: The chefs salad for starter. And what would you like to have for the main course? S: Ill have sirloin steak. J: How do you like your steak done? S: Rare, please. J: What would you like to go with your steak? S: Peas and carrots. J: Potatoes? S: Yes, boiled. J: How about the dessert, sir? S: No dessert. Give me a cup of coffee. J : Yes, sir.,Western Food 西餐,J=Jane (Waitress ) S=Stephen Nobel (Guest),Dialogues,J=Jane (Waitress) S=Stephen Nobel (Guest) J: 先生,现在可以开始点菜了吗? S: 好的,可以的我想先要个厨师推荐的沙拉 J: 厨师推荐的沙拉作为首道菜主菜想点些什么呢? S: 我想要一份牛排 J: 您想要您的牛排怎么做呢? S: 半熟的 J: 您想点些什么菜来搭配您的牛排呢? S: 豌豆和胡萝卜 J: 土豆呢? S: 是的,水煮的 J: 先生,那甜品需要什么呢? S: 不用甜品了给我一杯咖啡就好了 J: 好的,先生,西餐,Dialogues,J: Excuse me, Mr. Nobel. Are you ready to order now? S: Not yet. Let me have a look at your menu. J: Please take your time. S: Well, Id like to order an English breakfast, please. J: Certainly, sir. What kind of juice would you like? S: Apple. J: Would you like bacon, sausage or ham? S: Ham, please.,Serving an English Breakfast 西式早餐服务,J=Jane (Waitress ) S=Stephen Nobel (Guest),Dialogues,J: And how would you like your eggs, sir? S: Two fried eggs, sunny-side up. J: Certainly, sir. S: Could I have croissants with my breakfast? J: Yes, you can, Mr. Nobel. Tea or coffee, please? S: I would like to have coffee now. J: Certainly, sir. So thats apple juice, two eggs, sunny-side up, croissants and coffee. S: Thats right. J: Thank you, Mr. Nobel. Your breakfast will be served in a minute.,Dialogues,西式早餐服务,J=Jane (Waitress) S=Stephen Nobel (Guest) J: 打扰了,诺贝尔先生您现在要开始点菜了吗? S: 不,还没有现在先让我看看你们的菜单 J: 请您慢慢看 S: 好的,我想要一份英式早餐 J: 好的,先生您想要什么水果汁呢? S: 苹果汁 J: 您想要熏猪肉香肠还是火腿呢? S: 请给我火腿 J: 先生,您的鸡蛋要怎么做呢? S: 两个煎鸡蛋,单煎一面的 J: 好的,先生 S: 早餐可以加一些牛角面包吗? J: 可以的,诺贝尔先生要茶还是咖啡呢? S: 我现在想喝点咖啡 J: 好的您点的是苹果汁两个鸡蛋单煎一面的牛角面包和
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