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Unit 8 客户服务I. Related Background Information1. Graham HarveyMarketing Futurist,Graham Harvey is the bestselling author of Seducing the Vigilante Customer: 101 winning strategies to attract and retain happy customers and healthy profits. He is considered one of Australasias most experienced and respected authorities on Customer Service and Relationship Marketing. Commencing his business consultancy in 1986, he continues to work with a multitude of organisations throughout the Asia Pacific region helping them grow their business by achieving greater clarity of future, building high performance work teams, and developing innovative customer relationship management and marketing strategies2. Seducing the Vigilante CustomerThis book is designed to help businesses understand what the new rules of customer service are and how to develop strategies, systems and procedures to win back these vigilante customers. Never before in the history of business have consumers had such unfettered access to information on products, services and the companies that manufacture and deliver them. This wealth of information provides consumers with a magnitude of choices and negotiating power never before dreamt of by previous generations. The shift in power from corporation to consumer has created a new breed of customerthe vigilante. No longer prepared to play by the established rules of business, they play by a new settheir own. The simplicity of the book illustrates the fact that customer service is not rocket science and that delivering service excellence has more to do with people and attitude than it does with having to invest squillions in the latest Customer Relationship Management (CRM) technology.Its about how and why the little things make the biggest difference. Its also about how global trends and technology are increasing the demands and expectations of customers and how all businesses, from local suburban stores to multi-national corporations, can capitalize on these changes.II. Language PointsText A1. He has condensed the complaints,and given businesses 101 tips to keep their clients happy.condense vt. (1) to reduce the volume of 使冷凝,使凝结(2) to make more concise, abridge or shorten 精简,使更简结或缩短e.g. condensed milk 炼乳e.g. Steam is condensed to water when it touches a cold surface.水蒸汽触及冷的表面即凝结成水。e.g. a condensed account of an event 对某事件的简要叙述complaint n.(1) an expression of dissatisfaction, or resentment. 抱怨或怨恨的表达方式e.g. He poured out his complaints before me. 他在我面前倾诉苦衷。e.g. complaint department 顾客意见接纳处(2) a cause or reason for complaining; a grievance不满的理由或原因e.g. If your neighbors are too noisy, then you have cause for complaint. 如果你的邻居太喧哗,你就有理由投诉。(3) a bodily disorder or disease, or an ailment 疾病,身体不适e.g. Do you consider his complaint dangerous? 你以为他的病危险吗?complain vi. (1) to say that one is dissatisfied, unhappy, etc. 抱怨,埋怨 e.g. They complained about the food. 他们抱怨这糟糕的食物。e.g. Almost immediately he began to complain about the weather.他几乎马上就开始抱怨起天气来了。e.g. Jean is always complaining about something. 琼总是满腹牢骚。(2) to make a formal accusation or bring a formal charge申诉,控诉,控告2. .but Harvey says such simple oversights are harming the bottom line for businesses. oversight n.(1)an unintentional omission or mistake 疏忽,忽略e.g. The oversight is not imputable to the person on the night shift. 这个疏忽不能怪值夜班的人。e.g. Even an oversight in the design might cause heavy losses.设计中那怕是一点点疏忽也可能造成重大的损失。e.g. By an oversight, I forgot to post your letter.我因疏忽忘了把你的信寄出去。(2) watchful care or management; supervision 照管,管理,监督3. “Customers”, he says,“are starting to vote with their feet and go to other businesses when they find a particular company rude,or uncaring,or basically unaware of the customers needs. vote with (ones) feet: (slang) to indicate a preference or an opinion by leaving or entering a particular locale用行动选择(用离开或进入一个特定地点的方式来表示选择或意见)e.g. If older cities are allowed to decay and contract, can citizens who vote with their feet . . . hope to find better conditions anywhere else? (Melinda Beck)“如果老城被允许崩溃并且缩小,用行动选择的公民能希望在别处找到更好的环境吗?” (梅琳达贝克)4. He has labeled the new,unsatisfied breed of customers “the vigilante”. breed vt., vi. (1)繁殖,下崽e.g. Some animals will not breed in cages.有些动物在笼子里不产崽。e.g. It is observed that many animals do not breed when in captivity. 人们注意到许多动物一被关入笼中就不生育了。(2)饲养育种e.g. He breeds cattle. 他饲养种牛(3)breed n. 品种e.g. a breed of dog 某一品种的狗e.g. The islanders are a strong breed of people.岛上的居民体格强壮。4. If you take any one of the tips, theyre seen as really simple;when you add them all together, they make good sense. ”sense n.(1)意思,意义 e.g. in a sense 在某一方面,就某种意义来说e.g. make sense 有意义,意思清楚,有道理(2)感觉,知觉,感知e.g. He has a good sense of smell 他的嗅觉很灵敏。e.g. the senses (=the five senses) 五官e.g. a sense of sight hearing, smell, taste, touch 视
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