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,数控技术应用专业英语 大连理工大学出版社 李桂云 冯艳宏主编,Learning Situation 5 Integrated Applications,Task 3 At CIMT,Task 3 At CIMT,Task 3 At CIMT,1.Outside the Hall 2. Inside the Hall 3. In the Negotiation Booth,Outside the Hall,Zhang: Your welcome to the CIMT. The opening ceremony is being performed now. 张 :欢迎来到中国国际机床展览会。现在正在举行开幕仪式。 Smith: The scene is lively! 史密斯:场面很热闹! Smith: Whats the CIMT? 史密斯:什么是CIMT? Zhang: CIMT is short for China International Machines & Tools Exhibition. 张 :CIMT是中国国际机床展览会的缩写。,Outside the Hall,Smith: What products will be shown on CIMT? 史密斯:CIMT展出哪些产品? Zhang: The scope of CIMT includes the following: machines, tools, measurement equipments, automation for the industry and CAD/CAM etc. 张:CIMT展出产品包括:机床、刀具、测量装置、工业自动化和CAD/CAM等等。 Zhang: Look at those large balloons in the air with welcoming slogans on them. 张:看那些在空中飘扬的大气球,上面写着欢迎标语。 Smith: This is very impressive indeed. It seems to be a big show. 史密斯:真的让人印象深刻,看起来是一个大展会。,Outside the Hall,Zhang: Exactly. The exhibitors include almost 2200 companies from 97 countries. The registered visitors are already about138,000 from all parts of the world and the number is expected to increase in two or three days. 张:一点也不错。有来自97个国家的2200个公司参展。已经登记的来自世界各地的参观者已达138000人,在未来两三天参观者还会继续增加。 Smith: Im lucky to have this opportunity. 史密斯:有机会参加我感到很荣幸。,Outside the Hall,Zhang: You are right. The show has been very important to Chinas machine industry. There are about 1800 new machines on display. 张 :你说得对。本次展览会对中国的机床工业非常重要。有近1800台新机床参展。 Smith: Fantastic! Do you have such a big show every year? 史密斯:太棒了!每年都有这样的展会吗?,Outside the Hall,Zhang: No, it has been held in China every 2 years ever since the first CIMT show existence in 1989. The show had been recognized as one of the four most important machine exhibitions in the world. 张 :不是,自从1989年的第一届中国国际机床展览会以来,每两年在中国举行一次。该机床展览会被公认为世界四大机床展览会之一。 Smith: Im sure to come next time. 史密斯:下次我肯定还会来的。 Zhang: You are welcome! Let me show you around. 张 :欢迎,欢迎!我带你转转。 Smith: Its very kind of you! 史密斯:你真是太好了!,Inside the Hall,Zhang: This is the exhibition hall 2. Its composed of two sections. Here on display are some new homemade machines. Many of them had caught up with similar products made abroad in consideration of technical level. 张 :这是2展馆,由两部分组成。这里展出的是一些国产新机床,其中很多已经赶上国外同类产品的技术水平。 Smith: Is this a big simultaneous five-axis CNC machine? 史密斯:这是一台大型5轴联动的数控机床吗? Zhang: Yes. This new machine has reached the advanced world level. It is suitable for airline industry. 张 :是的。这台新机床达到了世界先进水平,适用于航空工业。,Inside the Hall,Smith: I see. 史密斯:哦,是这样。 Smith: Is this a vertical machining center? 史密斯:这是立式加工中心吗? Zhang: Thats right. This is our recently developed product. I strongly recommend it. The distinction of our product is economical and easy to operate. We have already had a big demand for this product. Whats more, our service has been very well-received by our customer. 张 :是的,这是我们公司最新研制的产品,我向您强烈推荐这种产品,其特点是经济实用、操作简便,已有很大的需求量。此外,顾客对我们的服务质量评价很高。,Inside the Hall,Smith: Good. Thats what we want to hear. Could I see the specifications for the vertical machining center? 史密斯:很好,这正是我们想要听到的,我能看一下立式加工中心的详细规格吗? Zhang: Of course. Here is our product catalogue. 张 :当然可以,这是产品样册。 Smith: Im very interested in the model of BV-850 vertical machining center. Whats the unit price? 史密斯:我对BV850立式加工中心非常感兴趣,这台设备单价多少? Zhang: About $60,000. 张 :大约6万美元。,In the Negotiation Booth,Smith: We have studied your catalogue and we have great interest in your vertical machining center. But your price has been found higher through repeated calculations. 史密斯:我们已经看过你们的样本,对你们的立式加工中心很感兴趣。但通过反复计算发现价格高了一点。 Zhang: Considering the quality, I think our quotation is quite reasonable. 张 :考虑到质量,我认为我们的报价是合理的。,In the Negotiation Booth,Smith: You know colleges dont have a lot of funds and this time we have the rare chance to get the appropriation from the Municipal Educational Commission and Financial Bureau to renovate our CNC training center. We have many types of equipments to buy and we are hard up for money. Please give us the most favorable price. 史密斯:您知道学校的教育经费不多,这次难得争取到市教委和财政局拨款来改造数控实训室,要买的设备还很多,经费很紧。希望您能给我们一个最优惠的价格。 Zhang: How many do you want to order? And how would you make the payment? 张 :你们要定几台?怎样付款?,In the Negotiation Booth,Smith: We need this type of machine only one, but we can buy other machine from your company in the future. Well pay by instalment. 史密斯:这种型号的机床只需要一台,以后可以从你们公司购买其他设备。我们将分期付款。 Zhang: What about paying 30% upon signing the contract, and then paying the rest upon delivery of the goods? 张 :签约首付30,提货时付清怎样?,In the Negotiation Booth,Smith: According to our practice, well pay 60% upon delivery, and pay the additional 10% after three months trial use. 史密斯:按照我们的惯例,提货时付60,还有10余款待试用三个月后付清。 Zhang: We would like to have you as another new partner by reducing the unit price to $58,000. Thats our bottom price. We will just use it as an advertisement. 张 :我们把单价降到5.8万美元,这样我们可以成为新的合作伙伴。那是我们的底价,就算是作个广告吧。,In the Negotiation Booth,Smith: It seems acceptable. When can you make the g
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