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语法填空 I A lot of animals are afraid of the eclipse(日蚀). Birds stop 1 (sing). Sometimes people are afraid,too. Astronomers know the dates of eclipses 2 they are not afraid. The old astronomers of Babylon and Egypt had no telescopes, but the sky in 3 is usually clear, and so they could watch the stars easily. They studied 4 in the sky and they also noticed both total and partial eclipses. Because they knew 5 dates of eclipses,they had great power. People believed that the sky was important. They believed that an eclipse could kill a man. About 2500 years ago, there was a very long war. One battle 6 (follow) another, and the end never came. During 7 of the battles, there was a partial eclipse of the sun. The day got very dark, and the soldiers on both sides were filled 8 fear. They believed that the gods were angry. So they stopped fighting, and ended their long war. The sun is a star. It appears to be 9 (big) than any other star. That is because it is near us, and the others are far away. The sun shines because it is very hot, but the moon shines because it reflects the suns light. It is like a big mirror. If we visited the moon, we 10 (see) the earth. It is also like a mirror and it reflects the light of the sun.答案:1.singing stop doing sth.,意为“停止做某事”。2.and 根据句意可知此处表示动作的先后关系,故用and。 3.those 此处those指代Babylon and Egypt。 4.everything 此处everything代替天空上的每件事。 5.the 根据句意可知日期是特指的,特指日蚀的日期,故用定冠词。 6.followed 因为有表示过去的时间状语about 2500 years ago,所以这里填动词follow的一般过去式。7.one 此处one指代battle。 8.with be filled with ,意为“充满着”。9.bigger 因为句中有than,可以知道应填比较级,故用bigger。10.should see 根据句意应是“我们应该能看见地球”,故用should+动词原形。 语法填空 IIMany scientists today are convinced that life exists elsewhere in the universelife probably much like that on our own planet. 1 reason in the following way.As far as astronomers can determine, the entire universe is built of 2 same matter. They have no reason to doubt that matter obeys the same laws 3 every part of the universe. Therefore, it is 4 (reason) to guess that other stars, and with their own planets, 5 (be) born in the same way as our own solar system. 6 we know of life on earth suggests that life will arise wherever the proper conditions exist.Life requires the right amount 7 kind of atmosphere. This avoids all those planets in the universe that are not about the same size and weight as the earth. A smaller planet would lose its atmosphere; a larger one would hold too much of it.Life also requires a constant supply of heat and light. 8 avoids s double stars, or stars that flare up(突然发怒) suddenly. Only single stars that are constant sources of heat and light like our sun would qualify.Finally, life 9 (develop) only if the planet is just the right distance from the sun. With a _10_ (weak) sun than our own, the planet would have to be closer to it. With a stronger sun, it would have to be farther away.答案:1.They 由句子结构知,本句缺少主语,填they代替上文的many scientists。 2.the 根据题意可知matter是特指的,特指那个相同的物质,故用定冠词。 3.in 此处in表示在一种范围中,故用介词in。 4.reasonable 此处系表结构,故用形容词形式。 5.were 根据题意可知此处是一般过去时态,故用be的一般过去式were。 6.What 分析句子结构可知本句为主语从句,此处what用作连接代词,它本身在从句中充当宾语。 7.and 由句式结构可知,the right amount和kind of atmosphere为并列关系。 8.This 此处this代替前面的句子。 9.will develop 考查情态动词,根据句意可知当行星与太阳距离适当时,生命就会产生,故用will“将要”合适。 10.weaker 因为句中有than,可以知道应填比较级,故用weaker。选词填空(一)interpret the feelings of other people 揣测他人的感受facial expressions and tone of voice 面部表情及话语the art of being tactful 变机智的艺术pay particular attention to the way a candidate for a job walks into the room尤其注重求职者走进房间的方式present the right kind of appearance 呈现正确的面部表情relate to the candidates character traits and psychological stability涉及候选人的性格特性以及心理素质provide confidential medical information 提供私密的医疗信息主题概括:理解他人的感受并不容易A.unconsciously B.reliable C.expressions D.after all E.unwillingF.candidate G.psychological H.rely I.lies J.responsibleInterpreting the feelings of other people is not always easy. We 1 as much on what they seem to be telling us as on the actual words they say. Facial expressions and tone of voice are obvious ways showing our reaction to something, and it may well be that we 2 express what we are trying to hide. The art of being tactful(机智的) 3 in picking up these signals, realizing what the other people is trying to say, and acting so that they are not embarrassed in any way. For example, we may understand that they are in fact 4 to answer our questions, and so we stop pressing them. Body movements in general way also indicate feelings, and interviewers pay particular attention to the way a 5 for a job walks into the room and sits down. However, it is not difficult to present the right kind of appearance, while what employers want to know relates to the candidates
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