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Unit 10 Planning and Managing for Electronic Commerce 规划管理电子商务,学习指导: 本章将介绍: 设定电子商务的目标 衡量效益目标 成本管理 投资回报,10.1 Identifying the Electronic Commerce Objectives 10.1 设定电子商务的目标,The ability of companies to plan, design, and implement cohesive electronic commerce strategies will make the difference between success and failure for the majority of them.,The tremendous leverage that firms can gain by being the first to do business in a new way on the Web has caught the attention of top executives in many industries. The keys to successful implementation of any information technology project are planning and execution.,公司计划、设计和实施电子商务战略的能力决定了公司的成败。公司利用互联网抢先进入市场或以全新方式开展业务所能得到的优势已引起许多行业的高级管理人员的注意。成功实施任何信息技术项目的关键是计划和执行。,Businesses undertake electronic commerce initiatives for a wide variety of reasons. Objectives that businesses typically strive to accomplish through electronic commerce include: increasing sales in existing markets, opening new markets, serving existing customers better, identifying new vendors, coordinating more efficiently with existing vendors, or recruiting employees more effectively.,企业开展电子商务会有各种理由,通常希望通过电子商务实现的目标是提高现有市场的销售、进人新市场、为现有的客户提供更好的服务、寻找新的供应商、与现有的供应商更好地协调或提高招聘的效率。,Electronic commerce opportunities can inspire businesses to undertake activities such as: 电子商务的目标可以支持公司开展如下活动: Building brands 建立品牌 Enhancing existing marketing programs 改进现有营销方案 Selling products and services 销售产品和服务 Selling advertising 销售广告版位 Developing a better understanding of customer needs 更好地了解消费者的需求,Improving after-sale service and support 改善售后服务和支持 Purchasing products and services 购买产品和服务 Managing supply chains 管理供应链 Operating auctions 进行拍卖 Building virtual communities and Web portals 创建虚拟社区和网络门户,10.2 Measuring Benefits Objectives 10.2 衡量效益目标,Some benefits of electronic commerce initiatives are tangible and easy to measure. These include such things as increased sales or reduced costs. Other benefits are intangible and can be much more difficult to measure, such as increased customer satisfaction.,When identifying benefit objectives, managers should try to set objectives that are measurable even when those objectives are for intangible benefits. For example, success in achieving a goal of increased customer satisfaction might be measured by counting the number of first-time customers who return to the site and buy.,电子商务计划的有些效益是明确的并且容易测量,例如提高销售或降低成本;有些效益是不可见的而且很难测量的,比如提高客户满意度。在确定效益目标时,管理人员应当设法使目标能够加以测量,即使是属于不可见的效益。例如,对客户满意度目标的成功可以通过计量客户回头率来加以测量。,Philips built a pilot Web site and invited a number of its smaller customers to try it. The company found that customer service phone calls from the test group of customers dropped by 80 percent. Based on that measurable increase in efficiency, Philips decided to invest in additional hardware and personnel to staff a version of the Web site that could handle virtually all of its smaller customers. The reduction in the cost of handling small orders justified the additional investment.,飞利浦公司建立了一个试验性的网站并邀请许多小客户来试用这个网站。飞利浦公司发现,测试组里客户的服务电话下降了80。由此可见,效率明显提高了,飞利浦公司于是决定加大硬件和人员投资,让网站能够处理所有小客户的业务。小额订单处理成本的降低证实了这些投资是值得的。,Companies can use a variety of similar measurements to assess the benefits of other electronic commerce initiatives. Supply chain managers can measure supply cost reductions, quality improvements, or faster deliveries of ordered goods. Auction sites can set goals for the number of auctions, the number of bidders and sellers, the dollar volume of items sold, the number of items sold, or the number of registered participants.,The ability to track such numbers is usually built into auction site software. Virtual communities and Web portals measure the number of visitors and try to measure the quality of their visitors experiences.,企业可用多种类似的衡量方法来评价电子商务的其他效益。供应链经理可以衡量供应成本的降低、质量的提高或订单履行时间的缩短。拍卖网站可设定目标,包括拍卖量、出价人和卖家数量、卖掉物品的金额、卖掉物品的数量或注册用户的数量,拍卖网站软件通常都内置了跟踪这些指标的功能。虚拟社区和网络门户则可以衡量访问者数量,并尽量衡量访问者对网站的认知质量。,A summary of benefits and measurements that companies can make to assess the value of those benefits (these measurements are often called metrics) appears in Figure 10-1. 企业用来估算效益值的摘要和衡量方法见表10-1 。,FIGURE 10-1 Measuring the benefits of electronic commerce initiatives 表10-1 衡量电子商务的效益,No matter how a company measures the benefits provided by its Web site, it usually tries to convert the raw activity measurements to dollars. Having the benefits measured in dollars lets the company compare benefits to costs and compare the net benefit (benefits minus costs) of a particular initiative to the net benefits provided by other projects. Although each activity provides some value to the company, it is often difficult to measure that value in dollars. Usually, even the best attempts to convert benefits to dollars yield only rough approximations.,不论公司采取哪种方法来衡量网站的效益,通常都想用金额来衡量所有的活动。以金额衡量效益的方法能够直接比较效益和成本,而且可以将由此带来的纯收益(效益减去成本)同由其他项目得到的纯收益进行比较。虽然每种活动都为公司带来了一定的价值,但常常很难用金额来衡量这些价值。即便真的把效益转变成了具体的金额,得到的结果也只是大致的数字。,10.3 Managing Costs 成本管理,At first glance, the task of identifying and estimating costs may seem
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