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Investigation on Schistosomiasis in InhabitantsLived around Qionghai Lake ,Xichang CityXu Fa-sheng1 Sa Kai-you2 Liu Bo-zhao1 Zhao Lian-guo2 Xiao Yong-fu1Yin Hong-zhi2 Wu Zi-song1 Qiu Dong-chuan1 Liang Song3 R.C.Spear3(1. Sichuan Institute of Parasitic Diseases, Sichuan Province, Chengdu 610041, China )(2.Anti-schistosomiasis Station of Xichang City, Sichuan Province, Xichang 615000, China )(3 University of California,Berkeley,U.S.A)Abstract: Objective To find out schistosomiasis endemic trend in Xichang City in order ro get the basis for control strategy methods. Twenty villages were sampled from 196 villages of 4 township around Qionghai Lake. By stratified sampling , Inhabitants aged 5-60 years examined were by miracidia hatching test after egg concentration with a nylon tissue bag(3 sample and examined 3 times/person ) and by Kato-Katz method. Results the schistosoma intection rate was 28.81% and EPG 36.07. The infection rate and intensity varied in different age-groups. The infection rate (36.02%) in 15- age-group was the highest ,and the EPG(41.96) in 5- age-group was significantly higher than other age-group. The IPC and RIPC in 5- age-group(130.14 and 12.46),25- age-group(157.43 and 14.94)and 30- age-group(162.08 and 15.41) were significantly higher than other age-groups. The infection rate and intensity in male were 28.65% and 36.09, and in female were 28.98% and 36.05 respectively. There was no significant difference between sexes. The higher of education background and family economic income, the the lower of the infection rate. In occupation analysis the infection rate(72.46%) in tobacco farmers was the highest, followed by vegetable farmers(49.53), both significantly higher than other occupation-groups. The infection rate and intensity of inhabitant lived in plateau was the lowest(9.99% and 19.49), followed by in table-land (50.11% and 39.58), and in terrace (64.08% and 55.30).Conclusisons The endemicity of schistosomiasis in Xichang region was still severe. There was a positive correlation between education background and infection , family income and infection. The infection rate of inhabitant engaged in economic crop was significantly higher than other occupation. Key Words: Schistosomiasis, etiology survey, Transmission factor西昌邛海湖周边地区居民血吸虫病调查研究许发森1 沙开友2 刘伯钊1 赵联国2 肖永富1 尹洪智2 吴子松1 邱东川1 梁松3 R.C.Spear31、 四川省寄生虫病防治研究所 四川 成都 6100412、 西昌市血吸虫病防治站 四川 西昌6150003、 美国加州大学摘要: 目的 了解西昌市血吸虫病目前的流行现状,为制定防治策略提供依据。 方法 采用三送三检尼龙袋集卵孵化法和Kato-Ktoz法对邛海湖周边地区随机整群抽样法抽取的20个自然村居民进行血吸虫病感染率和感染度的调查。 结果 检查560岁居民3415人。查出血吸虫病感染者984人,感染率为28.81%,病人虫卵EPG为36.07。 各年龄组中1519岁组感染率最高达36.02%,病人感染度虫卵EPG以59岁组最高为41.96,59、2529、3034岁3个年龄组IPC及RIPC均高;其他年龄组男女性别感染率及感染度无明显差异。文化程度及家庭经济收入高的血吸虫病感染率低。不同职业人群中,种植烟草、蔬菜的居民感染率分别为72.46%和49.53%。较其他职业人群为高。阶、梯地居民感染率及感染度明显高于平坝地区。结论该地区血吸虫病流行仍较严重,居民感染率及感染度均高。血吸虫感染与当地居民的文化程度、家庭收入有密切关系,从事经济作物种植的居民感染率明显高于其它职业者。关键词: 血吸虫病 ; 病源学调查;流行因素西昌市位于四川西南部高原山区,属亚热带气候。年均气温17.10C,年均降雨量1 013.1mm。农作物以水稻、小麦、蔬菜为主。经调查全市有38个乡流行血吸虫病,其中16个乡为严重流行区,是安宁河流域各流行县的重点。血吸虫病人占该流域病人的80%以上。邛海湖位于安宁河中游,是我省第一大淡水湖,其湖区周边4个乡皆为该市血吸虫病严重流行区。经过数十年防治,血吸虫病流行状况有显著变化。为了解当前血吸虫病流行状况及流行趋势,为制定合理的防治策略提供依据,我们选择邛海湖周边的4个乡,20个自然村的村民进行了血吸虫病病原学调查,结果如下。基金项目:美国国立卫生研究院资助项目(NIH项目)作者简介:许发森(1947),男,四川威远人,四川省寄生虫病防治研究所副主任医师,主要从事血吸虫病防治、研究工作。对象和方法1. 人群血吸虫病调查 对邛海周边的4个乡的196个自然村,按历史血吸虫病感染率分层,抽取20个自然村调查,这20个自然村的5-60岁村民采用了粪便3送3检尼龙绢集卵孵化法和用Kato-Katz法计数虫卵。两种检查方法均按血防手册规定操作1 。2 家畜血吸虫病调查 采用粪便3送3检尼龙袋集卵孵化法检查,孵化阳性再用5g粪便集卵法进行虫卵计数。结果1 试区血吸虫病的分布 应检人数为3 897人,其中完成3送3检孵化的有3 307人,三检率84.9%。完成Kato-Katz法检查3 415人,受检率87.6%。孵化阳性率为24.46%,Kato-Katz法阳性率为24.63%。感染率最高达72.53%,最低为1.69%。两种方法共检出血吸虫病人984例,阳性率为28.81%。以乡为单位,大兴、川兴、高枧、海南血吸虫病感染率分别为61.18%、30.46%、8.09%和6.11%,感染度(EPG)分别为42.29、35.86、15.12、15.71。血吸虫病感染率和病人EPG均以大兴乡为最高。海南乡为最低(表1)。以自然村为单位,各村感染率呈不均匀分布。 2. 居民血吸虫病感染率分层 居民血吸虫病感染率分层见表2,感染率50%的有5个自然村,具查出的病人数占总病人数的55.39%,且其感染率、感染度(EPG)均远远高于其他的自然村(表2)。3 年龄、性别分布及其IPC潜在污染指数(IPC) 各年龄组中,感染率均在20%以上,其中15-19岁年龄组感染率为最高达36.02%。病人EPG则以59岁组最高41. 96%。以本次应检人口作为总人口,参照Jordan氏计算曼氏血吸虫病IPC的公式2,计算各年龄组的IPC及相对IPC。5-9、25-29及30-34岁3个年龄组的IPC及相对IPC为高,40岁以后各组均呈下降趋势(表3)。按性别分组,男性感染率为28.65,女性为28.98,男女EPG分别为36.09和36.05,总体上两者无明显差异,男性感染率15岁达高峰。女性感染率40岁才达最高峰。感染度男性为两头高,中间低。女性则形成3个峰,并且一个峰比一个峰高,50岁后急速下降(图1)。 表1 邛海周边地区血吸虫病分布Table1. Distribution of schistosomiasis in the areas around Qionghai Lake 乡镇名 自然村 应检人数 检查人数 阳性数 阳性率(%) EPG Town group No.planned No.exam. No.positive Infection rate 大 新民3组 (xinmin3) 240 222 98 44.14 20.42 新民7组(xinmin7) 188 182 132 72.53 51.30 兴 石安5组(shian5) 125 114 78 68.42 59.28 daxing 建兴6组(jianxing6) 219 211 138 65.40 43.24 焦家4组 (jiaojia4) 223 192 31 16.15 20.41 川 赵家9组(zhaojia9) 180 166 19
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