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Supplementary Text,Was “tzi the Iceman” Killed in Battle?,In 1991, two Germans hiking in the Alps of northern Italy discovered the 5200-year-old remains of a Copper Age man frozen in a glacier. The well-preserved corpse, dubbed “tzi the Iceman,” was found with tools, arrows, and a knife. Since then, scientists have speculated about how the 46-year-old male died, offering scenarios from hypothermia to ritual sacrifice.,By Sarah Lve,Now a team of researchers has added another theory to the mix, suggesting that the Iceman died in battle. Thomas Loy, an archaeologist at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, led the team that studied DNA samples gathered from the Icemans weapons, tools, and clothing. Loy and his colleagues found that the samples contained blood from four individuals. Blood on an arrow found with the Iceman came from two individuals. Blood on a knife blade carried by the Iceman belonged to a third individual. Loy also discovered blood from a fourth individual on the left side of the Icemans goatskin coat. Loy says this suggests that the Iceman may have had an injured companion that he helped carry for some distance.,Using the information gathered from their DNA analysis together with forensic data on the wounds found on the Icemans body, the researchers reconstructed tzis final moments. Loy believes that the Iceman died in a boundary dispute with several individuals and that the Copper Age male received his first wound as early as 48 hours before his death. According to Loy, the Iceman shot two different people with his arrow, each time managing to retrieve the arrow from his victim. The Icemans success, however, was short-lived. He missed his last target, shattering his arrow shaft.,“He was attempting, before he died, to take apart the arrowhead from the broken arrow shaft and make one useable arrow,” Loy wrote via e-mail. The Iceman died before he could fix his weapon. He was shot in the back with an arrow and was also badly cut on the hand. Loys reconstruction suggests the Iceman stacked his gear carefully on a nearby ledge, slumped over a rock, and died. Other scientists remain unconvinced by this new theory. Johan Reinhard, a National Geographic Society explorer-in-resistance and expert on mummies and ritual sacrifice, believes that Loys theory may have “too many coincidences”. He asserts that a ritual death such as human sacrifice “better explain known facts”.,Reinhard cites the quantity, quality, and placement of artifacts that Iceman had with him as evidence that he could not have been fleeing the battle. The Iceman was found with well-made leather clothing, a finely-crafted copper axe, arrows, and a knife, among other items. Reinhard does believe that a fight could have been possible, but within the context of a ritual. “We know that people have been lured into places and killed. As an example, the Celts reportedly performed human sacrifice by shooting people in the back”, he said. Loy has acknowledged the need for continued research. “Theres more to puzzle out here. more to discover about his life and death,” he wrote.,New Words,hike n. 样品,试样 remains n. 残余;遗迹;遗体 glacier n. 冰河 corpse n. 死尸 dub vt. 授予新称号,把称为 male n. 男人;男孩 scenario n. 电影脚本;剧情概要; 想象中一系列事件的梗概 hypothermia n.体温过低 ritual n.&a. 典礼(的);(宗教)仪式(的),New Words,sacrifice n. 牺牲,祭品 archaeologist n. 考古学家 sample n.样品,试样 individual n. 不同的人;个体 a. 个别的, 单独的, 个人的 blade n. 刀刃 companion n. 同伴;同志 forensic a. 法庭的;论争的 boundary n. 边界,分界线 dispute n.口头辩论;争论 vt. 就进行争论;辩论,New Words,shaft n. (矛或箭杆上的长而细的) 杆 via prep. 通过,凭借 ;经过 gear n. 设备,装备(如工具或衣服,用于一特殊活动) ledge n. 暗礁 slump vi.沉重地落下或沉下;倒塌 mummy n.木乃伊 coincidence n. 巧合,凑巧 assert vt.肯定地说出或讲出;断言 cite vt.引用,New Words,artifact n.人工制品(尤指工具、武器、或带有考 古或历史趣味的装饰品) craft vt.手工制作 n.工艺,手艺 flee vi.逃跑 skeptical a.怀疑的 skepticism n.怀疑态度 lure vt.以诡计或诱惑来吸引;诱惑 pass n.狭路,隘口 acknowledge n.承认,Useful Expressions,belong to 属于 take apart 拆卸;分开 be skeptical of 对某事物不肯相信的;常怀疑的 puzzle out 开动脑筋试图找出答案或解决办法 Copper Age 青铜时代 University of Queensland 昆士兰大学 Brisbane 布里斯班市(澳大利亚城市之一) National Geographic Society 国家地理学会 explorer-in-resistance 居所探险家,Reading Comprehension,1) Which speculation about tzis death is not mentioned in this article? A. Hypothermia. B. Ritual sacrifice. C. Lack of food and water. D. Being killed in battle. 2) The blood samples are found from the Icemans . A. arrow and clothing B. arrow, knife blade, and goatskin coat C. weapons and clothes. D. tools and goatskin 3) The victory of Iceman was temporary mainly because _. A. he killed two enemies B. hi
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