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Unit Ten,E-mail: uibep126.com,Teaching Objectives,了解商务谈判的重要作用 了解商务谈判的基本过程 了解商务谈判的常用技巧和策略,Teaching Emphases,adapt to label preparatory oriental occidental,Content,Text Fast Reading I Fast Reading II,TEXT Negotiation Skills and Strategies,Pre-reading questions 1. What is negotiation? 2. Do you know any negotiation skills and strategies?,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Human beings are living in a world full of contradictions, disputes and confrontations. People have to negotiate to resolve some problems. More and more occasions require negotiation; fewer and fewer people will accept decisions dictated by someone else. People differ, and they use negotiation to handle their differences. To adapt to nowadays business world, it is all necessary for everyone to have a better understanding of the activities of negotiations and be able to answer the questions of negotiations. A negotiation is a process of communication between parties to manage conflicts in order to come to an agreement, solve a problem or make arrangements. Negotiation is a basic means of getting what you want from others. It is back-forth communication designed to reach an agreement when you and the other side have some interests that are shared and others that are opposed.,However, not all negotiations can be labeled as successful ones in a strict and rational sense, which means they must satisfy at least the following conditions: The outcome of negotiation is a result of mutual giving and taking. One-sided concession or compromise can not be called a successful negotiation. Negotiations happen due to the existence of conflicts; however, no negotiations can proceed smoothly and come to a satisfactory solution without collaboration between the participants. In spite of unequal strength and power on the side of one party, it should not be viewed as a success if the other party can not excise the right to the result of the negotiation, which is a show of equal right of the parties. The following skills and strategies in negotiations can help people achieve success.,First of all, every negotiation requires preparation. Preparation is an integral and fundamental part of a negotiation, which prepares parties with information critical to negotiation, equips participants with weapons necessary for bargaining and builds up negotiator confidence. It begins when people have to make decisions on the following issues: a) Objectives and targets to be achieved; b) Macro and micro information to be researched; c) Negotiation team members to be involved; d) Locations where negotiations to be conducted.,Negotiation plan framework is laid out in line with these decisions, and choices of strategies will stem from these decisions. In view of negotiation strategies, negotiators will set at least three objectives, which are desirable target, acceptable target and bottom target. Target decision has two components: preference of interests and target levels. Interests that each party hopes to fulfill at negotiating table do not have equal minds of negotiators. Therefore the first important task to be done at preparatory stage is for negotiators to decide which interests to be fulfilled first and which to be obtained at the cost of others. Discussion in this regard facilitates negotiators to make their target decision. Where the interests of negotiation parties are of simple nature and related with single issue, the target decision can be easily made. The difficulty lies in how much of these interests will be attained at the cost of others. Very often, the result will be found out with the progress of negotiation.,Information is generally esteemed as a valuable commodity in a sense that it has the power to reduce uncertainty. The more we know about a situation, the more certain we are about possible outcomes. The more certainty we possess, the less risk we face in making decisions and planning in the negotiations. Information essentially has two valuable applications in negotiations: problem solving and strategic planning. Information can reveal possible solutions to the problem and prevent costly mistakes. Information can be collected from: International Organizations, Government, Service Organizations, Directions and Newsletters, On-line Service etc. Beside that, making a market survey is another good way.,Information includes macro information and micro information. Macro information includes data on population, general trade flows among countries, and world industrial and agricultural production. Micro information includes materials on specific industries in a country, their growth prospects, and their foreign trade activities.,Studying each individual cultural features and cultural patterns is conducive to better understanding of peoples behavior in negotiations. In the process of international business negotiations, people from different cultures are divergent in practices in bargaining, information introducing, argument and making concession. In some countries, like Australia
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