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Unit 2 Forms,OBJECTIVES,In this unit, you are going to learn how to fill in and design a(n): Application Form Invoice Express Bill Bill of Lading Insurance Policy,Contents,Part I Lead-in,Part II Learning to Read-Forms,Part II Learning to Write-Forms,1. Study the following four forms and decide which form you need to fill in if you want to:,Part I Lead-in,LANDING CARD Immigration Act 1971 Please complete clearly in BLOCK CAPITALS Family name_ Forenames_ Sex (M/F)_ Date of birth Day Month Year Place of birth |_|_|_|_|_|_| _ Nationality_ Occupation _ Address in United Kingdom_ _ Signature _,MOROCCO EVERYTHING YOUD EXPECT. MORE THAN YOU DREAM.,1,2,FRE 48 370,go to Great Britain._ buy such things as beds, desks, tables, etc._ start life insurance. _ go on a holiday._,1. Study the following four forms and decide which form you need to fill in if you want to:,SPAK FURNITURE BY POST 0798-33252 . SPAK 0798-33252 SPAK Design, Ltd., P.O. Box 87, Swansea, SA8, 322F,Please tick Yes or No to these questions and sign and date the declaration.,Please send me the SPAK Catalogue. I enclose a cheque/postal order for 1.95 made payable to SPAK Ltd. Name _ Address _ _Post Code _,3,4,1,3,4,2,2. Here are some words from the above forms. Find each one on the form and then match it to the correct meaning . One example is given to you.,3. Here is some information about a man called Jim Foster. Help him fill in the following life insurance form.,Jim Foster is married and has two children, Neil and Alison. He lives at 27 Mill Road, Manchester MR3 6TH and works as a teacher in a primary school. His birthday is on 15 July and he is now 50 years old. He is about 1 metre 76 cm tall and weighs about 80 kilos.,Please tick Yes or No to these questions and sign and date the declaration.,(Mr.)FOSTER,JIM,27 MILL ROAD, MANCHESTER,MR3 6TH,1 m 76 cm,80 kgs,PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHER,1,5,0,7,?,?,Part II Learning to Read-Forms,英文的Form中文统称表格,形式多样,种类繁杂,根据具体的用途表格可以称为单据、提单、发票、单证等等。日常生活中常见的表格有入境海关申报表、入学或求职申请表、保险单、报税表格、包裹快递单等。这些表格都需要填写与填表人相关的个人信息。国际贸易中表格通常称为单证,包括国际结算中应用的单据、文件与证书,凭借这些单证来进行国际货物的支付、运输、保险、商检、结汇等流程。这些表格都需 要填写与货物有关的信息。,Part II Learning to Read-Forms,表格一般由两部分组成:表格名称和表格本身。表格名称通常位于页面顶端中央,使用与表格内不同字体、字号的文字,以示区别。表格名称一般为名词性词组,写明表格的属性、功能、所属机构。如:Visa Application Form of the Peoples Republic of China (Not for Hong Kong SAR Visa)中华人民共和国签证申请表(此表不适用于香港特区)。由于表格应用范围广泛,因此表格本身并无固定格式,只要设计者把需要掌握的信息用“行”与“列”相结合的表格形式展现出来即可。表格内部的文字一般为名词或名 词性词组形式,有时也用问句的形式。,Part II Learning to Read-Forms,表格在设计上应简洁大方,表格内文字的格式应保持前后一致。内容上一般由浅入深、由表面到内部。如申请类表格,一般先涉及普通个人信息(姓名、联系方式等),再涉及个人教育信息或职业信息(语言水平、工作经历等),最后涉及个人隐私方面的信息(如月收入等)。,Application Form 申请表 申请表设计或填写要点:,(1)设计申请表时首先应写明申请表的名称,表明表格的用途、适用人群、适用范围、发表机构等信息,以便申请人按需填写。 (2)申请表都会涉及相关个人信息,通常按以下顺序设计:普通个人信息(姓名、联系方式等);个人教育信息或职业信息(语言水平、工作经历等);涉及隐私的信息(如月收入等)。 (3)设计申请表时还应包括其他事项,如是否使用 大写字母填写,是否需要打钩还是用“Yes”/“No”等 填写要求。 (4)填写申请表时应严格按照填写须知填 写,所提供的信息应全面、准确。,申请表补充术语:,(1)基本信息 Applicant name 申请人姓名 Surname /Family name 姓 First name /Forename 名 Initials 姓名首字母 Gender / Sex (M/F) 性别(男/女) Proof of identity (eg. Passport No.) 身份证(如护照号码) Nationality 国籍 Country of birth 出生国家 Married 已婚,Single 单身,Widowed 丧偶, Divorced 离异,Separated 分居, Living with partner 同居 Number of dependent children 需抚养子女数,申请表补充术语:,(2)职业信息 Profession /Occupation 职业 Position(s) applying for 申请的职位 就职状态:Employed full-time 全职,Employed part-time 兼职,Self-employed 个体经营,Receiving a pension 领 取抚恤金,A Homemaker 主妇,Unemployed 失业 Temporary work 临时性工作 Regular part-time work 固定兼职 Regular full-time work 固定全职 Salary desired 薪金要求 Employers name 雇主名称 Nature of employers business 公司性质 Date commenced present employment 从何时起任现职,申请表补充术语:,(3)其他信息 Languages spoken 使用语言 Current address 现住址 LANGING CARD 入境卡 Immigration Act 移民法 For official use 供官方使用(不用你填),2. Invoice,43 Manchesyter Road 12243 Brisbane, Australia 726-8678-8678 Invoice 090008776 Table 12 23 June 2009 18:15,Bring this bill back within the next 10 days.And get 15% discount on that days food bill,发票的设计或填写要点,(1)发票一般由以下几个部分组成:公司名称和地址、发票名称(如Invoice)、发票编号、签发时间/消费 时间、消费细节、费用详情、付款方式、出票人签 字等。 (2)发票在设计上应简单大方,在页面上方突出位 置标明公司的标志和名称。页面中央为消费细节 和费用详情。页面下方可以写上“欢迎再次光临” 等语句,页脚位置写明公司的地址和联系信息。 (3)在填写发票时要如实详细 填写,以避免日后争端。,发票补充术语:, Invoice No. 发票编号 qty = quantity 数量 order # 订单号 sales rep. =sales representative销售员 item 商品标号 unit 单位 description 品名 unit price 单价 discount % 折扣 subtotal/ total 小计,total /grand total 总计 balance 余额 sales tax 消费税 service charge 服务费 Please come again! 欢迎再次光临! cash 现金 change 找零 credit card 信用卡,3. Express Bill 速递单,速递单据设计或填写要点:,(1)速递单据应用于国际或国内快递、物流、货运等公司, 是寄件人和快递公司之间签署的关于传递文件或
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