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Unit2 单元黄金易错点精准剖析1. 辨析:job, workMary has a good job in a bank. 玛丽在一家银行有一份好工作/职业。He has a lot of work to do every day. 每天他有许多工作要做。Can you help me find a job/a piece of work in Shanghai? 典例呈现你能帮我在上海找到一份工作吗?(2018 山东济南长清区期中)He wants to be a teacher. He thinks its an interesting _.A. jobs B. work C. works D. job【答案】D【解析】根据设空前的an可先排除A;work表示“工作”时是不可数名词,不能用不定冠词来修饰,也没有复数形式。故答案为D。精准剖析2.辨析:put on,dress,wear,(be) in如:Put on warm clothes, or youll catch a cold. 穿上暖和的衣服,否则你会感冒的。The children are wearing nice clothes today. 今天孩子们都穿着漂亮的衣服。She can dress herself.她会为自己穿衣服。典例呈现The girl in red is his daughter.穿红衣服的女孩是他的女儿。I _ myself today. When I go out, my mother asks me to _ my coat. I _ a red coat today.【答案】dress;put on;wear精准剖析3.辨析:never, always, usually, sometimesalways总是(100%)如:The sun always rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳总是东升西落。He usually goes to bed at ten oclock. 他通常10点钟上床睡觉。It is sometimes hot and sometimes cold. 天气忽冷忽热。My parents are never late for work. 我父母上班从来不迟到。典例呈现My sister doesnt like yellow. She _ buys yellow clothes.A. always B. usually C. sometimes D. never【答案】D【解析】句意:我妹妹不喜欢黄色。她从不买黄色的衣服。always总是,表示动作重复或状态持续,中间没有间断;usually“通常,平常”,即很少有例外;sometimes“有时”,表示动作偶尔发生,可以位于句首,以示强调;never“从不;决不”。故选D。4.辨析:what time,when精准剖析如:What time do you go to bed?你几点上床睡觉?I go to bed at 9 oclock.我9点上床睡觉。When do you usually visit your uncle?你通常什么时候探望你的叔叔?I usually visit him on weekends.我通常周末探望他。典例呈现_ do you usually go to see your grandparents?On weekends.A. When B. WhereC. What time D. How【答案】A【解析】回答的是“周末”,不是时间点,用when提问。_ do you go to school?At 7 oclock.A. Why B. What time C. What D. Where【答案】B【解析】由答语At 7oclock.可知询问的是具体的时刻,用疑问词组what time,意为“什么时间”。故选B。5.辨析:sometimes, some times, sometime, some time精准剖析如:Sometimes I get up very late. 有时我很晚起床。I have read the story some times. 这个故事我读好几遍了。I will go to Shanghai sometime next week. 下周的某个时间我要去上海。Ill stay here for some time.我将在这儿待一段时间。口诀助记分开是“一段”(some time),相连是“某时”(sometime);分加s是“倍,次”(some times),合加s是“有时”(sometimes)。典例呈现We will have a meeting _ next week. She stayed in bed for _.The factory is _ larger than that one.【答案】sometime;some time;some times6.辨析:both, all, either, neither精准剖析both意为“两者都”。bothand意为“和(两者)都”。all意为“三者或三者以上的人或物都”。either意为“两者中任何一个”。either.or意为“或者或者,要么要么”。neither意为“两者都不”,是both的反义词。neither.nor意为“和(两者)都不”。如:Both my father and I are at home.我和我爸爸都在家。All of my classmates are from Nanjing.我所有的同班同学都来自南京。Either you or Lily has to stay at home.或者你或者莉莉必须待在家里。Neither my father nor I am interested in your story.典例呈现我和我爸爸都对你的故事不感兴趣。(2018 齐齐哈尔)How do you like the two pairs of shoes?They dont fit me. They are _ too big _ too small. A. not onlybut also.B. neither.nor.C. eitheror.【答案】C【解析】句意:你认为那两双鞋子怎么样?它们不适合我,它们要么太大,要么太小。not onlybut also.意为“不仅而且”;neither.nor.意为“既不也不”;eitheror.意为“要么要么”。故选C。6
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