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,电梯维护与管理教研室,Chapter8 Products Test 产品检测,Products Test 产品检测,deviation tolerance bilateral / unilateral tolerance clearance/ transition/ interference fit geometric tolerance vernier/ dial/ digital caliper micrometer caliper multimeter feeler gage/ thickness gauge CMM,极限公差 双向/单向公差 间隙/过度/过盈配合 形位公差 游标/转盘/数显卡尺 千分尺 万用表 测隙规/厚薄规 三坐标测量机(三次元),Products Test 产品检测,Why do we need do products test? (为什么要做产品检测?),Dimension or function meets the requirement. 尺寸或功能达标,Products Test 产品检测,A test of the completed product is often nothing more than a contractual requirement that must be performed before the customer accepts the products.,完整的产品测试是客户接受产品前必须执行的合同约定。,Tolerance and Quality Control 公差与质量控制,1. Deviation tolerance 2. Fit and tolerance 3. geometric tolerance 4. Quality control,bilateral tolerance unilateral tolerance general tolerance,clearance fit transition fit interference fit,QA/QC ISO document system,Tolerance and Quality Control 公差与质量控制,Do you know the function of tolerance? 公差有什么作用?,What kind of tolerance do we usually use 常见的公差类型有哪些?,Tolerance and Quality Control 公差与质量控制,Deviation toleranc 极限公差 geometric tolerance 几何公差(形位公差),bilateral tolerance 双向公差 unilateral tolerance 单向公差 general tolerance 通用公差,Section 1. Tolerance and Quality Control,Deviation tolerance 极限公差,Section 1. Tolerance and Quality Control,Deviation tolerance 极限公差,Tolerance and Quality Control 公差与质量控制,One method of specifying tolerances is deviation tolerances. This dictates how far away from the nominal dimension, the actual measurement is allowed to be, so a dimension could be stated as 40.0+/-0.3mm.,指定公差的方法之一是极限公差。它决定了偏离公称尺寸的多少,可允许的实际测量值,所以一个尺寸可以表述为 40.0+/-0.3mm。,Tolerance and Quality Control 公差与质量控制,If the variation can vary either side of the nominal dimension, the tolerance is called a bilateral tolerance. For a unilateral tolerance, one tolerance is zero.,如果变动在公称尺寸的两侧,称为双向公差;对于单向公差,有一侧的公差为零。,Tolerance and Quality Control 公差与质量控制,Most organizations have general tolerances that apply to dimensions when an explicit dimension is not specified on a drawing.,很多机构会采用通用公差,用于图样中没有明确定义的尺寸。,Section 1. Tolerance and Quality Control,fit and tolerance 公差与配合,interference fit 过盈配合,clearance fit 间隙配合,transition fit 过渡配合,中山职业技术学院,Section 1. Tolerance and Quality Control,geometric tolerance 几何公差,中山职业技术学院,Section 1. Tolerance and Quality Control,Quality control 质量控制,QA/QC ISO document system,中山职业技术学院,Section 2 Dimension measurement,caliper, micrometer (caliper) Feeler gage/ height gauge/ CMM,Try to list some tool use for dimension measurement. (尽可能多的列出一些尺寸测量工具),中山职业技术学院,Section 2 Dimension measurement,Caliper 卡尺 accuracy 精度,中山职业技术学院,Section 2 Dimension measurement,Caliper 卡尺,中山职业技术学院,Section 2 Dimension measurement,Caliper 卡尺,中山职业技术学院,Section 2 Dimension measurement,micrometer caliper 千分尺,中山职业技术学院,Section 2 Dimension measurement,Measuring Tape 卷尺,中山职业技术学院,Section 2 Dimension measurement,Thickness Gages 厚度规,中山职业技术学院,Section 2 Dimension measurement,height gauge 高度计,中山职业技术学院,Section 2 Dimension measurement,Coordinate measuring machine (CMM ) 三坐标测量仪,中山职业技术学院,Section 3 Electrical measurement,中山职业技术学院,Section 3 Electrical measurement,analog multimeter 模拟万用表 digital multimeter 数字万用表,中山职业技术学院,Sentence explanation (句型讲解),The digital interface significantly decreases the time to make and record a series of measurements, and it also improves the reliability of the records.,数字界面大大减少了测量和记录的时间,提高了记录的可靠度。,中山职业技术学院,Sentence explanation (句型讲解),It allows for gathering data that support the design theory of the product, for interpretations to be made for further improvements in design so that future products will be better than present ones, and for evaluation of design evolution toward better performances costs.,这涉及到收集数据为产品设计提供佐证,为设计改进以便将来优于现在产品提供解释,为更佳成本的设计更新提供评估依据。,Sentence explanation (句型讲解),A caliper is a device used to measure the distance between two opposing sides of an object.,卡尺一种用来测量物体相对边距离的仪器。,Capital letters are used for holes and small letters for shafts.,孔用大写字母表达,轴用小写字母表达。,Sentence explanation (句型讲解),There are typically about 20 to 40 separate strips in a set, joined together by a bolt that runs through a hole in the end of each gage.,典型的是每套中有独立的20-40片,通过螺栓连接在一起,这个螺栓穿过每片末端的孔。,Sentence explanation (句型讲解),A multimeter or a multitester, also known as a VOM (Volt-Ohm meter), is an electronic measuring instrument that combines several measurement functions in one unit.,万用表也被称之为伏欧表,一种集几种测量功能于一身的电子测量仪器。,Sentence explanation (句型讲解),Product test engineers work closely with design engineers and manufacturing engineers to provide useful data for testing.,产品测试工程师与设计工程师和制造工程师紧密协作,为测试提供有效的数据。,Sentence explanation (句型讲解),It gives the company a high degree of confidence that the product will perform as the customer expects it to, and this is a valuable marketing tool as it helps to establish the proper reputation with the customers.,它使公司深信产品性能与客户期望相符,这是一项非常有价值的市场工具,因为它有助于与客户建立良好的声誉。,Sentence explanation (句型讲解),The slide of a dial
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