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,Listen This Way Book 1,Unit 1 Can I Take a Message? Part I Getty ready Part II Giving and receiving phone calls Part III “Id like to speak to” Part IV More about the topic: A Birthday Present Part V Memory test: “Oh, Theres a Phone.” Part VI Watch and enjoy,Part I Getting ready Telephone is one of the most convenient and quickest ways of communication. We can use telephone to make or break social engagements, to do our shopping and ordering, and to obtain all kinds of information. Telephones can save our feet and endless amounts of time. But giving and receiving phone calls requires quick responses, and it is very important to get exact information from calls. To avoid misunderstandings, we should pay close attention to things like telephone numbers, times, dates, addresses, etc. *to make or break social engagements: 预订或取消社会活动 *to do our shopping and ordering:购物或下订单 *save our feet and endless amounts of time:省去很多脚力和时间 *quick responses:快速应对,A. The following words and phrases will appear in this unit. All of them are related to the telephone and some are frequently used when giving and receiving phone calls. Listen carefully and study the definitions.,1.disconnected: 停机 2.an unpublished number: 非公开号码 3.answering machine: 电话答录机 4.put through: 接通(电话) 5.extension: 分机 6.switchboard: 总机 7.calculator: 计算器(有些计算器带储存电话号码的功能) 8.telephone directory: 电话号码簿 9.operator: 接线员 10.hang up: 挂机 11.Information: 问询台 12.exchange: 电话局,B. Listen to part of a telephone conversation. Then choose the best response for each.,2. a. Okay. Ill call him right now. b. Ill call him after lunch. c. Okay. Lunch time is fine.,1. a. Mr. Rodgers, please. b. Ill call this afternoon. c. This is Samuel Peterson.,a. Yes. Its 5345-4826. b. My names Craig Rice. c. My zip code is 200045.,3.,a. No. Ill call later. b. Yes. Go ahead. c. Yes. Please give me the message.,4.,a. I work for Tony. b. Its spelled T-O-N-Y. c. Thats correct.,5.,*This is: 打电话自报家门时,要说This is,而不是I am *zip code: 邮政编码 *to leave a message: 留口信,a. Heres the message. b. No. Ill call later. c. Thank you.,6.,a. Okay. Ill call her back later. b. Yes. Ill meet her at 5:00. c. Sorry. I cant meet her now.,7.,a. Ill call him Monday morning. b. All right. Please tell him Chris called. c. Have him call me on Monday at 9:00 a.m.,8.,a. Next Friday would be fine. b. Sorry. Im busy on Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. c. Sure. No problem.,9.,a. Yes. Ill call her later. No. Just tell her I called. Yes. Tomorrow is fine.,10.,Audioscript,*be in a meeting 在开会 *to reschedule an appointment to: 把约会时间改在,C. Here are some short conversations on the phone. Please listen. Pay special attention to telephone numbers and addresses. Supply the missing words.,1. Woman: Hello. Man: Hello. I want the County _ Woman: Thats _. Man: Thank you.,Hospital,38911,2. Woman: Hello. Girl: _, please. Woman: _. Girl: What? Woman: I said _. Girl: OK. Thank you. 3. Woman: My husbands broken his leg. Man: Whats your phone _? Woman: Call just _. The address is _ Modern _. Man: The _ will be there in a few minutes.,The railway station,42661,42661,*ambulance: 救护车 *in a few/five minutes: 几/五分钟之后,不是几/五分钟之内,number,82886,149,Road,ambulance,4. Woman: Hello, Id like a _. Man: Yes? What is the _? Woman: _ Heath Road, Hamstit. Man: Oh, OK. The taxi will be there _. Woman: Thank you.,taxi,address,179,in five minutes,5. Man 1: Hello, I want a _. Man 2: OK. What _ is it? Man 1: _ East _ Street. Man 2: Right. The cab will be there _.,cab,address,1120,32nd,in a few minutes,6. Man: My house is on _. Woman: Where do you _? Man: _ Alluson _, Winderlon. Woman: Dont _. A fire _ will be there in _ minutes.,fire,live,95,Avenue,worry,brigade,a few,*cab = taxi *avenue: 大街、大道 *fire brigade:消防队,7. Woman: Someones stolen my _. Girl: Where are you calling _? Woman: The Newton _. Girl: The _ will soon be there.,bag,from,Hotel,police,homepage,Part II Giving and receiving phone calls Most of the time, when you dial a telephone number, your call goes through with no problem. Sometimes, however, you are not able to get through and the reason is given by a recorded message.,*dial a telephone number: 拨打一个电话号码,*a recorded message: 电话录音,A. You are going to hear some recordings that the telephone company uses to tell you why your call did not go through. Listen carefully and write down all the telephone numbers you hear and the reasons why the calls did not go through.,3582818,4912386,5240034/7828249,2650325,3587202,temporarily out of order 临时出了故障,disconnected 停机,temporarily disconnected 暂时停机,number changed 更换号码(新号码是公开的:7828249),changed to an unpublished number 更换号码(新号码是非 公开的),Audioscript,Sometimes even when a telephone call goes through, the caller is still una
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