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Words and Expressions (unit11)1. preach: v. deliver a religious speeche.g. Christ preached to large crowds. The priest preached a sermon on the need for charity.Derivation: preacher: n.Collocation: preach at/to/about: to offer unwanted advice on matters of right and wrong. 2. escort v. go with and protect sb.e.g. The queen was escorted by the directors as she toured the factory. The police escorted her to the airport.Collocation:escort sb. (to sth.)3. rhythmical: adj. having a regular repeated pattern of weak and strong stressese.g. The rhythmical sound of the train sent him to sleep. He could hear the rhythmical beating of his heart.Derivation: rhythm: n.4. moan: n. a soft low sound of pain or grief; a complaint, expressed in a suffering discontented voicee.g. From time to time there was a moan of pain from the sick man. We had a good moan about the weather.Derivations:moaner: n.moan: v.Collocation: moan about: complain annoyingly5. leave out: v. phr. 1) pay no attention to sb.e.g. No one speaks to him; hes always left out.2) fail to includee.g. This word is wrongly spelt; youve left out a letter. Dont leave me out when youre giving out the invitations!Collocations: leave over: postpone sth. leave off: stop sth./doing sth. leave behind: fail or forget to bring or take sb./sth.6. hold out:1) stretch oute.g. He held out his hand to Mary.2) offere.g. These plans hold out the prospect of new jobs for the area. Science may hold out the prospect of feeding the hungry.3) last; remaine.g. How much longer can our supplies hold out? The town was surrounded but the people held out until help came.Collections: hold back: make something stay in place; prevent from moving, esp. in spite of pressure hold down: control the freedom of sb.; oppress sb. hold off: (of rain, a storm, etc.) not occur; be delayed hold on: wait or stop7. swirl: v. move round and round quicklye.g. The water swirled about his feet. The leaves were swirled away on the wind.Derivation:swirl: nTranslation:Smoke swirled up the chimney.烟气从烟囱里袅袅上升。The log was swirled away downstream by the current.水流载着原木盘旋而下。8. mighty: adj. very great in force e.g. He raised the hammer and struck the rock a mighty blow. She gave him a mighty thump.Derivation: might: n.Idioms: high and mighty: arrogant; haughty the pen is mightier than the sword: poets, thinker, ect., affect human affairs more than soldiers do9. wail: v. cry or complain in a loud (usu. shrill) voice e.g. The sick child was wailing miserably. There is no use wailing about/over mistakes made in the past.Collocation: wail about/over sth.: cry or complain about sth. in a loud (usu. shrill) voiceTranslation: You can hear the wind wailing in the chimney. 你可以听到风穿过烟囱发出的尖叫声。 Stop weeping and wailing and do something about it! 别那么哭天喊地的了,还是做点什么吧!Comparison: wail; sob sob: draw in breath noisily and irregularly from sorrow, pain, etc., esp. while crying 10. serenely: adv. calmly and peacefullye.g. She smiled serenely and said nothing.She just says what she thinks, serenely indifferent to whether it may offend people.Derivations: serene: adj. serenity: nSynonyms: peacefully; tranquilly11. sob: v. to cry while making short bursts of sound as one breathes in, because of sadness or feare.g. A little girl was sitting sobbing in the corner. She sobbed into her handkerchief.Derivation:sobbing: adjsob: n.Synonyms: cry; wailCollocation:sob sth. out: tell sth. while sobbingIdioms:sob oneself to sleep: sob until one falls asleepsob ones heart out: cry bitterly with great emotion12. swing: v. move backwards and forwardse.g. He walked briskly along the path, swinging his rolled-up umbrella. The sign was swinging in the wind.Collocations:swing around/round: turn suddenly to face the opposite wayswing (sb.) (from sth.) to sth.: (cause sb. to) change suddenly from one opinion or mood, etc. to anotherIdioms:swing into action: act swiftlyswing the lead: (try to) avoid work or a duty, usually by pretending to be ill13. grin v. smile broadlye.g. The children grinned with pleasure when I gave them the sweets.He grinned at me, as if sharing a secret joke.Synonym: smileCollocations: grin at sb.: smile broadly, so as to show the teeth, expressing amusement, foolish satisfaction, etc. grin from ear to ear: smile very broadlyIdiom: grin and bear it: endure pain, disappointment, etc. without complaining 14. rejoice: v. show great joye.g. She rejoiced in meeting the challenge of her new job.I rejoiced to see that she had made such a quick recovery.Derivation: rejoicing: n.Collocations: rejoice at/over sth.: feel or show great joy rejoice in sth.: have or glory in (a title, etc) 15. ecstatic: adj.
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